
sù yuàn
  • Petition;lodge a complaint against a lower government organization with a higher one
诉愿 [sù yuàn]
  • [appeal] 指当事人受国家机关不当的处分时,依法向原处分机关的上级机关提出申诉,请求撤消或变更原处分

  1. 首相打定主意不理会一手诉愿。

    The premier set his mind against all the appeals .

  2. 恐怖主义基于对人类情绪的诉愿招募追随者。

    Terrorism recruits adherents on the basis of an appeal to human emotion .

  3. 宪法是有生命的。企业宪法复议(诉愿)阶段,有再审规定;

    There is a rule of retrial for the stage of reconsideration ( administrative appeal );

  4. 但是它们均通过对行政复议制度的司法化改造,使各自的诉愿制度重新焕发出生机与活力。

    But they transform administrative reconsideration to administration of justice , making appealing system have its vigor again .

  5. 宪法诉愿可以针对侵害平等权的法院判决、法律规范、立法不作为而提起。

    The constitution in violation of the equal rights can be appeals court ruling , legal regulation , legislation not as filed .

  6. 诉愿小组的责任是接受抗议且召集诉愿委员会和将抗议保证金交给财务长。

    It is the responsibility of the party receiving the protest to convene the Appeals Jury and deposit the protest sum with the Treasurer .

  7. 第四部分,从行政法院判例统计情况和具体案例分析两个角度对民国南京政府诉愿制度的推行做出介绍。

    In this part , writer make an introduction of the Nanjing government administrative reconsideration from the statistics of the Administrative Court and four specific cases .

  8. 大部分津巴布韦高级政客以及公职人员,例如法官,包括主审这次诉愿的最高法院法官,都从被没收的白人田产中获利。

    Most of Zimbabwe 's top politicians and public servants , including judges , among them those presiding at the Supreme Court are beneficiaries of white-owned farms .

  9. 在诉愿及行政诉讼期间,得命提供适额保证,停止执行。

    During the period of administrative appeal and administrative proceedings , the execution of the penalty may be suspended by the provision of bonds in the appropriate amounts .

  10. 诉愿审议委员会的组成成员因为1/2以上为非税务机关人士,较具客观公正性;

    Over 1 / 2 of members forming the Administrative Appeal Committee shall be personnel not from tax authorities , who tend to be more impersonal and impartial ;

  11. 因为如果有人诉愿反对我同意修改保健服务,那么明年又会诉愿反对我的议员朋友什么呢?

    Because if it is pleaded against me that I agreed to the modification of the Health Service , then what will be pleaded against my Right Hon .

  12. 宪法诉愿的审判对象主要是,韩国宪法上保护的基本权被公权力侵害时,该公权力的行使和不行使。

    The object of adjudication of constitutional petition mainly is the exertion or inexertion of public power when the basic rights that listed in the constitution are abused .

  13. 诉愿委员会以严谨和合理的责任去判断以采取行动,这将抑制任何事件扩大之重要方法。

    The responsibility rests with the Appeals Jury to exercise restraint and sound judgment in taking actions that will disturb the program of the event in any significant manner .

  14. 而韩国作为第一个将宪法裁判制度,尤其是宪法诉愿制度引进亚洲的国家,在这些年的发展中也已取得了显著的成效。

    As the first country that brought the constitutional tribunal system , especially the constitutional petition system to Asia , Korea has obtained outstanding achievements during these years ' development .

  15. 在全社会真正形成一个小政府、大社会的局面,使人民群众能够自由地表达自己的诉愿,各种申诉渠道畅通,社会和谐安定。

    In the whole society truly form a small government , big social situation , make the masses to freely express their appeals , various appeal channels and social harmony and stability .

  16. 复议(诉愿)不因应缴1/2税款未缴而不能提起,然会遭移送法院强制执行;

    Reconsideration ( administrative appeal ) shall not be prevented because of failing to pay 1 / 2 of the required tax payment , but will be subject to transfer to the Court for compulsory enforcement ;

  17. 英美法系介绍了英国的行政裁判所裁判程序与美国的行政法官裁决程序,大陆法系介绍了德国的异议程序和法国的行政救济程序,台湾地区则是对诉愿程序的说明。

    Common law system introduced the British administrative procedure and the United States of America administrative judge program . Continental law system introduced a German opposition procedure and the French administrative remedy procedure . The Taiwan area is the appeal procedure description .

  18. 在现代违宪审查制度中,作为直接保护公民宪法权利的宪法诉愿制度为个人面对国家寻求直接的基本权利救济提供了有效的机制,也对维持宪法秩序发挥了重要的作用,已经引起了广泛关注。

    In modern system of constitutional review , the constitutional petition system which can directly protect citizens ' constitutional rights , provides a efficient system for the individual facing the state to seek the direct basic rights remedy , also plays a important role in maintaining the constitutional order .