
  • 网络cognitive model;cognitive patterns;cognitive style
  1. 意象图式是人类的基本认知模式。

    Image schema is the basic cognitive model of human perception .

  2. 言语交际的认知模式从图式理论看语篇加工中的动态认知模式

    A Study of the Dynamic Cognitive Model of Discourse Processing in Schema Theory

  3. 试论CP和PP的认知模式

    Toward a Model for the Understanding of CP & PP

  4. AI中的某些改变还来源于适应性或认知模式。

    Some of the changes in AI could also come from adaptive learning or pattern recognition .

  5. ACT认知模式对人脑如何组织和归纳输入的语言信息以及如何对它们进行合理的推断和预测等一系列问题提供了极有启发意义的理论依据。

    Andersons cognitive theory of ACT contributes quite a lot to the implicational theory as how the language input is organized and induced and how to make a reasonable hypothesis and prediction thereby .

  6. 目的研究老年男性雄激素部分缺乏综合征(PartialAndrogenDeficiencyintheAgingMale,PADAM)患者唾液睾酮分泌模式及其与抑郁严重程度、病理认知模式的关系。

    Objective To elucidate the association between salivary testosterone secretion mode , seriousness of depression , and pathological cognition mode in patients with partial androgen deficiency in the aging male ( PADAM ) .

  7. 方法采取放射免疫检验法测验唾液睾酮浓度,以《抑郁自评量表》(SDS)和《功能失调性态度问卷》(DAS)评估患者的抑郁严重程度和病理认知模式。

    Methods The concentration of salivary testosterone was measured by using radioimmunoassay , and the seriousness of depression and pathological cognition mode were evaluated by self-rating depression scale ( SDS ) and dysfunctional attitudes scale ( DAS ) .

  8. 根据Lakoff的概念隐喻理论,笔者认为可以利用这种认知模式帮助语言学习者更好地理解和掌握跨领域映射这种思维方式。

    According to Lakoff 's theory of conceptual metaphor , the writer finds we can apply this cognitive mode to shape the language learners ' minds to understand and acquire the cross-domain mapping .

  9. 建立了无限合作博弈类型下的合作意愿度(DWC)运算模型,目的是研究博弈者不同的认知模式将会对博弈者的DWC值和收益率产生怎样的影响;

    Based on the concept of willingness to cooperate ( DWC ), the paper construct the normal condition DWC model for infinite cooperating games .

  10. 从调查到的照片中选取样本,以SD法制定调查问卷,根据问卷所反馈的数据,运用因子分析,得出各样本的评价曲线及空间认知模式。

    The samples are chosen from the photos gotten in the investigation , and are made in questionnaires according to SD . Through the factor analysis of the data from questionnaires , the assessment curve of the samples is drawn , and space coordinates is concluded .

  11. 将模糊集合论引入语义范畴的原型研究,为描述语义的原型结构提供了形式化模型,但Lakoff认为该方法无法阐释范畴的原型效应,他提出用“理想化认知模式”阐释原型范畴模式。

    Applying the fuzzy set theory to prototypical studies of semantic categories results in formalized descriptions of prototype structures . Lakoff , however , holds that this method cannot satisfactorily interpret the prototypical effect of categories .

  12. Lakoff的理想认知模式,即ICMs,被广泛应用于认知研究,尤其是借代的认知研究。

    Lakoff 's Idealized Cognitive Models , or ICMs , are widely applied in cognitive studies , particularly in the cognitive study of metonymy , with few scholars raising criticism on them .

  13. 课堂互动(课堂话语)研究一直主要沿用信息加工或认知模式,例如具有代表性的I.R.F课堂话语语步(Sinclair&Coulthard,1975;Mehan,1979)。

    Research on classroom interaction ( classroom discourse ) has predominantly been information-processing or cognitive in orientation , such as the representative model of Initiation Response Follow-up sequence ( Sinclair and Coulthard , 1975 ; Mehan , 1979 ) .

  14. 中西方的认知模式与医学研究传统

    Different cogitating models and medical traditions between China and Western world

  15. 一个基于系统论的道德认知模式

    A Mode of Moral Cognition Based on the Theory of System

  16. 博弈者认知模式与合作意愿度分析

    Analysis on relationship between player perception style and willingness to cooperate

  17. 策略学习的元认知模式及对英语教学的启示

    Metacognitive Model of Strategic Learning and Its Hint to English Teaching

  18. 隐喻认知模式在古典诗词中的运用

    The Application of Patterns of Metaphor and Recognition in Classical Poets

  19. 语言是一个民族认知模式的最根本的反映。

    Language is a most fundamental reflection of people recognized pattern .

  20. 交互式遥感影像解译认知模式研究

    Interactive Interpretation Pattern of RS Images Based on Cognition Science

  21. 语块理论符合人类对语言的认知模式。

    Language chunk theory conforms to human beings'language recognition mode .

  22. 人们持有的不同内隐人格理论导致他们不同的社会认知模式和行为反应方式。

    Different implicit personality theories cause different social cognitive patterns and different reactions .

  23. 理想化认知模式能够较好地解释转移句这一语义层次上的句子类别。

    ICMs can account well for transfer sentence category .

  24. 增加价值论:知识产权正当性的一种认知模式

    Theory of Incremental Value : A Recognization Model of Justness of Knowledge Property

  25. 话语的认知模式与翻译的文本建构

    A Textual-Cognitive Model and the Textual Construction in Translation

  26. 32例学校恐怖症认知模式与行为应对模式总结

    Summary of Cognitive Modes and Behavioral Reply Modes about 32 School Phobia Patients

  27. 需要干预经济关系论&一种经济法的认知模式

    A Proposition of Needs Interfering In the Economic Relations

  28. 每种文化都有其特定的理想认知模式。

    Every culture has its own unique Idealised Cognitive Model ( ICM ) .

  29. 语言中的隐喻则是一种重要的认知模式,是新的语言产生的根源。

    Metaphor is one kind of important cognitive pattern .

  30. 心理干预能改变病人的认知模式、使其人格得到改善,阻止其社会功能的缺损。

    The psychological intervention improves cognitive schema , personalty , and society function .