
yào dào
  • thoroughfare
要道 [yào dào]
  • [thoroughfare] 重要的道路;最切要的道理

  • 交通要道

要道[yào dào]
  1. 九江是连接长江南北的要道。

    Jiujiang is the thoroughfare connecting Yangtze River 's north and south .

  2. 中西文化正是通过这条交通要道进行着传播和交流。

    Chinese and Westerners must pass through this thoroughfare to carry out transmission and exchange of culture .

  3. 必须警告孩子们远离交通要道。

    Children must be warned to stay away from main roads

  4. 大雨在一夜之间冲毁了三条要道。

    Heavy rain washed out three important roads overnight .

  5. 铁路运输已经无限期地关闭,部队已经驻守在一些关键的交通要道,信息部长告诉CNN,移动电话网络一夜之后就会关闭。

    Rail service has been shut down indefinitely , troops have been posted at key intersections and the Information Ministry told CNN that mobile phone networks would be shut down overnight .

  6. 哈蒙德今日将在华盛顿与美国国防部长利昂帕内塔(leonpanetta)举行首次会晤,届时他将发表讲话,称“保持全球贸易要道的自由、开放和畅通”符合所有国家的利益。

    As he prepares to hold his first meeting in Washington today with Leon Panetta , US defence secretary , Mr Hammond will say in a speech it is in the interests of all nations " that the arteries of Global trade are kept free , opening and running " .

  7. 那么我们的伙计要道什么歉?

    So what 's our guy want to apologize for ?

  8. 兰州市交通要道颗粒物污染状况及其致突变活性的研究

    Pollution status and mutagenicity of particles in heavy traffic road of Lanzhou

  9. 斯特兰德大街是伦敦最热闹的要道之一。

    The strand is one of london 's busiest thoroughfares .

  10. 曾一度是亚洲地区的要道

    these were once some of the most important highways in Asia ,

  11. 看样子我会要道几次歉了。

    Guess I have a few apologies to make .

  12. 直布罗陀海峡是地中海的咽喉要道。

    Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean Sea .

  13. 其次,家庭位置处于交通要道。

    Then , the location of family should be in the transport arteries .

  14. 库尔勒市历史悠久,是古丝绸之路的咽喉要道。

    Korla City has a long history of the ancient Silk Road routes throat .

  15. 但小股抗议者仍在几条交通要道上安营扎寨,堵住了这些道路。

    But smaller groups have set up camps to keep several main roads blocked .

  16. 至伍斯特的要道被洪水淹没,我们必须绕道。

    The main road to Worcester was flooded and we had to go round .

  17. 各大要道都设了路障。

    We have roadblocks on every major artery .

  18. 噢,是的,我要道个歉

    Yeah , I 've got an apology .

  19. 长江是中国的交通要道之一。

    The Yangtse River is one of the main arteries of traffic in China .

  20. 那么他要道什么歉?

    So what 's he gotto apologize for ?

  21. 在菲尼克斯的天空海港机场,一只狗在机场要道上狂奔。

    A dog on the run snarled air traffic at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix .

  22. 旅店坐落于市中心观前街商业圈内,位于交通要道人民路上。

    The inn is situated in the commercial center and key communication line of suzhou .

  23. 为了使他的威胁更有说服力,班毁掉了所有通往哥谭的交通要道。

    To make good on his threat , Bane destroyed almost all bridges into the city .

  24. 历史名城哈密成为今天由东进入新疆所必经的咽喉要道。

    The historical famous city , Hami has become the only artery to Xinjiang from east .

  25. 结果进入多元回归模型的危险因素有家庭装修、家周围有繁忙要道或化工厂。

    Results Factors that were entered model included home decoration , busy roads nearby and chemical plant .

  26. 许多街道安放了水泥路障和铁丝网,同交通要道隔开。

    Many of the streets were blocked off from main roads by concrete barriers and barbed wires .

  27. 帝国依靠对这些交通要道的控制而建立,而这些交通要道也在帝国的覆灭中扮演了关键角色。

    Control of these arteries allowed empires to be built - and were crucial in their fall .

  28. 我从广播里听到所有通往伦敦的交通要道都发生了阻塞。

    I heard on the radio that all the main arteries leading into London are blocked with traffic .

  29. 要道地的海鲜饭,一把好的锅子燃烧旺盛的柴火是不可或缺的。

    To prepare an authentic paella , a good paella pan and a hot wood fire are essential .

  30. 儒释道与中国民俗关系述要道教斋醮科仪与民俗信仰

    Outlines of the Relationship between Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism and Folk Custom Taoist Rites and Folk Belief