
shè jì yuàn
  • designing institute
  1. 基于UML的重庆钢铁集团设计院MIS系统

    UML-based MIS System by Designing Institute of Chongqing Iron & Steel Group

  2. 大型综合设计院mis开发及应用的几个问题

    Development and Application of Large and Comprehensive Designing Institute MIS

  3. 加入WTO后电力勘测设计院的应对策略

    The Policy of Power Survey and Design Institute Joined WTO

  4. 以此为基础,形成了X航天设计院在所处环境中解决产业化问题的对策。

    According to these points , X Aerospace Institute has made out its strategy .

  5. 该研究同时建议X航天设计院对内部运营机制进行必要调整。

    Meanwhile , it is suggested that X Aerospace Institute should adjust its managing system .

  6. W设计院薪酬体系设计

    Compensation System Design of W Design Institute

  7. 工程设计院环境中的PDM项目实施研究

    PDM Implementation in an Engineering Design Institute Environment : Practice and

  8. 钢油罐基础(CAD)软件开发工作是由上海高桥石油化工设计院负责完成的。

    Storage tank foundation computer aided design sysetem ( STCAD ) is developed by Shanghai Gao-Qiao Petro-Chemical Designing Institute SINOPEC .

  9. C大学电信工程设计院员工流失原因分析及对策研究

    The Analysis of Causes on the Dimission of the Employees and the Study on Countermeasures about the Institute of Telecommunications Engineering Design in C University

  10. 随着我国加入WTO,国内的设计院感受到来自国外设计事务所越来越大的压力,为了在今后的竞争中不败下阵来,就必须在项目管理上缩短与国外先进制度的差距。

    With China 's entry into WTO , domestic designing institutes are facing increasing pressure from the corresponding parts of the foreign country .

  11. 经过十多年的发展,CAD在勘察设计院的应用日趋广泛和深入,由此产生的工程设计数据和文档资料也越来越多。

    After the development of more than ten years , the CAD application is more widely and deeply used in Exploration & Design Institutes .

  12. MBO与中小建筑设计院的产权改革

    MBO & Reform of the Property Rights of Small and Medium-Sized Architectural Design Institutes

  13. 介绍了一个采用B/S技术和J2EE技术结合方式开发的基于Web的设计院信息管理系统的设计与实现。采用这种方式能够使信息流转、信息发布、查询和维护更加方便;

    This paper presents the design and implementation solution of a kind of information management system for design institutes based on B / S and J2EE technology .

  14. 对项目时间成本管理通过MSproject管理工具做了优化,突出设计院项目在立项之前的项目风险控制作为规避风险的首要选择。

    Time cost of the project management through MS Project management tool optimized for the program . project risk control as a hedge against the risk of first choice before execute projects .

  15. DY设计院薪酬体系的设计对其他企业也许有一定的借鉴和参考价值。

    Pay system design of DY Design Institute may have a reference value to other companies .

  16. 介绍了齐鲁石化胜利炼油设计院开发的硫磺尾气还原吸收SSR工艺技术的特点。

    Presents the characteristics of sulphur tail gas reductive absorption process SSR developed by Shengli Refinery Design Institute of Qilu Petrochemical Corp. .

  17. CDE公司经过近45年的发展,由一个传统的石化设计院,逐步发展成长为国际国内知名的EPC(即指设计Engineering、采购Procurement、施工Construction)全功能的大型工程公司。

    Through about 45 years of development , CDE Company has gradually become a known large EPC engineering company both at home and abroad from a traditional local petrochemical design institute .

  18. 其次,目前设计院的工作平台是AutoCAD,也唯有CAD格式的文件才可以在设计院的不同部门之间传输、共享、便捷地修改。

    Secondly , the current working platform of design institute is AutoCAD , and only the CAD file can be transmitted , shared among the different departments , and modified conveniently .

