
  • 网络memory decay
  1. 网络调查显示,记忆力下降困扰越来越多的上班族,有15.96%的上班族感觉记忆力衰退。

    An Internet survey shows that the decline of memory has disturbed many office workers , with 15.96 % of them perceiving impaired2 memory .

  2. 结果主要临床表现为偏头痛、记忆力下降,头部MRI检查可见皮质下梗死、脑白质变性;

    Results The main clinical manifestations were migraine and poor memory . The cerebral MRI showed subcortical white matter infarct and leukoencephalopathy .

  3. 此外,老年COPD患者因呼吸困难导致运动能力下降及其记忆力下降,使其不能很好地理解、记忆和配合各项复杂的运动。

    In addition , the breathing difficulties of elderly patients with COPD led to their decline in exercise capacity and memory decline . So that they can not very well understood , remembered a variety of complex movement .

  4. 问题23:是什么导致了参与者的记忆力下降?

    Question23 . What contributed to memory decline in the participants ?

  5. 胆碱的缺乏会导致记忆力下降和精神涣散。

    A lack of choline can cause impairment of memory and concentration .

  6. 老年性痴呆是指脑功能下降的一种状态,特别是记忆力下降。

    Dementia is a condition of declining mental abilities , especially memory .

  7. 吸烟加速中年人记忆力下降

    Smoking Speeds Up Memory Loss in Middle Age

  8. 音乐治疗氯氮平所致记忆力下降的对照研究

    Effect of music treatment on memory decrease of patients with schizophrenia caused by clozapine

  9. 左侧纹状体内侧损伤导致记忆力下降:1例报告

    Memory descent caused by injury in the inside of left neostriatum : one case report

  10. 研究表明:记忆力下降是正常的

    Research : Memory Lapses Are Normal

  11. 缺觉可能导致人表现不佳、记忆力下降、信息处理能力不足。

    A lack of sleep may lead to poor performance , memory and difficulty processing information .

  12. 并发症:偏瘫加重1例,无菌性脑膜炎3例,记忆力下降4例,无手术死亡。

    Complications of surgery including hemiplegia in 1 case , aseptic meningitis in 3 cases , and memory deficits in 3 cases .

  13. 后加速期,每多接受1年正规教育,记忆力下降速率增加0.10。

    Post-acceleration , the rate of memory decline was increased by 0.10 points per year for each year of additional formal education .

  14. 一般说来,睡眠剥夺会导致个体动机减弱、易激惹、注意力下降、记忆力下降、学习能力下降等等。

    Anyway , sleep deprivation can make people be less motive , easier angry , and damage attention , memory and learning ability .

  15. 甲减患者常伴有中枢神经系统的损害,如记忆力下降、抑郁、焦虑。

    Clinical observations have shown that hypothyroidism may associate with both neurological and behavioral abnormalities , such as impaired memory , depression and anxiety .

  16. 7例患者出现中枢神经系统损害症状,以兴奋、易激惹、记忆力下降、反应迟钝、精神障碍为突出表现;

    The central nerve system impaired was found in 7 patients and their notable symptoms were excitation , irritation , memory impairment and mental disorders .

  17. 在获得确诊时,54.9%的患者有不同程度的记忆力下降,智力减退或反应迟钝。

    Meanwhile , 54.9 % patients had undergone memory loss , intelligence retardation and reaction bluntness at the time when their conditions were confirmed as insulinoma .

  18. 他们报告微小逐渐的记忆力下降被发现存在纤维丛,当路易小体和中风将逐渐记忆力下降的速率加倍时。

    They report that minimal gradual memory declines were seen in the absence of tangles , while Lewy bodies and strokes doubled the rate of gradual memory loss .

  19. 由此强化了这样一种观念:与年龄有关的记忆力下降是另外一码事;同时表明,尽管黄烷醇或许可以延缓正常的记忆力衰退,但对阿尔茨海默氏病患者而言可能并不管用。

    That reinforces the idea that age-related memory decline is different and suggests that flavanols might not help Alzheimer 's , even though they might delay normal memory loss .

