
shì jìnɡ
  • Audition;undergo a screen test
  1. 她写信给派拉蒙电影公司,询问他们是否同意让她去试镜。

    She wrote to Paramount Studios and asked if they would audition her .

  2. 看样子他把试镜搞砸了。

    Apparently he made a mess of his audition

  3. 他们今天参加《西贡小姐》剧组招募新演员的试镜。

    They 're auditioning for new members of the cast for ' Miss Saigon ' today

  4. 他第一次试镜彻底失败。

    His first audition was a fiasco .

  5. 1973年,在一次试镜中,他获得了去好莱坞发展的机会。

    A screen test in 1937 won him a contract in Hollywood .

  6. 他的试镜处女作是Fox电视网由法拉利兄弟指导的的《BlittHappens》。

    His first pilot was Fox 's Blitt Happens directed by the Farrelly Brothers .

  7. 至于你,你每月参加三次试镜就敢自称是演员,但是Bob

    You , you go on three auditions a month and you call yourself an actor , but Bob

  8. 她第一次突然进入公众视野是在《巴基斯坦偶像》(PakistanIdol)的一次极为糟糕的试镜中。她在一名主持人的陪同下下台,在眼泪中结束了人生的那个片段。

    Her first foray into the public eye was a disastrous audition on " Pakistan Idol . " She was escorted offstage by one of the hosts and ended the segment in tears .

  9. 1.薇诺娜•赖德薇诺娜•赖德最近向Interview杂志的主编StephenMooallem谈到一名选角导演早期对她的事业所做的令人沮丧的评论:我正在试镜,试到一半时导演说,

    Winona Ryder recently spoke to Interview magazine 's editor-in-chief Stephen Mooallem about the discouraging comments one casting director made early on in her career : I was in the middle of auditioning , and I was mid-sentence when the casting director said ,

  10. 莉莉·詹姆斯(LilyJames)在《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中饰演克劳利家的表亲——活泼迷人的罗斯·阿尔德里奇·麦克克莱尔夫人(LadyRoseAldridgenéeMacClare);为迪士尼的《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)试镜时,她本该饰演被宠坏的继女。

    As Lady Rose Aldridge n é e MacClare , the ravishingly feisty Crawley cousin on " Downton Abbey , " Lily James might have appeared the embodiment of a spoiled-rotten stepsister when auditioning for Disney 's " Cinderella . "

  11. Jennifer在第一次试镜的时候一点都没有化妆,试镜进行了至少一个小时,Adrian花了1个半小时让JB表现出他想要的样子。

    Jennifer had no makeup on at the first casting and Adrian Lyne worked with her for at least an hour , hour-and-a-half to get the performance out of her that he was looking for .

  12. 福斯克的妻子是演员指导,也教授莎士比亚戏剧,一天晚上,她熬夜观看试镜录像,发现了名不见经传的意大利演员洛伦佐·里奇尔米(LorenzoRichelmy)。

    Mr. Fusco 's wife , an acting coach and a teacher of Shakespearean drama , stayed up one night , went through the audition tapes and found a little-known Italian actor named Lorenzo Richelmy .

  13. 嗨乔伊,试镜如何?

    RACHEL : Hey Joey , how 'd the audition go ?

  14. 但她一直想去表演,很快开始试镜。

    But she always wanted to act and soon began auditioning .

  15. 他们觉得你的试镜并不好。

    They don 't think you 're right for the demo .

  16. 好,你可能会问,什么是试镜?

    Okay . What 's an audition , you may ask ?

  17. 乔伊准备参加一个试镜,演19岁少年。

    Joey prepares to audition to play the part of a19-year-old .

  18. 那时候,你要做两次试镜。

    ' 'in those days you had to do two auditions .

  19. 我已经帮你找到了《另一个世界》的试镜机会了。

    I already got you an audition for Another World ③ .

  20. 问题16根据帕克先生,试镜是什么?

    Question 16 . What is an audition according to Mr. Park ?

  21. 这位女演员第一次试镜就展现出戏剧天分。

    The actress demonstrated thespian talents at her first audition .

  22. 我刚听说你的试镜在今天。

    I just heard that your acting audition is today .

  23. 就怎么样?我想和你谈谈最后的试镜。

    Good about what ? I wanna talk about the final callbacks .

  24. 老天,我认为你是来试镜的演员。

    I thought you were an actor auditioning , for Christ sakes .

  25. 在导演家试镜是什么意思?

    What do you mean at the director 's home ?

  26. 我真不敢相信我有来试镜这节目的一天。

    I cannot believe I am auditioning to be on Cupcake Wars .

  27. 你从开始试镜到现在有多久了?

    how Long Has It Been Since You 've Auditioned ?

  28. 他的试镜带入选后他打电话给经纪人。

    His audition tape went in and he called up the agent .

  29. 电脑验光与主觉试镜验光结果分析

    Analysis on the Reports of Computer Optometry and Subjective Trial of Lens

  30. 谢谢,是苏珊给我的。她第一次试镜的时候穿着它。

    Thanks.Susan gave it to me.She wore it on her first audition .