  19. 具体分析了影响X航天设计院军民两用技术产业化的因素,主要有:科技成果的适产业性、科技成果转让方利益、合作单位需求、科技成果价格、外部宏观环境以及中介组织推进速度等。

    These factors are the fitness of industrialization of tech achievement , the benefit of tech achievement transfer , the requirement of partners , the price for tech achievement , market environment and media organizations ' action .

  20. 实际运作表明,通过加强X航天设计院军民两用技术产业化管理,提高了X航天设计院的整体运行效率,增强了X航天设计院在市场上的竞争能力。

    In general speaking , the industrialization of military service tech and civil service tech in X Aerospace Institute could improve managing efficiency of X Aerospace Institute ; let X Aerospace Institute be more competitive in the market .

  21. 本文还介绍了PDM项目管理中的关键技术,这些关键技术包括任务分解、任务分配、项目网络图优化、任务调度、基于WEB的分布式文件服务器系统。最后本文简单介绍了系统在设计院的应用。

    These technologies include task splitting , task assigning , project network optimizing , task schedule and web based distributed file server . Finally , this article shows the implement of this project management system in engineering design institutes .

  22. 分析了当前设计院CAD图档管理现状,介绍了一种基于网络框架的图档管理软件的功能和特点,并对应用效果进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes on the present situation of the CAD in the design institute , introduces the functions and features of the drawings and archives management software based on network frame , and analyzes on the effect of its application .

  23. 鉴于我国城市燃气介质将以天然气及液化天然气(LNG)为主,建议焊接钢管为优选,供业主及设计院参考。

    Since the town fuel gas used in China is mainly natural gas or LNG , it is suggested that welded steel pipe shall be a preferable choice to be considered by owners and design engineers .

  24. 随着建筑业市场竞争的加剧,国家对建筑市场监管力度的进一步加强,以及加入WTO后国内对建筑市场放开所带来的影响,国内诸多建筑设计院面临着巨大的竞争生存压力。

    A large majority of domestic Institutes of Architecture Designing are inevitably facing a great competition for survival as the increasing competition , greater efforts of supervising , and subsequent effects of the opening policy on the market of architecture after joining the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) .

  25. 本文主要以设计院转制而成的D公司为研究对象,全面研究D公司的EPC项目成本管理模式、方法、各阶段的现况。

    This paper mainly studies D Company which is converted from design institute . It probes into the cost management modes , methodology and the status of each project stage of EPC project of D Company from full-dimensional perspective .

  26. 西南反应堆工程研究设计院对600MWe先进压水堆核电厂(AC-600)进行了概念设计。

    Southwest Center of Reactor Engineering has made the conceptual design of a 600 MWe advanced PWR nuclear power plant ( AC-600 ) .

  27. 首先,通过访谈和问卷调查的方法对HN建筑设计院的内外部环境和人力资源管理中遇到的问题进行了确认和分析。

    Firstly , using methods of interview and survey , the author analyse the problem of HN architectural design institute which concentrate on the issues of interior and exterior enviroment and human resource management .

  28. 为了提高燃烧器的性能,降低污染物的排放,某设计院开发了新型四通道燃烧器,但在实际应用过程中存在NOx排放过高等问题。

    In order to improve the performance of the burner and reduce the emission of pollutants , a design & research institute developed a new four-channel burner , but there are some problems in practical application , such as too much NOx emissions .

  29. 为了使OPGW光缆在重冰区线路上稳定可靠应用,电力用户、设计院及OPGW制造企业对此非常关注,并进行了广泛的研究。

    For a stable and reliable use of OPGW in the heavy ice areas , the power consumers , design institutes and OPGW manufacturers are paying much attention to it and are carrying through extensive research .

  30. 在分析了设计院面临的社会、经济等宏观环境、行业结构与企业内部环境的基础上,采用SWOT法,探讨了成都市城市煤气规划设计院的发展战略。

    Based on the study of social and economic macro environment , the structure of the industry and the internal factors of the enterprise , the paper uses SWOT as a basis of developing a strategic for Chengdu City Gas Engineering Planning & Designing Institute .