
  • 网络design skill
  1. 如果BPMN得到广泛的支持这好像是可能的它将使人的过程设计技能可以移植。

    If BPMN becomes widely supported , as seems possible , it will make people 's process design skills portable .

  2. 如:教学设计技能、探究教学技能、实验教学技能。

    For example , the teaching design skills , exploring the teaching skills and experimental teaching skills .

  3. 帕尔默曾获得达拉斯大学(DallasUniversity)的裁剪专业学位—这对黄金组合的出色设计技能使其获得了“衬衣男神”的绰号。

    Palmer has a degree in pattern-cutting from Dallas University - and the duo 's technical skills have led to the nickname " the shirt boys . "

  4. 高校青年教师教学设计技能培养初探

    Briefly on Cultivating Young Teachers ' Skills in Universities

  5. 机械设计技能培训功能的教学模块

    Teaching Module of the Function of Mechanical-Design Skill-Training

  6. 高职师范专业学生数学教学设计技能培养初探

    On Students ' Mathematics Teaching Design and Skill Training of Normal Major in Higher Vocational College

  7. 如果你有设计技能避旅行及图形,你可以是一个网页设计师。

    If you have skills in lay-outing and graphic design , you can be a website designer .

  8. 目的是培养学生掌握新的学习方法,提高设计技能和创造能力。引导学生进入园林设计的思维领域,成为一名优秀的风景园林设计专业人员。

    It aims to improve students ' design skill and creativity and prepare them for excellent landscape architects .

  9. 如何在高中生物教学中培养学生的实验设计技能是中学生物教学亟待解决的问题。

    How to develop the skill of biological experimental design in the high school biology teaching is the question urgently to be solved .

  10. 从此开始,用例通常完全委托给开发人员,全部依赖于他们的面向对象设计技能。

    From this point on , use cases are normally delegated completely to the developers , with total reliance on their object-oriented design skills .

  11. 显然,在大多数课程中都没有讲授团队和项目的经验、如何与用户沟通、分析和设计技能、协商技巧以及最佳实践。

    Notably absent from most curricula-team and project experience , working with users , analysis and design skills , negotiation , and best practices .

  12. 此外,马吉迈表示,他或她需要设计技能(对某些人来说,核心专业可能就是设计)、数据掌控以及管理数字交付的能力。

    In addition , he or she needs design skills ( the core discipline for some may be design ) , mastery of data and the ability to manage digital delivery , Magimay says .

  13. 然而,我相信自身可以给这个职位带来桌面印刷以及图样设计技能,我相信你也不希望让其他公司的人来帮忙创作顾客信以及其他出版物吧。

    However , I believe that with the desktop publishing and graphic design skills I bring to the position , you wont have to hire outside vendors to produce customer newsletters and other publications .

  14. 同样根据构建好的培训方案,以自愿报名的形式选取个别师范生,对其进行教学设计技能、多媒体课件制作技能和说课技能的培训。

    Also according to the training program , I select some normal students with the form of voluntary registration , to train their instructional design skills , multimedia courseware production skills and Lessons presenting skills .

  15. 本文通过权重值的计算结果可以看出:课堂组织管理技能和示范技能的权重值最大,其次是讲解和指导技能是核心技能,教案设计技能和仪态技能的权重值相对较小。

    Through the weights of the calculation results we can find that the biggest weights is classroom organization management skill , second are demonstration skill , Interpretation skill and Guiding skill , Lesson plan design skill and Body skill weights is relatively smaller .

  16. 服装设计CAD技能训练

    Skill Training in Computer Aided Dress Design

  17. 在纸上设计的技能,使设计者与他人沟通。

    The skill of showing a design on paper enables the designer to communicate with others .

  18. 高职服装工艺与设计专业技能培养方案研究报告

    Research Report on Professional Skills Training Program in Dress Technology and Designing of Higher Vocational and Technical Education

  19. 战士是最强大的战斗者,具有专为近战格斗而设计的技能,例如盾牌猛击和防御姿势。

    Warriors are the strongest fighters , with skills that concentrate on melee fighting such as shield bash and defensive stance .

  20. 对于师范生来说,信息化教学设计的技能是他们的必备技能。

    The ability of IID is developing by training , therefore , the task will be help to cultivate the ability of information instructional design .

  21. 设计与技能并重的家具专业课程设置体系的研究&英国白金汉大学设计系家具专业课程设置

    Study on the Setup of the Courses of Furniture Major Focusing on Design and Techniques & Setup of Major Courses at Furniture Department in Britain Buckingham University

  22. 了解并熟悉服装缝纫工艺技术要求,掌握工序流程设计的技能,熟悉缝纫机械的缝纫性能。

    Be familiar with the process and requirement of the stitchwork , have the skill of process design of production line , be familiar with the performance of universal sewing machine .

  23. 所有的老设计规则和技能仍然适用。TDD能够影响和增强它们。

    All the old design rules and skills still apply ; and TDD is a powerful way to inform and augment them .

  24. 网页&设计艺术的技能新元素

    Net - Page & New Technical Factor in Design Art

  25. 高职院校环境艺术设计专业综合技能培养的实践和探索

    Practice and exploration on Integrated skill trains of professional Environmental art design speciality

  26. 服装设计专业学生技能优化与教育改革研究

    The Students Technique Optimization of Garment Design Specialty & the Studies of the Education Reform

  27. 方法1.采用文献研究法、专家访谈法自行设计身体评估技能水平调查问卷。

    The physical assessment skills questionnaire designed based on literature review and expert consultation . 2 .

  28. 高职艺术设计专业高技能人才的培养

    Cultivating the " High Skill Talents " in the Art Designing Major of the Higher Vocational Education

  29. 二是培养科学的创业技能,包括培养掌握知识的技能、设计策划的技能、经营市场的技能以及团队协作的技能;

    Secondly , it cultures scientific enterprise abilities , including the techniques of grasping knowledge , designing , managing market and team cooperation .

  30. 例如,本田的汽车、摩托车、动力电焊和舷外民动机业务都基于共同的设计和开发技能。

    Honda 's car , motorcycle , power tool and outboard motor businesses , for example , rest upon shared design and development skills .