
yào sài
  • fortress;fort;stronghold;garrison;fortification;strategic pass
要塞 [yào sài]
  • (1) [garrison;fort;strategic pass]∶筑有永久工事、准备长期坚守的国防要地

  • (2) [fortress]∶构筑了堡垒的地方

要塞[yào sài]
  1. 我们对要塞发动进攻。

    We started an attack against 〔 on 〕 the fort .

  2. 他们把所有的炮都对准那个要塞。

    They directed all the guns against the fort .

  3. 他们本可退到山中要塞埃利里去。

    They could have withdrawn into the mountain fastness of Eryri .

  4. 他侦察敌人兵力薄弱的位置,对其要塞不予理睬。

    He probes the enemy 's weak positions , ignoring his strongholds

  5. 法国人在从敦克尔刻到杜埃的英吉利海峡沿岸修筑了一系列要塞。

    The French constructed a series of fortresses from Dunkirk on the Channel coast to Douai

  6. 海岸线上有许多要塞。

    There are many forts on the coastline .

  7. 我们的士兵占领了那个要塞。

    Our soldiers took over the fortress .

  8. 将军火速前往救援该要塞。

    The general hastened to the relief of the fortress .

  9. 我军攻占了敌方要塞。

    Our army occupied the enemy 's fort .

  10. 他们向敌人的要塞进军。

    They marched on the enemy 's fortress .

  11. 他们试图夺取这一要塞。

    They made an attempt on a fortress .

  12. 骑兵指挥官预言,如果苏族人进兵要塞,他们中有很多人会被打死。

    The cavalry commander predicted that many Sioux would bite the dust if they attacked the fort .

  13. n.堡垒;要塞他们决定建座新堡垒,以保护该区的居民。

    fort They decided to build a new fort to protect inhabitants of that area .

  14. 游戏制造商维尔福公司(Valve)出品的免费射击游戏《军团要塞2》(TeamFortress2)的升级版,是正式支持Rift3-D体验的首款游戏。

    An updated version of Team Fortress 2 , a free-to-play shooter from game creator valve , is the first game to officially support the 3-D experience offered by rift .

  15. 然而Punjab省是沙里夫党派的政治要塞,数百名游行者很快与警察产生了冲突。

    But Punjab Province is the political stronghold of Sharif 's party and hundreds of demonstrators soon faced off against the police .

  16. 起义之前,他的部队被安排看守RasLanuf的重要石油设施,那里离班加西几百公里,靠近卡扎菲的军事要塞Sirte。

    Before the uprising , his unit was assigned to guard an important oil installation at Ras Lanuf , several hundred kilometers west of Benghazi , near the Gaddafi stronghold of Sirte .

  17. 目前所有超大规模网络RPG游戏(MMORPG)中,要塞场景的难度随着游戏角色等级的变化而变化,但游戏方式和场景感观并没有太大变化。

    In current MMORPGs , the difficulty of instanced dungeons varies with the playing levels of the characters , but the look , style , and feel of the dungeons does not vary greatly .

  18. VSD杂志的律师曾辩驳说,发表法国总统夫妇在布雷冈松要塞的照片是一种无害的惯例,奥朗德声称要做平民总统就意味着他必须遵守这一惯例。

    VSD 's lawyer had argued that publishing photos of French presidential couples at Fort de Br é ganon was a harmless tradition and that Mr Hollande 's claim to being a normal president meant he should respect the tradition .

  19. 当美国ADV公司宣布他们将为超时空要塞MACROSS制作新版英语配音后,网上的日本动漫迷们对这一决定的意味充满了怀疑和猜想。

    After ADV announced that they had acquired the rights to do an English language dub of Macross , anime fans across the internet were abuzz with the possibilities that this meant .

  20. 比起构成欧洲商业活动主体的中小企业,大众(Volkswagen)这样的工业巨擘更易于分散风险,着力强化企业要塞,以备灾害来袭。

    For industrial giants such as Volkswagen , it is easier to spread risk in an effort to strengthen the corporate fortress against a calamity than it is for the small and medium-sized companies that make up the bulk of European business activity .

  21. 在拍摄这张照片的时候,年老的僧侣TharpaTashi已经被禁闭在通萨宗(通萨要塞)嘹望塔6年了。

    At the time of this photograph , senior monk Tharpa Tashi had been confined to the Tongsa Dzong (" Tongsa Fortress ") watchtower for six years .

  22. 阿兰縠节覄氠庚尔(AlainEtienneMarcel)与法国小镇圣马洛(StMalo,他如今居住于此)签订协议,他帮助修复一座17世纪的海滨要塞,条件是自己获得要塞99年的租用期。

    Alain Etienne Marcel did a deal with the French town of St Malo , where he lives , to restore a 17th-century fort off the coast in return for a 99-year lease on the property .

  23. 最终,ADV公司宣布他们邀请到饭岛真理小姐-当年日本原版《超时空要塞MACROSS》中林明美的配音者再度演绎这一经典人物-不过这次是用英语!

    On top of that , ADV announced that they locked in Mari Iijima , the Japanese voice of Minmay in the original Macross to play Minmay again * this time in English !

  24. 这座11世纪的拱门出现在100面值的阿富汗尼柱上标记着真主通往远古要塞Bost(后来改名为LashkarGah)城堡。

    The11th century arch , which appears on the100 Afghani note , marks the principal approach to the ancient fortress citadel of Bost , later renamed Lashkar Gah .

  25. 【英文原文】【中文翻译】在拍摄这张照片的时候,年老的僧侣TharpaTashi已经被禁闭在通萨宗(通萨要塞)嘹望塔6年了。

    At the time of this photograph , senior monk Tharpa Tashi had been confined to the Tongsa Dzong ( " Tongsa Fortress " ) watchtower for six years .

  26. VSD杂志的律师曾辩驳说,发表法国总统夫妇在布雷冈松要塞的照片是一种“无害的惯例”,奥朗德声称要做“平民”总统就意味着他必须遵守这一惯例。

    VSD 's lawyer had argued that publishing photos of French presidential couples at Fort de Br é gan ç on was a " harmless tradition " and that Mr Hollande 's claim to being a " normal " president meant he should respect the tradition .

  27. 南欧要塞城墙改进,可以放置攻城塔了。

    Southern European fortress wall fixed to allow docking of towers .

  28. 那要塞易于成为空袭的目标,很难防守。

    The fortress was highly vulnerable to attacks from the sky .

  29. 那个要塞壁垒坚固,入口防守严密。

    The fortress had massive walls and a heavily fortified gateway .

  30. 要塞警卫兵是一些特殊的怪物,掉落更多的荣誉点数;

    Fortress guards are regarded as special mobs and drop extraabysspoints .