
  1. 孔孟仁孝观与二程知医为孝说孔子何以谓克己复礼为仁

    Kong_Meng 's Ideology of Humanity and Filial Piety and the Two Cheng 's Theory of Knowing Medicine Being Filial Piety

  2. 如果说孔子也有缺点的话,那就是他抛弃了自己的妻子、女儿,只为将他的哲理传遍中国。

    For if Chow ` s Confucius has one flaw , it ` s that he abandons his wife and daughter in order to spread his philosophy throughout China .

  3. 可以说在孔子以前,仁是指由内心而发的,对道德礼法敬谨的责任意识;

    Before the time of Confucius , Ren was a natural feeling of responsibility for morality and rites ;

  4. 你跟我来吧,小子,孔茨说。孔子去世100年后,孟子传授并阐发了孔子的学说。

    " You better come with me , son ," Kuntz said . A hundred years after Confucius died , Mencius taught and expanded Confucian doctrine .

  5. 各国朋友都说,孔子学院是一个大家庭,在世界各地有我们的兄弟姐妹。

    Our friends from other countries have all commented that the Confucius Institutes are like a big family and we have brothers and sisters all over the world .

  6. 美国国务院说,孔子学院必须申请获得美国方面的学术认证,并表示孔子学院的很多教师违反签证规定,必须在本学期结束后返回中国,重新申办签证。

    The statement said the institutes would need to apply for U.S. academic accreditation . It also said many of the teachers at the institutes were violating the terms of their visas and would need to return home at the end of their terms to reapply for proper accreditation .

  7. 如果说在孔子哲学中道是宇宙人生的外在之理,那么,德就是人把握了外在之理以后所形成的内在之性,行则是把人的内在之性实现出来的路径。

    In the Confucian philosophy , while Dao is understood as the external truth of life in the universe , De is to be perceived as the inner nature that people cultivate after they grasp the external truth and act in the way in which people realize their inner nature .

  8. 所谓的“不可为”,就是说,尽管孔子总是苦口婆心地劝说大家,引导大家,却总是很少有人愿意接受他的意见而已。

    At his word , Zilu could see it clearly how different it proves to be as far as Confucius and all the others are concerned with their views on how to behave well .

  9. 李:你说的不就是孔子发明的中庸之道吗?

    LI : Is that the Golden mean invited by Confucius ?

  10. 从理论上说,孟子继承孔子,突出人在道德上的自我实现与自我完善。

    In theory , Confucius , Mencius inherited , highlighted in moral self-realization and self-improvement .

  11. 这种思想从某种意义上说包含有对孔子思想的继承,但是也有明显的突破。

    This ideology include some theory that is inherited from Kong Zi , but there are apparent breakthrough .

  12. 从不可说到诗意之说&海德格尔与孔子论诗的纯思想性

    From " Indescribability " to " Poetic Description " & Pure Thoughts of Heidegger and Confucius 's Perspectives of Poetry

  13. 美国国务院上星期发布的一项指示说,正在审查孔子学院的学术资质。

    The State Department last week issued a directive saying it was " reviewing the academic viability " of these Confucius Institutes .

  14. 奥克兰大学副校长克里斯·特里梅万发言时说,奥克兰大学孔子学院是新西兰最早建立的孔子学院。

    Auckland University 's Pro Vice Chancellor Christopher Tremewan said the Auckland University Confucius Institute is the first Confucius Institute established in New Zealand .

  15. 它的出现,一方面是基于仕途中人修养官德、学习为政之术的需要,另一方面也可以说是肇始于孔子的中国古代官文化进一步发展的必然逻辑。

    Reasons for the phenomenon are the needs for officials to cultivate themselves and learn political tactics on the one hand , and the inevitable further development of Chinese political culture on the other , which can be traced back to Confucius .