
  • 网络expressionist painting
  1. 这正是波普艺术盛行的年代,抽象表现主义绘画席卷欧美。

    That was the era of popular pop art , and abstract expressionist painting swept Europe and America .

  2. 表现主义绘画常以残缺美来表达个人情感,用锋利的对象塑造表达伤感之情。

    Expressionist painting often incomplete America , to express personal feelings , sad feelings expressed with a sharp object shape .

  3. 表现主义绘画是现代艺术史上的重要一页。

    Expressionism painting is an important chapter in modern art history .

  4. 表现主义绘画作品重在崇尚自我感受,揭示事物的本质。

    Expressionist paintings lies advocating self-feelings , reveal the essence of things .

  5. 德国新表现主义绘画产生的背景及其艺术风格

    The Background and Artistic Style of Germany New-Expressionism Painting

  6. 西方表现主义绘画和中国意象性油画精神表达的异同

    West Expressionism Drawing and Chinese Image Oil Painting Spirit Expression Similarities and Differences

  7. 德国表现主义绘画图式的显现

    Formation of Visual Expression in German Expressionist Paintings

  8. 论20世纪初德国表现主义绘画的产生与发展

    The Appearance and Development of Expressionism Painting in Germany in the Early 20th Century

  9. 表现主义绘画及其在中国的情境

    Expressionism Painting and Its Development in China

  10. 本文试从这些问题,就中国的新表现主义绘画作一些初步的探讨。

    This paper , taking into full account these issues , delves further into the Neo-expressionism painting of China .

  11. 第五部分(第四章)从欧洲艺术流派对德国表现主义绘画的影响进行分析。

    And the influence of the Europe art genres on the German expressionism will be presented in the fifth part .

  12. 在世界绘画史上,作为后印象派画家的凡.高被誉为表现主义绘画的先驱。

    In the history of world painting , the postimpressionist painter Van Gogh was honored as the forerunner of " expressionist " painting .

  13. 点明西方的表现主义绘画所具有的写意精神,并指出中国写意油画也具有抽象的元素。

    Highlighted the performance of the West has the impressionistic paintings of the spirit , and pointed out that Chinese Painting also has abstract elements .

  14. 摘要如果说抽象表现主义绘画是现代艺术最后的辉煌,那么,波普艺术和超级写实主义绘画则预示着当代艺术的转型。

    If the last glory of modem art is the abstract expressionist painting , then , pop art and surrealist painting anticipates the transformation of contemporary art .

  15. 第三章是通过建构方式、画面对主观情感的表达两个方面来论述德国新表现主义绘画形式感在画面上的实现方式。

    The third part is the construction mode , the screen by subjective emotional expression two discuss the new German expressionist painting forms are on the screen .

  16. 德国表现主义绘画兴起于20世纪初,其风格语言乃至精神内涵都在西方现代主义诸艺术流派中独树一帜。

    German expressionism springing up at the beginning of the 20th century . Compared with other western modernism , expressionism , it 's style , spirit , are unique .

  17. 第四部分(第三章)对影响德国表现主义绘画发展的哲学思想进行研究,从思想方面探索绘画语言转变的原因。

    The fourth part will analyze the change of painting style from the respect of the ideology , and the philosophy theories which influence the German Expressionist Painting will also be presented .

  18. 本文从德国特殊的历史环境的民族性格中的理性传统,以及新的绘画语言角度来看德国新表现主义绘画特殊的形式感。

    This article from the German special historical environment of the national character of the traditional , in , and the new painting language perspective , the new German expressionist painting special sense of form .

  19. 透过对禅学与美国抽象表现主义绘画关系的研究,试图为艺术实践打开一个窗口,透过这个窗口,去探寻禅与艺术实践交渗的无限可能。

    Through the research of relationship between Zen and American abstract paintings , we are trying to open a window for artistic practice , and to explore the infinite possibilities of Zen and art practice in permeability through the window .

  20. 阐述了具象表现主义绘画与中国传统绘画的偶合之处,旨在指出具象表现主义并不是一个新生事物,在我国传统绘画中早已存在。

    Explained the coincidence between the art of Figurative Expressionism and the art of Chinese traditional painting and pointed out that Figurative Expressionism is anything but a fresh thing because of its existence in Chinese traditional painting for a long time .

  21. 第四部分将西方以康定斯基为代表的表现主义绘画和中国的两位有写意性绘画风格的画家进行比较,分析他们的油画作品的抽象元素及写意精神的相同点和不同点。

    The fourth part will be represented by the West to the performance of Kandinsky paintings are impressionistic and China , two of the artists painting style comparison , analysis of their paintings and abstract elements and the Spirit of the similarities and differences .

  22. 艺术是相通的,虽然在精神表达方面存在诸多不同,但是中国意象油画和西方表现主义绘画还是在对自由精神的追求,对社会现实的观照方面,及对艺术创新的不懈追求方面是相同的。

    Although exists many differently in the spiritual expression aspect , but the Chinese image oil painting and the West expressionism drawing in to the free spiritual pursue , to the social reality contemplation aspect , and is interlinked to the artistic innovation unremitting pursue aspect .

  23. 这里涉及巴门尼德的存在悖论、胡塞尔对存在的意向分析以及海德格尔对胡塞尔的学说的批评,最后以评述现代表现主义绘画大师保罗·克勒有关艺术创作的美学观点为结尾。

    This paper involves Parmenides ' paradox of being , Husserl 's intention analysis of being , and Heidegger 's critique of Husserl 's doctrine . This paper concludes with a review of the aesthetic viewpoints of Paul Klee , a modern expressionist painter , concerning artistic creation .

  24. 然而,由“二战”欧洲难民带到纽约,在50年代抽象表现主义绘画和纽约学派诗歌中熊熊燃烧,一直延续到70年代末的文化之火,似乎是被浇灭了。

    But the cultural flame that passed to New York from Europe with all the refugees in World War II and burned bright in the " 50s with the Abstract Expressionists and the New York School poets - and brighter still in the late " 70s - now feels as if it 's been doused .

  25. 为了平衡画面中物体、形状以及山水之间的关系,佳佳创造了一种抽象表现主义的绘画风格,即风景与静物的有机融合和交织。

    By balancing out the relationship between objects , shapes , mountains and drips , the artist creates a cross genre painting as abstract painting , landscape and still life are mixed and forced together .

  26. 表现主义与现代派绘画

    Expressionism and modern painting

  27. 传承与升华&具象表现主义艺术与中国绘画的因缘

    Figurative Expressionism in China 's Culture

  28. 第一部分从西方表现主义入手,谈及西方表现主义绘画及对中国表现主义艺术的影响。

    Chapter 1 discusses Neo-expressionism painting of western countries as well as its influences on Chinese Neo-expressionism painting .

  29. 作为具有表现主义风格的电影&《卡里加利博士》,它的诞生就是为了响应表现主义绘画对电影的影响。

    Expressionist style film - " Dr. Caligari ", the birth is in response to expressionist painting on film .

  30. 第四部分从中国当下一些表现主义画家的艺术理念、画面形式等艺术语言形态入手,分析总结中国新表现主义绘画的艺术特征。

    Chapter 4 , based on the artistic notion and art form of some representative painters , summarizes the artistic characteristics of Chinese Neo-expressionism painting .