
  • 网络Device Driver;devicedriver;drivers;device-driver
  1. 这些内核线程应该在设备驱动程序的close函数中进行销毁。

    These kernel threads should be destroyed in the close of the device driver .

  2. WINDOWSCE6.0设备驱动结构与系统调用性能

    Device Driver Architecture and System Call Performance of Windows CE 6.0

  3. 只有内核和一些设备驱动是用C编写的。

    Only the kernel and some device drivers are written in C.

  4. Windows设备驱动程序为应用提供了可扩展、设备无关、一致的接口。

    Windows device driver provide extensive , independent and identical interface for application .

  5. 嵌入式LINUX上的CAN设备驱动程序的设计

    The Design of CAN Device Driver in Embedded Linux Operating System

  6. 在下面的伪代码中,这个内核线程应该在设备驱动程序的close函数中进行销毁

    This kernel thread should be destroyed in the close of the device driver in this pseudo code

  7. Windows设备驱动程序与开发工具

    Device Driver for Windows and Its Development Kits

  8. 完成了USBMassStorage设备驱动程序的设计和调试,实现了汽车黑匣子中记录的数据通过USB接口与PC或者PDA之间的通信;

    The design and debugging of USB Mass Storage device are done .

  9. 本章将带您走进Linux设备驱动的精彩世界。

    This chapter will take you into Linux device drivers wonderful world .

  10. LINUX系统下的字符设备驱动程序的设计

    Design of a Byte Device of the Driving Program in LINUX System

  11. 研究了嵌入式Linux下设备驱动程序设计方法以及系统的软件模块。

    How to design Linux device drivers are also studied .

  12. 小型医疗仪器中嵌入式Linux设备驱动程序的开发

    Development of embedded Linux device driver for small medical apparatus

  13. Linux只支持普通网卡的设备驱动程序。

    Linux only provides device drivers for common network cards .

  14. 基于ARM的Linux网络设备驱动程序开发

    Development of network driver program based on embedded Linux

  15. Linux下的设备驱动及其管理机制

    Device Driving and Its Management Mechanism in Linux System

  16. Linux系统下蓝牙设备驱动程序研究和实现

    Research and Implementation of the Bluetooth Driver under Linux

  17. Linux环境下设备驱动的开发特点,详细介绍了Linux环境下摄像头驱动的开发。

    The programming of the device drivers under Linux .

  18. 嵌入式平台上Linux网络设备驱动程序的开发

    Embedded Linux Platform of the Network Device Driver Development

  19. 应用于数控系统嵌入式Linux设备驱动程序的研究

    CNC System Used in Embedded Linux Device Driver Research

  20. 安装令牌的设备驱动程序以及相关的支持库(还可能需要来自那些“分发版(distribution)”的一些头文件)

    Device drivers and associated support libraries for the installed tokens ( some of the header files from those distributions may also be required )

  21. 然后介绍了USB接口知识以及USB设备驱动开发的内容。

    Then introduces the USB interface and USB device driver content .

  22. 二是介绍了Linux下的设备驱动程序设计。

    The second is device drivers in Linux .

  23. Linux字符设备驱动程序工作机理

    The Operation Principle of Linux Character Device Driver

  24. 在进行初始化时,设备驱动程序会分配一个netdevice结构,然后使用必须的程序对其进行初始化。

    At initialization time , a device driver allocates a net_device structure and then initializes it with its necessary routines .

  25. 基于Linux的USB网络设备驱动分析及实现技术研究

    Linux USB Network Device Driver Analysis & Realization Research

  26. WINDOWSnt设备驱动程序中对公用电话网信号的识别

    Recognization for Signals of Public Phone Network in Windows NT Device Driver

  27. USB型数码相机设备驱动程序的开发与研究

    Development and research on device driver of USB digital camera

  28. 然后分析了Linux内核的组成、工作机制及Linux下设备驱动程序的结构。

    And then it has analyzed the composition and working mechanism of the Linux kernel .

  29. 基于NT设备驱动程序的虚拟PLC的实现

    The Implementation of Virtual PLC Based on NT Device Driver

  30. Linux系统下PCI设备驱动程序的研究

    Study on the Drive Program of the PCI Equipment under the Linux System