  20. 华盛顿路透社消息,法国研究人员周一称,老年妇女每天饮用三杯以上的咖啡,可有助于减缓与年龄有关的记忆力下降。

    WASHINGTON ( Reuters ) - Drinking more than three cups of coffee a day helped protect older women against some age-related memory decline , French researchers said on Monday .

  21. 神经退行性疾病是一类由脑内特定区域神经元发生渐进性退变而引发的慢性神经系统疾病并伴有感觉丧失、运动失调、记忆力下降和认知障碍等症状。

    Neurodegenerative diseases are chronic disorders caused by the progressive deterioration of certain neurons , including loss of sensation , motor control , and memory as well as cognitive impairment .

  22. 结论1.海勤人员承受的压力反应是以生理反应和心理反应为主,主要表现为吸烟增多、感到疲劳、记忆力下降、睡眠不佳、注意力不集中。

    Sea diligent staff stress reaction is a physiological and psychological reaction is given priority to , main show is smoking increased , fatigue , memory loss , poor sleep , concentration .

  23. 所以如果你的孩子夜间打鼾,并有上课注意力不集中,嗜睡,记忆力下降,学习成绩差,首先要到耳鼻咽喉科检查鼻咽及扁桃体。

    So if your child snoring at night , and concentration in class , sleepiness , decreased memory , poor academic performance , we should first check to the otorhinolaryngology and nasopharyngeal tonsil .

  24. 结果52例患者减重后鼾声、嗜睡评分、憋气、憋醒、记忆力下降、全身不适、胸闷、心悸症状均有改善。

    Results After weight loss treatment , 52 patients had obvious improvement in the snoring , sleepiness score , apnea , arousal , declined memory , general malaise , chest distress and palpitation .

  25. 对记忆力下降、认知功能障碍者,尽早进行认知功能训练,以提高患者认知功能,改善记忆力;

    The cognitive function training adapted to those patients who had the decreased faculty of memory and the cognitive disorder in the early stage so as to improve their cognitive function and enhance their memory .

  26. 临床运用中发现能改善夜尿频多,腰膝酸软,眩晕,耳鸣,记忆力下降,老年斑等衰老症状,临床检验证实对肾功能确有一定的防护作用。

    This recipes can improve many decline-symptoms in clinical practice , such as : polyuria at night , ache and weakness of the lumbus and knees , vertigo and tinnitus , failing memory , senile plaque , and so on .

  27. 结果(1)接触噪声作业工人可有类神经症,其中耳鸣(P<0.01)和记忆力下降(P<0.05)主诉率较对照组高。

    Results ( 1 ) Neurasthenic Syndrome has been found among exposed weavers , the rates of principle complains about tinnitus ( P < 0.01 ) and bad memory ( P < 0.05 ) were much higher than the controls ;

  28. 反对取消英文课的人认为小学时学习外语的最佳年龄,当人们长大,年龄会让记忆力下降,处理信息的能力也会减缓。

    People who against cancel English class hold the opinion that the best age of learning foreign language is in primary school , when people are getting old , age-related declines in memory and the ability to process information quickly .

  29. 变老有太多恼人和糟糕的事情:身体变差,记忆力下降,没完没了地重复个人的过去,并且只有你一个听众。

    There is a lot that is annoying , and even terrible , about aging . The creakiness of the body ; the drifting of the memory ; the reprising of personal history ad nauseam , with only yourself to listen .

  30. 长期处于噪声污染环境会使人出现耳聋、视力下降、记忆力下降、失眠、浑身无力等症状,严重的还会出现高血压、心脏病、抑郁症、精神系统疾病、内分泌紊乱等。

    In the long-term noise pollution of the environment will make people deaf , decreased visual acuity , memory loss , insomnia , debilitating symptoms , sometimes serious hypertension , heart disease , depression , mental disorders , endocrine disorders and other .