
yǔ fǎ cuò wù
  • Syntax error;mistakes in grammar;solecism
  1. 初学者极易犯语法错误。

    Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar .

  2. 我老是在讲英语时犯语法错误。

    Very often I make mistakes in grammar when I speak English .

  3. 语法错误对我来说总是非常明显,而拼写错误也很显眼。

    Grammatical errors are always obvious to me , spelling mistakes stand out .

  4. 地方口音还可以接受,但要下大力气纠正语法错误。

    Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar .

  5. 这是一个语法错误。

    This is a grammatical error / mistake .

  6. 我犯了一个语法错误。

    I have made a mistake in grammar .

  7. 除了几处语法错误之外,你这篇作文写得不错。

    Apart from [ Except for ] a few grammatical mistakes , this composition of yours is well written .

  8. 我花了很多时间纠正学生的语法错误。

    I spent much time correcting my students'grammar .

  9. 他的作文写得很好,只有几处语法错误。

    His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes .

  10. 他花了很多时间来改我的语法错误

    He spent much time correcting my grammar .

  11. 尽管有大量语法错误,偶尔词语误用,《不可能的政府》仍具通俗性和可读性。

    Despite a profusion of grammatical errors and the occasional malapropism , " the impossible state " is accessible and readable .

  12. “欢乐喵星人”指,你在网上发现的那些标有搞笑文字说明的猫咪照片,文字说明中通常还掺杂着拼写和语法错误。

    LOLcat refers to pictures of cats you find all over the Internet accompanied with funny captions1 , typically with misspellings and incorrect grammar .

  13. xml声明中有语法错误。

    Invalid syntax for an XML declaration .

  14. 您可以使用编辑器进行修改,消除语法错误,编译、部署到UnitTest等。

    You can make changes using the editor , eliminate syntax checking , compile , deploy to Unit Test , and so on .

  15. 每当在Source编辑器中进行编辑时,您都要格外小心,确保没有引入任何语法错误。

    Whenever your edit in the Source editor , you need to be extra careful that you do not introduce any syntax errors .

  16. 系统级错误包括语法错误、空指针异常、web服务超时、数据库连接超时等。

    The system level error includes syntactical error , null pointer exception , web service timeout , database connection timeout , and so on .

  17. 现在的任务是在Linux平台上编译该程序并纠正剩余的语法错误。

    Now the task is to compile it on a Linux platform and correct any remaining syntax errors .

  18. 隐式规则、没想到的变量替换以及嵌入式shell脚本中的语法错误,都可能会引发这种痛苦的享受。

    Implicit rules , unexpected variable substitutions , and syntax errors from embedded shell scripts are just where the fun begins .

  19. 例如,当Person类被创建时,它显示语法错误是因为它的一个属性Address没有定义。

    For example , when the Person class was created , it displayed syntax errors because one of its attributes , Address , was undefined .

  20. 同学:你最好是找个人帮你检查一下拼写和语法错误,因为Word中的自动检查插件不一定能帮你检查出每一处错误。

    Classmate : You 'd better get someone to check for spelling and grammatical errors , because a spell-checker won 't pick out every mistake .

  21. CriteriaAPI的最大优势之一就是禁止构造语法错误的查询。

    One of the major advantages of the Criteria API is that it prohibits the construction of queries that are syntactically incorrect .

  22. 默认情况下,语法错误将以红色下划线显示,一个带白“X”的红点将出现在左边沿。

    By default , syntax errors are underlined in red , and a red dot with a white X appears in the left margin .

  23. 引入语法错误将会阻止有效的BPWS文件,还将阻止您切换到Process编辑器。

    This will prevent a working BPWS file , and also prevent you from switching to the Process editor .

  24. 拼写错误以及明显的语法错误会让你的简历在你还没来得及说出“Holypinkslip,Batman!”

    Typos , misspellings , and major grammatical errors will tank a resume faster than you can say ," Holy pink slip , Batman !"

  25. 没有他们的话,FC中的文章就会有太多拼写和语法错误,读者理解起来就很难了。

    Without them , FC articles would contain too-many spelling and grammatical errors , and would be harder to comprehend , in general .

  26. 随着Web技术的迅速发展与成熟,Web应用日渐繁多,然而Web页面上却往往充斥着各种各样的页面访问错误和页面语法错误,严重影响了用户体验,甚至会损害用户利益。

    With the rapid development of Web technology , Web applications are increasingly numerous , but the web page are often filled with a variety of access errors and HTML syntax errors , which seriously affected the user experience , or even damage the interests of users .

  27. PHPEclipse是一个Eclipse插件,能够强调常见的语法错误,可以与调试器结合起来用于设置断点。

    PHPeclipse is an Eclipse plug-in that can highlight common syntax errors and can be used in conjunction with a debugger to set breakpoints .

  28. JSDT还可以查找并标记语法错误。

    Syntax errors are also found and marked .

  29. 与主文件一样,编辑此文件之后,sudo会指出语法错误(如果有的话)。

    Once you have edited the file , sudo will pick up on syntax errors if any , as with the main file .

  30. 因此,基于图像光滑性和一致性的假设,提出了非语法错误的纹理图像的检测算法(如DC系数的错误检测算法)以及确定错误起始位置的方法。

    Based on the assumptions of smoothness and consistency in images , the method to confirm the starting position of error is proposed , and the algorithm to detect the non-syntax errors , such as DC coeffi - cient errors , is also presented .