
  • Design company;Design House;Fabless
  1. 把你从“设计公司”新系列中挑选来的餐具和桌布搭配好。

    Mix and match your tableware and textiles from the new Design House collection .

  2. 第三章详细描述了一个适用于消费电子芯片设计公司的SWOT量化模型,这个模型针对芯片设计公司做了适当的扩充,使因素的量化方式上和因素选取上更能贴近实用。

    In chapter III , we elaborate SWOT quantization model with is applied to CE IC design house . This model has been enriched according to the house . Then it will be much more suitable for practical use . By the way quantization and selection methods .

  3. 这些服装中有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。

    Many of the clothes come from the world 's top fashion houses

  4. PLAN是一个创立于纽约的设计公司,致力于建筑,设计,策略之整合;

    PLAN is a brand conscious design firm based in New York City integrating architecture , design , and strategy .

  5. 深圳的设计公司VI设计的创意都是于源创意的。

    Shenzhen VI design creative design company is to source creative .

  6. 在2009年,PURE中国分部被列为当代中国建筑设计公司48强之一入选《建筑中国》一书;

    In2009 , PURE is selected as the top48 Chinese contemporary architectural design institutes in the publication of Building China .

  7. 什么是VI设计公司或国际商业公司?

    What is an Offshore Company or International Business Company ?

  8. 应该在哪里VI设计公司开立银行帐户?

    Where should the offshore company open a bank account ?

  9. 是否有可能改变VI设计公司的董事一?

    Is it possible to change the directors of an offshore company ?

  10. 利用VI设计公司-现在,你能得到它,使用它!

    Uses of offshore companies-now that You 've got it , use it !

  11. 我可以开一个VI设计公司信用卡商户解释我?

    Can I open a credit card merchant account for my offshore company ?

  12. 把我搞烦了,我找到DavidKelly设计公司

    I finally got fed up and just went outside and found David Kelly design ,

  13. 答:这些椅子来自DDC设计公司。

    These chairs are from DDC [ the design firm ] .

  14. Meridian设计公司也和一些合作伙伴共同研制旗下水之星净化器的太阳能版本。

    Meridian Design is also working with several partners on a solar-powered version of its AquaStar purifier .

  15. C公司作为湖南本土专业设计公司专注于平面设计类广告服务,在湖南平面设计类广告发展中,始终发挥着积极作用。

    C company as a native of Hunan , professional design company specializing in graphic design advertising services , in Hunan graphic design advertising development , has been playing a positive role .

  16. IC设计公司最终出来的产品不仅取决于设计,还受到设计效率,市场需求和制造环节等多方面的影响。

    Not only designing but efficiency , market demands and producing procession that has effect on the final product of the IC designing companies .

  17. 与此同时,Meridian设计公司正与合作伙伴研发不同类型的太阳能水净化系统。

    Meridian Design is also working with a partner to develop a different kind of solar-powered purification system .

  18. 同时好多设计公司把VI设计模板作品放在网上下载给初学者学习!

    At the same time a lot of design work on the VI design templates download for beginners to learn !

  19. 这家设计公司于14年前由马塞尔·万德斯创立,其销售的产品出了名的古怪,比如StudioJob那巨大的极简主义纸质家具。

    The design company , founded 14 years ago by Marcel Wanders , is known for selling eccentricities like Studio Job 's massive , stripped-down furniture made of paper .

  20. 要获得客户看到我们的东西我们已经做了,无锡酒店VI设计公司看看我们的网页设计组合。

    To get a glimpse of what we 've done for our clients , please have a look at our web design portfolio .

  21. 这是来自奥德赛设计公司的Paul,他将向我们介绍一个非常不可思议的简洁浴室系统。那么Paul,具体是什么样的呢?

    So here is Paul from Design Odyssey who is goanna explain to us this absolutely incredible compact bathroom system , so Paul , what is it ?

  22. 随后,本文对笔者所在的HC水电工程勘测设计公司(简称HC公司)的基本情况作了一个简要的介绍,HC公司是典型的知识密集型企业。

    Then , this thesis briefly introduces basic conditions of HC Company . It is a typically knowledge-intensive hydropower engineering investigation and design enterprise .

  23. Richard是高级发型设计公司Saco的国际创意部主任。

    Richard is the International Creative Director from top hairdressing company , Saco .

  24. 我们人和时代设计公司就是需要规定的这些内容,不然晚巾需要你设计什么,只需要提供LOGO就可以了。

    We design and time requirements of these is the need , or need you to design any late towel , just need to provide the LOGO on it .

  25. 而C公司作为湖南本土专业设计公司,广告定价策略既要考虑到成本因素,又要考虑到市场、竞争对手、自身管理等方面的情况。

    While company C as a native of Hunan , professional design companies , advertising pricing strategy takes into account both the cost factor , but also taking into account the market , competition , management and other aspects of the case .

  26. 英国的游艇设计公司SpiritYachts去年在香港开设了分公司,伦敦的BurgessYachts公司也将于今年晚些时候在新加坡开设分号。

    UK-based yacht designer Spirit Yachts opened in Hong Kong last year , while London-based Burgess Yachts is opening in Singapore later this year .

  27. 在温泉VI设计公司房子,我们感到自豪代表极佳逃税地在加勒比海,中美洲,欧洲和印度洋可用。

    At Offshore Companies House , we pride ourselves in representing the BEST Tax Havens that are available in the Caribbean , Central America , Europe and the Indian Ocean .

  28. 2010年,他加盟经营网页设计公司的表兄弟杰斐逊·苏亚雷斯(JeffersonSoares)。

    In2010 , he joined his cousin Jefferson Soares , who ran a company that designed Web pages .

  29. 对话发生在一家时装设计公司Elektra。

    It takes place at Elektra , a fashion design company .

  30. 如果你是中介),并要求VI设计公司注册服务为您的客户一个专业(定期,请与我们联系专业中介机构为我们的特别费率。

    If you are a professional ( intermediary ) and require offshore incorporation services for your clients on a regular basis , please contact us for our special rates for professional intermediaries .