
  • 网络Evaluation value;assessed value;rating value;Eval
  1. 该方法不但解决了采矿方法的定量评价问题,而且通过变权法能够根据各评估值的大小适当调整各因素的权重。

    The new method not only solves the problem of quantitative assessment for mining methods , and variable weight method can adjust the weights according to the size of the assessed value of each factor .

  2. 从评估的结果来看,其评估值与旅行费用法比较接近,但从评估的过程和思想来看,相比旅行费用法较为合理、规范。

    Judging from the results of the assessment , the assessed value is closer to that of the travel cost method ; but from the assessment process and the thought of view , it is relatively much more reasonable and formal than the travel cost method .

  3. 在特征比较复杂的抽取规则学习中,该方法F1评估值也能达到80%以上。

    Even for the texts with complex characters , the evaluation of F1 can be achieved to 80 % .

  4. 采用统一、规范化准则,对各优化目标进行等级划分并进行不同的组合,形成FNN的学习样本集,其输出即决策解的综合性能的评估值。

    According to the unified and standardization criterion , the optimal objectives are graded and combined to form learning sample set for FNN model , and its output is the integrated evaluated value .

  5. 因此结果集中最终的评估值只有一个(NLJOIN(2)),这是符合实际结果的。

    Thus the estimation for final the result set is one row only ( NLJOIN ( 2 )), which matches the real result .

  6. 针对某型航空发动机,采用Duane模型进行了可靠性数据分析,并采用2种数值分析方法进行了曲线拟合,从而给出了可靠性指标(平均故障间隔时间MTBF)的评估值。

    The reliability data of an aeroengine is analyzed using Duane model . Two numerical analyzing methods are used for curve fitting . Evaluated value of one of the reliability indexes ( mean time between failures & MTBF ) is obtained .

  7. 根据获得的权重和得分,利用Fishbein-Rosenberg模型计算其评估值并排序,以此为依据对大庆市旅游资源的品质进行评价。

    So according to the weights and scores , their assessed values can be calculated and sequenced by Fishbein - Rosenberg model . Based on these assessed values , we made a grading evaluation for tourism resources in Daqing city .

  8. 技术资产区间价格模型评估值确定方法及其改进

    Improvement for method of assessing of technological assets interval price model

  9. 在确定评估值时,评估方法是影响评估值的重要因素。

    Appraisal method is the most important factor to affect appraisal value .

  10. 矿业权评估值与市场交易价格差异探析

    An Analysis of the Difference Between Value and Price in Mineral Titles Evaluation

  11. 其次提出了基于概率理论以及疲劳理论的两种确定疲劳强度评估值的新方法;

    Secondly , Two new methods based on probability and fatigue theory put forward ;

  12. 其一,是投资者对证券化产品评估值广泛失去信心的广泛缺失。

    One is the widespread loss of investor faith in valuations of securitised products .

  13. 企业账面资产重置成本加和的评估值并不能解除他们对这些企业是否物有所值的疑虑。

    The sum of Replacement Cost of ledger assets cannot dispel the concerns of investors .

  14. 资产评估值究竟是资产的价值还是资产的价格?

    Which is the appraisal amount , the value of a piece of asset or its price ?

  15. 试论价值、价格与资产评估值

    Value Price and Appraisal Amount

  16. 上述的方法已经可以为您提供一个足够精确的评估值了。

    The above methods can give a reasonably accurate estimate that may be sufficient for your needs .

  17. 收益法评估值的准确与否取决于四大要素。

    The accuracy of the estate evaluation value with income approach is decided by four basic elements .

  18. 最后,通过计算雷达干扰空间的综合优势程度,获取雷达干扰效果评估值。

    Finally , the synthetical predominance degree and evaluating value of radar jamming space can be obtained .

  19. 在具体的路由过程中,节点根据信任评估值选取高可信度的邻居作为下一跳的转发节点,从而避免虫洞攻击的危害。

    When finding the route , the node will choose the higher trust value neighbor to relay the packet .

  20. 如果我们设定这个脚本每小时运行一次,我们将能获得一个相当精确的排放量评估值。

    If we set up this script to run hourly , we should get a fairly accurate estimate of emissions .

  21. 欧洲的科学家找来了一些志愿者,叫他们衡量一些统计值,比如瑞士的人口密度等等。每个志愿者有五次机会给出自己的评估值。

    European scientists asked volunteers to estimate statistics like the population density of Switzerland . Each person got five guesses .

  22. 这种方法以预测为基础,在计算评估值时应考虑货币时间价值。

    This kind of method takes the forecast as its foundation and should consider currency time value in calculating evaluation value .

  23. 通过对军事系统的仿真获得对综合电子信息系统作战效能的相对评估值。

    Acquired the relative evaluation data of the operational effectiveness of Integrated Electronic Information System after the simulation of this model .

  24. 编译器选择的默认评估值是用在特殊注册、全局变量或参数标记的。

    The default estimates chosen by the compiler are used for the special registers , global variables , or parameter markers .

  25. 无形资产的价值量由无形资产使用后所节约的社会劳动量决定,但这种经济关系并不能直接运用于无形资产的估价,它只是为无形资产评估值的确定提供了一种依据。

    Intangible assets ' magnitude of value is decided by reduced magnitude of labor after intangible assets are put into use .

  26. 经过实时模型的计算后,得到三个评估值,该评估值的结果体现了用户满意度与用户行为间的关系。

    After real-time model calculation , get three evaluation value , the value of customer satisfaction and results reflected the relationship between user behavior .

  27. 但由于种种因素的影响,矿业权评估值与实际的市场交易价格产生了较明显的差异。

    Because of much influence , the distinctive difference between value and price of the mineral titles evaluation exists due to some influential factors .

  28. 如果您在查询中使用实际值,那么优化器将能够基于真实值来计算评估值。

    When you use the actual value in the query , the optimizer will be able to calculate the estimation based on the real value .

  29. 该方法的其它好处是它还提供其它评估值,可用于确定脂肪利用情况。

    The other benefit to this method is that it gives you additional assessment readings that can be used to determine a fat utilization profile .

  30. 对指标评估值采用动态的分阶段线性组合,充分考虑了被评价对象在不同时期的客观状况对评价结果的影响,弥补了只考虑当前状况易产生的偶然性结果。

    Dynamic multi-stages linear constitution is used to evaluate modulus and the developing condition of the evaluated object during different period is also fully considered .