- design manual;design handbook

The software is based on the major theory of air conditioning , and design manual and TAB criterion .
In this paper some improvement is provided for Hardy Cross program towards recent edition of Water and Wastewater Design Manual .
This system is a interaction Web application , and is something like a mechanical design handbook of Internet version .
Based on the Design Graphics Manual of AutoCAD
The paper discusses the development of inquiry system for product design handbook . The method of controlling AutoCAD drawings in Delphi application by OLE Automation is also presented .
And establishing the query database system for marking roughness by Visual FoxPro . By integrating the query database system into AutoCAD , the real-time query system which can invoke an electronic designing handbook in AutoCAD is developed .
With the second-development of AutoCAD , based on the hydraulic cylinder product stylebook of FuShun hydraulic element factory , and at the same time consulting many mechanical design handbooks thus hydraulic cylinder computer aided design come into reality .
Based on AutoCAD 2005 , using the technology of activex automation , VBA and Access 2003 , this article introduces the developing process of automatic marking about dimensional fits and tolerance , and makes the designers really leave the handbooks fully .
Value is out of York to design manuals , that
Mechanical Design Handbook Oriented Coupling Standard Part Library Development Based on Pro / Toolkit
The parameters of flash can are calculated in different outlet pressure of steam , and operation method is designed for the system .
" Arch Bridge ", Compile Group of Design Manual for Highway and Bridge and Culvert , The People 's Communication Publishing Company , 1978 .
Finally , it has been stressed that the wisdom of experienced experts is a key factor to improve the quality of Aeroengine Design Manual .
Error is less than 1.6 % , so it will be useful in engineering practice and in course of compiling handbook of hydraulic structure design .
The classification methods and the calculating methods for the stability of collapses are used by Geotechnical Investigation and Design Manual and Geological Hazards Investigation Guide .
Thereby , studying on digitization design handbook for machine fixture and three-dimensional standard library is important to meet the demand of engineering technician in digitization times .
It is found that some buckling loads listed in the " Aircraft Design Manual " are inaccurate for one case of plates subjected to linearly distributed loadings .
But there are a few of contents and no provision about the calculation of the intermittent heating load in handbooks of the heating and air conditioning design .
This paper also discusses the justification of this proposed methed compared with the method using the per unit value of resistance and reactance in the design manuals .
It can be concluded from the calculation that there are not enough load combinations to find out the most dangerous internal force in usual design manual and design procedure .
The shafts with inner and outer cones is applied widely to aviation machine , but the definite calculating approach of their rigidity isn 't given in current machine design manuals .
The formula presented in Tom3 of 《 Mining Design Manual 》 is for approximate calculation , the area value determined from which is some less than that obtained from the formula given here .
By reference , handbook , the actual production , and other investigative techniques , collecting basic data and anglicizing , the integrated model of urban water treatment works lay the foundation for the building .
In this paper the least length calculating formula of prestressed concrete hollow slabs with pre-tensioning high strength steel strand was established , that provides a basis of researching on such slabs and compilation of design hand books .
Mechanical design handbook oriented standard part library system of couplings is developed based on Pro / Engineer platform . The system consists of three elements : a parametric model database , a dimension database and a user interface .
Analysis on the roof bolt support anchoring mechanism , according to the anchor design manual and empirical formula and combined with its specific engineering condition and properties of surrounding rocks , have a stope roof bolt support design .
Circle-trough double universal joint is an important power transmission part of the screw pump , at present in our country this part basically depend on overseas importation , and there is no corresponding designing method in domestic design manual .
This paper gave a complete description about the working principle , design and calculation of the soil piles and lime soil piles of the compound foundation on the basis of synthesizing the relevant regulations , design guide and construction manual .
The process calculation method for the tube shell type heat exchanger of the conversion section of the sulfuric acid plant has been detailed in the Process Calculation Chapter of the Handbook for Sulfuric Acid Process Design . The calculation for the shell portion is quite complicated .
The paper analyzes each kind of the existed biomass briquetting machine 's the merits and the deficiencies , first find the appropriate condition through the experiment , then design a kind of new biomass briquetting machine by one kind of new theory using the machine design handbook .