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  • etymology;the origin of a word;etymon
词源 [cí yuán]
  • [etymology] 语言成为(如一个词或词素)的历史、来源(常包括其史前史),从该语言成分在语言中最早出现的记载追溯其语音、书写和词义的发展;追溯它从一种语言转变为另一种语言的过程;分析拼成它的组成部分;鉴定它在其他语言中的同源词,或者追溯它及其同源词在一种有记载的或假设的祖系语言中的共同的祖传形式

词源[cí yuán]
  1. OK的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。

    The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology .

  2. 政党(party)这一政治概念的形成,与它从拉丁文词源pars进入英语世界和政治语言世界前后的演变有很大关联。

    " Party " as a political concept had been introduced into English world from Latin etymology " pars " .

  3. gratification和gratitude的词源相同。

    ' Gratification ' and ' gratitude ' have the same etymological root .

  4. 该词源于古法语。

    The word is of old French derivation .

  5. 英语中的许多词源于法语。

    Many words in the English language are French in origin .

  6. “文化”一词源于拉丁语“colere”,字面意思是“培养”。

    The word " culture " comes from the Latin " colere , " which literally means " to cultivate . "

  7. əˈhiːtəʊ]。伊利诺伊Illinois并非这座城市本来的名字,而是来自该原始单词的法语发音。该词源于美洲土著语中的“iliniwok”或“illiniwek”,字面意思是“最好的人”。

    The word Illinois is derived7 from the Native American word ' iliniwok ' or ' illiniwek ' , which literally8 means ' best people ' .

  8. 该词源自于婴儿保姆(baby-sitter)一词。

    The term comes from baby-sitter .

  9. 虽然它的词源仍然未知,但它有可能是来自法语的gaga,意思为“年老糊涂的”“愚蠢的”。

    Though its origin is unknown , it may come from the French imitative gaga meaning " senile " or " foolish . "

  10. 英语很多词源出于拉丁文和希腊文

    Many English words are derived from Latin and Greek .

  11. 的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。

    The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology.OK

  12. 该词源于一项美国研究报告,该研究显示,人们对甜食的偏好与自身的性情有关。那些笑容温暖、性格随和的女孩通常被叫作“甜心”。

    This word comes from an American research report , which revealed that people 's dessert preferences have something to do with their dispositions are often described as " sweethearts . "

  13. “沙发商务”这个词源于很多人网上购物的时候都是坐在沙发上(或者浴室、阳台等)。

    The term " Couch commerce " is derived from the fact that many people will be sitting on their couch ( or in the bath , or outside on the balcony , etc ) while they do their online shopping this year .

  14. ['litərəri]词源letter变形literadj.文学的;书面的;精通文学的词组literarycriticismn.文艺评论literaryquotation典�

    literary connected with literature a literary critic literary prizes a literary style

  15. 有共同词源的词汇的并列(如SenseandSensibility)。

    Juxtaposing words having a common derivation ( as in ` sense and sensibility ' ) .

  16. Bibobox正在开发《LittleStar》后续产品,以及教授汉字词源的系列应用。

    Bibobox is working on a successor to Little Star , and a series of apps to teach Chinese characters ' etymology .

  17. 维吾尔语i∫tan一词的词源探析

    The Origin of the Word " I ∫ tan " in Uygur Language

  18. 隐喻研究已成显学,本文对这一术语所蕴含的修辞意义与诗性精神进行了如下分析:一、隐喻(metaphor)一词的词源意义与修辞意味;

    This paper attempts to make a tentative analysis of the rhetorical meaning and poetic spirit implied in metaphor .

  19. 在西班牙语、意大利语、和法语里,星期二的词源自MARS(玛尔斯)。

    The Spanish , Italian , and French words for Tuesday come from the name Mars .

  20. 这个词源于拉丁语中的mater一词,意为母亲。

    The term originates in the Latin mater , meaning mother .

  21. 英文June一词源于Juno,即朱诺,古罗马的天后,也是婚姻女神。

    June was named after Juno , the Roman goddess of marriage .

  22. 它起初的名字是“kê-tsiap”(有研究认为英文中ketchup(番茄酱)一词源自于中文的ke-tsiap,来自闽南话,原指腌制鱼类产生的卤汁,烹饪时用于调味--译者注),起源于17世纪的中国。

    Its original name is ' k ê - tsiap ' and it started in 17th Century China .

  23. 词源:hog的字面意思是“猪”。猪呢在食物上的自私是有名的。

    Etymology : A'hog'is literally a pig , and pigs are famous for selfishly consuming their food .

  24. Linux服务器通常作为守护程序(daemon)来实现,这一词源于希腊神话,其中守护神(daemon)是超自然生物。

    Linux servers are often implemented as daemons , a word derived from Greek mythology , in which daemons were helpful supernatural beings .

  25. 本文从词源和历史发展的角度论证了英语中China一词起源于春秋时期(公元前770476年)的秦国国名秦,而非秦朝(公元前221206年)的秦。

    This paper argues from the aspects of etymology and historical development that the word China originated in the name of the Qin State in the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770-476B C. ) rather than in that of the Qin Dynasty ( 221-206 B C. )

  26. 《词源在线》字典网站表示,19世纪末,blizzard成为严重雪灾的代名词。

    The dictionary Etymology Online says blizzard came to mean a severe snow storm during the late 1800s .

  27. 这个词源自于希腊单词“回旋”(gyrus),意思是旋转或回转。

    The word comes from the Greek gyrus which means turning or whirling as the phobic avoids the whirl of traffic .

  28. Clapback通常用作名词,不过该词源于动词短语clapback,是说唱歌手杰·鲁2003年的一首攻击性单曲的名字。

    Although it 's commonly used as a noun , it stems from the verb " clap back , " the name of rapper Ja Rule 's 2003 diss track .

  29. 单词“dram”用英语翻译是“钱”与古希腊的硬币名称是同词源的。

    The word " dram " translates into English as " money ", and is cognate with the Greek drachma .

  30. 语类一词源于法文genre,原意为种类,语文中引申指各类文学作品体裁,如小说、散文、诗歌等。

    The French word genre , originally meaning kind or class , is used in Chinese for different kinds of literature works , such as novel , prose , and poetry .