
jiē shì
  • downtown streets
街市 [jiē shì]
  • [downtown streets] 商店较集中的市区

街市[jiē shì]
  1. “大街Promenade的”看法混合了用途发展在街市Naperville。

    A view of the " Main Street Promenade " mixed use development in downtown Naperville .

  2. 街市今天没有鲜牛肉卖。

    There would be no fresh beef in local markets today .

  3. 开设小贩及街市管理职系工作小组

    Working Group on a New Grade for Hawker and Market Administration

  4. 游客喜欢在晚上漫游街市。

    The visitors liked to stroll about the streets at night .

  5. 我们要到街市里去理发。

    Ll go and get our hair cut in the town .

  6. 中西区区议会关注街市问题工作小组

    Concern Group on Markets of the Central and Western District Board

  7. 会加强检验本地街市售卖的淡水鱼。

    Inspections of freshwater fish at local markets would be stepped up .

  8. 局部分布区产地试验市政局辖区内街市宣布

    Limited range provenance trial Declaration of Markets in the Urban Council Area

  9. 到街市上去卖矛和盾。

    He sells both spears and shields on the street .

  10. 他俩经常到街市上喝酒。

    The two friends often drank at street food stalls .

  11. 《公众街市及熟食市场营商须知简介》出版。

    New publications on public markets and cooked food centres .

  12. 把我和家人身处的街市夷为平地。

    And leveled the bazaar that I was in with my family .

  13. 当我信步繁华的街市时,我分明看到朋友大汗淋漓的身躯;

    When I stroll prosperous street , I see friends'dripping wet body clearly ;

  14. 历史·风景·街市·生活&广州传统城市中轴线概念城市设计

    The conceptual urban design for Guangzhou traditional central axis

  15. 街市政策、管理及协调委员会

    " Market Policy , Management and Co-ordination Committee "

  16. 在城市的另一个地区,塑料布覆盖了一个街市。

    And in another part of town , tarps cover a street market .

  17. 在街市上买的,真的很便宜。

    A : I bought it on a street market . A real bargain !

  18. 任何人不得在任何街市内吐痰。

    No person shall spit in any market .

  19. 还有每天晚上能出去吃美味的,便宜的街市食品。

    Clean and quiet , plus yummy and cheap street markets outside every night .

  20. 邪恶在其中,欺压和诡诈不离街市。

    Evil is there ; cruel rule and deceit are ever in the streets .

  21. 市人大主任(地级市)市政局辖区内街市宣布

    Chairman , the Municipal People 's Congress Declaration of Markets in the Urban Council Area

  22. 传统街市生活与现代物质关怀&对城市现代化进程的一点思考

    Traditional City Living and Modern Material Concern

  23. 在淡路岛街市,我还没有看见过这种鸟。

    I have not seen it in the part of the city of Awaji island .

  24. 贩商及街市政策咨询文件

    Consultative Document on Hawker and Market Policies

  25. 赤柱街市空地小贩市场

    Stanley Market Open Space Hawker Bazaar

  26. 新落成的大角咀街市位于市政大厦内。

    The new Tai Kok Tsui Market is located inside the district 's municipal services building .

  27. 中环街市重置及原址重新发展工作小组

    Working Group on the Reprovisioning of Central Market and the Redevelopment of the Central Market Site

  28. 城外的安昌古镇,街市临水而建。

    The ancient town of Anchang , outside Shaoxing city , is built along the river .

  29. 街市经济空气处理系统

    Market economic air treatment system

  30. 又喜爱人在街市上问他安,称呼他拉比。

    And words of respect in the market-places , and to be named by men , teacher .