- Administrative reconsideration decision;decision of administration review

Handling matters for responding to administrative lawsuits lodged because of objections to administrative review decisions ;
The written decision of administrative reconsideration shall have legal effect once delivered to the concerning party .
In addition , strict examination procedure , will further enrich the reconsideration decision of the reform of the appropriateness of the review mechanism , this readjustment of the practice review mechanism and standardize administrative reconsideration decision within the making .
How to Verify and Assert the Evidence for Administrative Decision Regard Plaintiff 's Civil Pleadings
Finally , the decision of the administrative review stage determines the type of administrative reconsideration , conciliation and mediation system , the system made a number of reform proposals and opinions .
The legislation should make out specific regulations practise the judicial review of the maintainable decision of administrative reexamination to strengthen the judicial supervision , which can provide more sufficient redress for people .
These problems led to the loss of credibility of administrative review and thus hinder the further development of administrative review .
The Rules are applicable to taxation administrative review authorities in accepting the application for review and in making decisions on administrative review .
Examining whether a specific administrative action under a review application is lawful and proper and drafting an administrative review decision .
Hearing system has also been the local administrative review body gradually pending the introduction of administrative review and has made good results and enhanced the credibility of the administrative review decision .
Through a comparative analysis of academia different perspectives , I believe that the newly established administrative review council is no longer an administrative review body , but an independent administrative agency with legal personality which is able to make an independent administrative review decision .
The administration reconsider is an action which the administration reconsider institutions exam the applied concrete administrative actions legality and suitability according to the legal procedure brought out by the applicant 's application , and make a reconsidering decision .