
  • 网络Equipment matching;OEM
  1. 开滦唐山矿10m特厚煤层综放开采设备配套分析

    Analysis of equipment mating of fully mechanized top coal caving in extra thickness 10m coal seam , in Tangshan coal mine , in Kailuan

  2. 以软件构架为主、基于PC机的AVI系统以其经济、灵活的特点,已逐渐成为国内厂家为新设备配套和进行旧设备改造的认可方案。

    PC-based , software-dominated AVI systems , with the advanced features of economy and flexibility , have been gradually accepted by domestic enterprises , for the revamp and complement of facilities .

  3. 从引进的TOH系列清棉机组生产实践谈国产气流纺纱清梳设备配套

    Based on The Produetion Practice of Introduced TOH Cleaning Machines Talk about the Mating of Native Cleaning and Carding Equipments

  4. 随着该研究领域的发展,SOFC研究过程中引入了大量的计算机监控技术,但普遍采用设备配套的单机软件进行监控,且大部分软件只能进行单设备监控。

    With the computer supervising technology developing , lots of these technologies have been used in the SOFC experiment process and most of them are single supervising software of the corollary equipment in this experiment .

  5. 但是事实是RMG同RTG相比性能更优越,效益更明显,个性更突出,因此,RMG定将成为未来集装箱码头堆场设备配套的首选。

    But in fact , compared with RTG , RMG has more superior capability , more benefits and more predominant personality . So RMG must be the first selection for future equipment in container storage yard .

  6. 针对制氮设备配套FN-20Y型精馏塔出液不足的现象,分析原因,采取拆塔大修,从而保证液氮产量。

    Based on cause analysis of insufficient liquid output from the rectification column affiliated to FN-20Y air separation unit , the system was disassembled for heavy repair to ensure liquid nitrogen output .

  7. 制氮设备配套空压机的比较与选择

    Comparison and choice of air - compressor for nitrogen - generation

  8. 武隆隧道运输方式的选择及设备配套

    Selection of Transport Mode and Supporting Equipment for Wulong Tunnel Construction

  9. 急倾斜厚煤层综放设备配套技术研究

    Study on assorted technique of full-mechanized equipments for high-dipping thick Layer

  10. 综采放顶煤设备配套研究与实践

    Research and Practices of Equipment Kit for Synthetic Mining Top Coal

  11. 浅析大倾角煤层综合机械化开采设备配套

    On Fitting of Full-mechanized Mining Equipment in Deeply Inclined Coal Seam

  12. 引进喷气织机与纺部、织前设备配套改造实践

    Reformation of Spinning and Fore-weaving Equipment for Imported Air-jet Looms

  13. 现代城市公路隧道设备配套的设计和施工

    Design & Construction of Complete Equipment for Urban Road Tunnel

  14. 浅谈斜井快速施工技术及设备配套

    Rapid Construction Techniques of Inclined Shafts and the Equipment Coordination

  15. 综合机械化放顶煤开采设备配套实践

    Practice of Comprehensive Mechanized Cover Caving Coal Mining Equipment Complement

  16. 复杂条件下综放开采设备配套及应用

    Fully mechanization mining equipment complement and application under complex condition

  17. 极软特厚煤层综放开采技术与设备配套

    Top coal caving technology and equipment mating in soft extra-thickness coal seam

  18. AM用盘式刹车片生产线设备配套研究

    Matching Eguipments Analysis of AM Disc Brake Pad Production Line

  19. 薄煤层综合机械化开采设备配套浅析

    Simple Analysis to Equipment Coordination of Fully Mechanized Thin Coal Seam Face

  20. 高等级沥青混凝土路面施工设备配套技术

    Machinery Matching Technology of High-grade Bituminous Concrete Pavement Construction

  21. 单线隧道帷幕注浆施工设备配套的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Curtain Grouting Equipments for Construction of Single Line Tunnel

  22. 长大隧道机械化施工设备配套技术

    Machinery Matching Technology for Mechanized Construction of Long Tunnels

  23. 薄煤层综采三机设备配套技术研究

    Technology Research on Three-machine Equipment Matching in Fully Mechanized Mining of Thin Coals

  24. 高速铁路路基膨胀土改良工艺及设备配套技术

    Expansive Soil Amelioration Technology and Equipment Matching Technique of High Speed Railway Subgrade

  25. 刨煤机工作面辅助设备配套与安全开采技术研究

    Research on Auxiliary Relative Equipment and Safely Mining Technology of Slicer Coal Face

  26. 研制了帷幕注浆设备配套。

    Form a complete set after developing the curtain note thick liquid equipment .

  27. 金属露天矿机械铲采装汽车运输时的采运设备配套问题&选择车铲比

    The Selecting of the Ratio of Trucks to Shovels at Open Pit Mine

  28. 铁路客运专线轨道工程施工设备配套技术

    Construction equipment for track work of passenger dedicated railway

  29. 综放工作面设备配套与专家系统技术研究

    Study of the Equipments Matching Es Technology of the Top-Coal Caving Fully-Mechanized Face

  30. 60000m~3/h等级空分设备配套氧气透平压缩机的研制

    Development of oxygen turbocompressor for 60000m ~ 3 / h air separation units