
dìng kǒu
  • binding edge
订口[dìng kǒu]
  1. 内白边:在书本制作上,内文书页上介乎印纹和订口间的空白部份。

    Back margin : In book work , the white space of a page between the printed image and the binding edge . In some occasion , " back " is simply used to mean back margin .

  2. “某位老人刚刚去世,我得去帮他订口棺材。”

    " Old man so-and-so just died and I have to go to order a coffin for him . "

  3. 双线圈装:用连续的双圈铁丝绕穿过打在书本订口的方孔而成的一种活页装。

    Wire-o binding : A method of loose-leaf binding in which a continuous double loop of wire runs through punched slots along the binding side of a booklet .