
  • 网络Analytic signal;analysis signal
  1. 首先,在频域定义广义Hilbert变换,利用广义Hilbert变换来构造新的广义解析信号。

    Firstly , generalized Hilbert transform is defined in the frequency domain , and it can be used to construct a new kind of analytic signal & generalized analytic signal .

  2. 另外研究了STFT在基于基带解析信号的跳频信号识别、跟踪、以及参数提取中的应用。

    In addition the application of STFT for base band analytic signal based frequency hopping signal recognition 、 tracking and parameter extraction is investigated .

  3. 基于解析信号处理的下变频系统FPGA实现与天文应用

    The FPGA Realization of a DDC System Based on Analytical-signal Processing and Its Application in Astronomy

  4. 关于解析信号的研究,本文主要以分频Gabor变换、Hilber变换和小波变换为主要研究内容。

    The paper is mainly discuss the Gabor transform , Hilbert transform and wavelet transform .

  5. GeraldKaiser首度提出了物理小波的概念,并通过解析信号变换将这一概念拓展到Hilbert空间。然而G.尝试物理小波处理实际数据及性质;

    The conception of ' physical wavelets ' was first introduced by Gerald Kaiser , who had expended real signal to complex Hilbert space by analytic signal transform . Physical wavelets are used to analyze practical signal acquired by experiments .

  6. 为了满足软件无线电电台中通用波形库的设计要求,研究了软件无线电中FM波形的数字化解调,分析了用坐标旋转数字计算机(CORDIC)算法,计算FM基带解析信号相位的过程。

    In order to meet the requirement of general waveform programming in software defined radio , digitalized demodulation of FM waveform was studied . The CORDIC ( coordinate rotation digital computer ) algorithm for calculating phase of FM baseband analytic signal was analyzed .

  7. 采用经验模态分解方法(EMD)将结构响应信号分解成几个单分量信号,借助Hilbert变换,将单分量信号变换为解析信号,通过对解析信号相位的微分,定义了瞬时频率(IF)。

    Using empirical mode decomposition ( EMD ) technology , the response signal of structure vibration is decomposed into several mono-component signals which become analytic signal by means of Hilbert transform . The phase differentiation of the analytic signals is defined as instantaneous frequency ( IF ) .

  8. 基于解析信号和带通滤波的频率细化分析

    ZOOM FFT Technology Based on Analytic Signal and Band Pass Filter

  9. 解析信号法在通信系统模拟中的应用

    The Application of Analytic Signal Approach in Simulation of Communication Systems

  10. 单演信号是首个旋转不变的二维解析信号。

    The monogenic signal is the first rotation invariant two-dimensional analytic signal .

  11. 增强解析信号技术的应用条件

    The application conditions of the technique for the enhancement of analytic signals

  12. 解析信号几个重要性质的探讨

    An approach to some important properties of analytic signals

  13. 基于解析信号的小波变换及其应用

    Wavelet Transform Based on Analytic Signal and Its Application

  14. 应用解析信号和小波分析对变压器局部放电信号进行处理。

    Application of wavelet analysis and analytic signal transformer partial discharge signals are processed .

  15. 基于分数希尔伯特变换的广义解析信号

    Generalized Analytic Signal Based on Fractional Hilbert Transform

  16. 解析信号的瞬时相位与原始信号的等价关系

    The relation (?) The Equivalent Between Instantaneous Phase of Analytic Signal and Initial Signal

  17. 基于矢量旋转的广义解析信号

    Generalized Analytic Signal Based on Vector Rotation

  18. 解析信号分析在探地雷达成像中的应用

    Analytic signal analysis in ground-penetrating radar imaging

  19. 用三维解析信号技术处理华南航磁异常

    The application of 3-D analytical signal technique to the treatment of aeromagnetic anomalies in South China

  20. 多分量瑞利波勘探用解析信号法提取有效波的研究

    Study on the extraction of effective wave using analytic signal method in multicomponent Rayleigh wave exploration

  21. 三维解析信号法

    - D analytic signal method

  22. 洛仑兹脉冲光束的复振幅包络解和复解析信号解的比较研究

    Comparison of Lorentz pulsed beams obtained by using complex amplitude envelope representation and complex analytic signal representation

  23. 二是在计算解析信号过程中,给出了以任意帧移间隔的时域递推算法,进一步减少了实时算法的计算量。

    Deducing a time domain recursive algorithm for the computation of analytic signals accurately with any frame shift interval .

  24. 从矢量旋转的角度出发,来考察实信号的复数形式,特别是新的解析信号的构造问题。

    Topics on construction of Complex representation , especially analytic signal of real signal are studied from the viewpoint of vector rotation .

  25. 在这个平台上对短波信号射频数字化,然后进行数字变频,获得宽带基带解析信号。

    In the platform , the short wave signal is digitalized in the radio frequency band and converted into the analytical baseband signal .

  26. 试样越多,峰顶温度向高温方向偏移,但外推起始温度不变;高维解析信号的外推

    The more sample is the more the peak temperature deviates to high temperature , but extrapolated onset temperature is constant . Multidimensional Analytic Signal extrapolation

  27. 使用复解析信号法研究了束宽与频率无关的超短脉冲贝塞尔-高斯光束在自由空间的传输特性。

    Using a complex analytical signal representation , the free-space propagation properties of ultrashort pulsed Bessel-Gauss beams whose waist width is independent of frequency are studied .

  28. 介绍了一种基于解析信号和带通滤波的频率细化分析技术,讨论了其和传统的频率细化分析技术相比较所具有的特点。

    This paper deals on the method of ZOOM FFT based on analytic signal and band pass filter , which is different from other methods of ZOOM FFT .

  29. 计算结果表明当脉冲光束存在啁啾时,啁啾量越大,复振幅包络解的奇异点位置离光束中心越近,而复解析信号解在任意大小啁啾的情况下都不存在奇异性。

    The results indicate that singularity of the CAE solution closer to the central with larger chirp and the CAS solution doesn 't present singularity with any chirp .

  30. 因此,窄带脉冲光束可以采用复振幅包络和复解析信号两种表示式来研究,而对于宽带脉冲光束,必须采用严格的复解析信号表示式。

    It is concluded that both of the representations are applicable to study narrowband pulse , but for broadband pulse only rigorous complex analytical signal representation should be adopted .