
  1. 论心证公开&自由心证的现代趋向

    On the Heart-card Publicity the Modern Trend of the Free Evaluation of Evidence

  2. 论心阻抗图非线性理论的理论错误

    On the theoretical errors of ″ nonlinear theory of impedance cardiogram ″ select of heart

  3. 试论脾胃与神志的关系略论胆心相关

    Discussion on the Correlation Between the Gallbladder and Heart

  4. 论汉语心的隐喻认知系统

    On the Metaphorical Cognitive System of Xin in Chinese

  5. 论自由心证的约束机制

    On Restricting Mechanism of Discretional Evaluation of Evidence

  6. 论自由心证原则

    The Free Heart-certificate Principle

  7. 浅议我国印证证明模式下的自由心证论自由心证的自由与不自由

    A Preliminary Discussion about Discretional Evaluation of Evidence under the Verification Mode in China ; Freedom and Regulations of Discretional Evaluation

  8. 心身论与心物论是哲学与心理学的基本理论问题,是涉及心理本质的重要理论问题。

    Mind-body theory and mind-matter theory , as the basic academic topics in philosophy and psychology , point theoretically to the essence of mentality .

  9. 从督脉论治与心-脑-肾轴的思考

    Governor Vessel and the Heart - Brain - Kidney Axis

  10. 论编辑责任心的心理结构

    Psychological structure of editors ' sense of responsibility

  11. 论伊丽莎白·鲍恩《心之死》中女性主体性的建构

    On the Construction of Female Subjectivity in Elizabeth Bowen 's the Death of the Heart

  12. 从风病学说论治冠心病心绞痛及其血管生成作用的研究

    The Study on the " Wind Disease " Theory in Treating Angina of Coronary Heart Disease and Creating Blood Vessel

  13. 从络病学说论治冠心病心绞痛络病学说与王清任的治瘀名方

    Treatment on Coronary Heart Disease and Angina Pectoris form Doctrine of Luo The Theory of Collateral Diseases and The Prescriptions of WANG Qing-ren

  14. 论西方自由心证制度的理念与基础&兼论我国认证制度的现状和改革方向

    Discussion on the thinking and foundation of western free evaluation of evidence & With the status quo and reform direction of chinese attestation rules

  15. 介绍林钟香教授从“虚、湿热、风”论治冠心病心绞痛的临证经验。

    This paper introduces professor Lin Zhongxiang s clinical experience in treating coronary angina pectoris from etiology of " deficiency , damp-heat and wind " .

  16. 论《黑暗的心》中叙述者马洛的作用

    On the narrator Marlow ′ s functions in Heart of Darkness

  17. 从肾论治方强心合剂治疗充血性心力衰竭的理论及临床研究

    The Theory and Clinical Research on Treating Congestive Heart Failure by Kidney-treating Therapy

  18. 论良心的三心

    On the Three Corner Stones of Conscience

  19. 论《黑暗之心》的情感结构

    Structures of Feeling in Heart of Darkness

  20. 这种思想建立在具有唯意志论色彩的“心力论”基础上,具有提倡“个性解放”的因素,同时具有鲜明的道德决定论色彩。

    Based on the theory of volitionism , the doctrine advocated personality liberation and moral omnipotence .

  21. 论肾与“心-肾轴心系统学说”

    Discuss on the kidney and " the heart-the kidney axis and the heart system theory "

  22. 朱熹的道心人心统一论是心学道心人心思想的一个主要观照对象。

    Master Chus idea of moral mind and human mind plays an important role in his theory .

  23. 从而论示风心病心瓣模替换术后,虽促进了心功能的进一步恢复,但其微循环改善较迟和不理想。

    It suggest that after valve replacement , though the recovery of heart function was promoted , the improvement of microcirculation was delayed and not as good as expected .

  24. 唐君毅以现代心理学和西方哲学改造传统儒学心性论,使得他的心本论超越了陆王心学,具有明显的现代特征。

    Tang Chunyi reconstructed Confucian school ′ s temperament with modern psychology and western philosophy , and made his theory transcending Lu and Wang ′ s with more modern features .