
jì yì
  • memory;remember;recall;storage;thought;recollection;remembrance;bear in mind
记忆 [jì yì]
  • (1) [memory;remember;bear in mind]

  • (2) 记住或想起

  • 训练记忆的课程

  • (3) 过去的事物留在脑中的印象

  • 记忆所得者。--蔡元培《图画》

  • 视觉记忆

记忆[jì yì]
  1. 这是我记忆中最冷的一个冬天。

    This is the coldest winter I can remember .

  2. 这些饼干似乎重新唤回了我们记忆中童年时代的那种口感和味道。

    These cookies seem to recapture all the textures and flavors we remember from childhood .

  3. 事故之后他有几个星期失去记忆。

    He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident .

  4. 那天夜里发生的一切都从他的记忆中消失了。

    Everything that happened that night was obliterated from his memory .

  5. 我们一起度过的时光现已成为久远的记忆。

    The time we spent together is now a distant memory .

  6. 她十年前就去世了,但她却留在人们的记忆中。

    She died ten years ago but her memory lives on .

  7. 那天的记忆永不磨灭地深印在他的脑海里。

    The memory of that day was indelibly printed on his brain .

  8. 那天发生的事只剩一片模糊的记忆。

    The events of that day were just a blur .

  9. 这一新的发现有助于遗忘症患者保持记忆。

    This new discovery helps amnesiacs keep their memory .

  10. 这本书唤起我童年的记忆。

    The book summoned up memories of my childhood .

  11. 这一时刻将在我们的记忆中留存许多年。

    This moment will live in our memory for many years to come .

  12. 直观材料有助于加强记忆。

    Visual material aids the retention of information .

  13. 他记忆中的她依然是他多年以前认识的那个活泼的少女。

    He still remembered her as the lively teenager he 'd known years before .

  14. 他的短时记忆越来越差了。

    His short-term memory is failing .

  15. 记忆是身份的一个重要构成部分。

    Memory is constitutive of identity .

  16. 记忆有选择性而且会出错。

    Memory is selective and fallible .

  17. 老年人的问题之一是记忆可能紊乱起来。

    One of the problems of old age is that your memory can start to play tricks on you .

  18. 天空中穹顶与尖塔的轮廓深深刻在了我的记忆中。

    The skyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory

  19. 关于那个晚上的影像和记忆在她脑海中一一闪现。

    Images and memories of the evening flitted through her mind .

  20. 本·布兰特利的那篇关于伊恩·麦凯伦爵士的文章唤起了许多记忆。

    Ben Brantley 's article on Sir Ian McKellen rekindled many memories

  21. 记忆中,小溪第一次干涸了。

    Streams had run dry for the first time in memory .

  22. 醉酒影响记忆、思考、语言与协调性。

    Intoxication interferes with memory and thinking , speech and coordination .

  23. 拥有一座藏满了珍贵记忆的宝库真是令人欣慰。

    It is comforting to have a storehouse of treasured memories .

  24. 通过讲述自己记忆中的故事,她把逝去的岁月变得生动起来。

    She made history come alive with tales from her own memories

  25. 我已经不是他记忆中那个似乎永远快乐无忧的人了。

    I 'm no longer the apparently eternally cheerful chappy he remembers

  26. 他对自己住院的4个星期没有任何有意识的记忆。

    He had no conscious memory of his four-week stay in hospital

  27. 他漫长的一生充满了关于个人生活和政治生涯的苦涩记忆。

    His long life was marked by bitter personal and political memories .

  28. 这种疾病的一个显著症状就是记忆逐渐丧失。

    One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory .

  29. 他沉湎于过去的记忆。

    He had clung to the remembrance of things past .

  30. 这些强迫性念头变得无时不在,以至影响到了她的记忆。

    The obsessive thoughts became so omnipresent that her memory was affected .