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  1. 术前均行马他氏(Matas'test)试验2周,4例术中、术后行多普勒监测,全部病例术后进行心电、血压等监护。

    All patients were underwent Matas ' test for 2 weeks before ligation , 4 patients were used transcranial Doppler monitoring intra-and postoperatively , all patients were sent to the ICU under custody after operation .

  2. 完美之行//希腊马拉松湾Schinias国家松林公园。

    PERFECT RUN / / Schinias National Park Pine Forest at Marathon Bay .

  3. 约书亚就照耶和华所吩咐他的去行,砍断他们马的蹄筋,用火焚烧他们的车辆。

    Joshua did to them as the LORD had directed : He hamstrung their horses and burned their chariots .

  4. 莫罗至今唯一接受的建议是那家互联网初创企业的创始人2000年告诉他的话:“这一行就是一场马拉松。你回到了起点。开始跑吧。”

    In his life so far , the only advice Mr Mauro has heeded came from the founder of the internet start-up who told him in 2000 : " This business is a marathon . You are back at the beginning . Start running . "