
xínɡ zhènɡ ɡōnɡ wén
  • administrative document
  1. 深入研究电子政务下行政公文面临的各种挑战,对推进电子公文健康发展具有巨大的现实意义。

    Further investigating various challenges that administrative document faces has enormous realistic values in promoting the e-document operation healthily .

  2. 由于行政公文地位特殊、作用独特,行政公文写作对大学生素质培养具有重要作用。

    Due to special position of administrative document , writing of administrative document plays an important role in developing the integrated quality of university students .

  3. 行政公文是由众多要素所组成的整体。

    Administrative documents is composed of many elements of the whole .

  4. 行政公文文种的变化应该适应、满足行政公务活动的需要。

    Administrative documents are required to meet the needs of administration activities .

  5. 浅谈行政公文写作中模糊语言的应用

    A brief survey of blurred language in official document

  6. 政府信息化对行政公文格式要素的影响

    On the government informationization 's influence on the official documents ' format elements

  7. 行政公文写作与大学生素质培养

    Administrative-Document Writing & Development of University Students ' Quality

  8. 国家行政公文言语行为分析

    An Analysis of the Speech Act of Official Documents

  9. 行政公文写作是应用写作教学中十分重要的内容。

    Administrative official documents are the important teaching contents in the teaching of writing .

  10. 如何正确使用行政公文

    How to Use Official Document of Adiministration Correctly

  11. 民国时期行政公文研究

    The Research of Administrative Official Document during the Period of the Republic of China

  12. 行政公文读者分析

    Analysis of Readers of Administrative Official Documents

  13. 澳门行政公文(中文版)词语研究

    A Study on the Word Usage of ( Chinese ) Administrative Official Document of Macao

  14. 试论行政公文处理的规范化

    The normalization of processing the official documents

  15. 因此,汉语行政公文成为行政部门处理公务最有效的交际方式。

    Therefore , official documents become the most effective communicative means to handle public affairs for all the institutions .

  16. 因此,探究汉语行政公文中的语篇语义选择成为本论文的主要目的。

    As a result , the exploration of the discourse semantic choices in official documents is the main objective of this thesis .

  17. 换言之,汉语行政公文是公共行政部门为执行政策、传达意见或交流信息而颁发的。

    That is to say , official documents are issued by public administrative departments to implement policies or convey opinions or exchange information .

  18. 民国时期的行政公文比清代的公文有所进步,其改革的措施对于减少公文数量、加快公文运转、提高行政效率都起到了巨大的作用;

    The reformation of this period had reduced the quantity of official document , accelerated the speed of official document and improved administrative efficiency .

  19. 本文认为,行政公文是行政机关在行政管理过程中形成和使用的书面材料,它具有法定效力和规范体式。

    This paper argues that the executive administrative documents in the administrative process of the formation and use of written materials , it has legal effect and normative style .

  20. 第二,官僚体制对于我国行政公文的指导作用,它给予行政公文理性的保障,有利于行政公文的作用发挥。

    Second , the bureaucracy of administrative documents for the guidance it gives a rational protection of administrative documents , is conducive to play the role of administrative documents .

  21. 行政公文在篇章类型的划分、篇章结构的安排、篇章语言的选择等方面呈现出的特点,使行政公文体现出鲜明的法定性、严肃性和约束性。

    Administrative documents have their own characteristics when classifying the types , arranging the structure and choosing the language and these characteristics make administrative documents legal , serious and restrictive .

  22. 汉语行政公文属于书面语篇,所以应用语篇语义理论探究汉语行政公文中的语篇语义资源是合适的。

    Since official documents belong to written discourses , it is available to apply the theory of discourse semantics to explore the discourse semantic resources used in Chinese official documents .

  23. 这三种形式互相结合,在公文文面上形成了四个主要的布白区域,体现出我国现行行政公文文面的空间美来。

    The space beauty is reflected in the four main areas of " blank " which are shaped by three combined forms of " blank " in the appearance of the documents .

  24. 以及提出一个设想,即国家制定政策,规定加强各部门的沟通,用行政公文作为工具,保证其效率和透明度。

    And to propose a vision that the State established a policy to strengthen the communication between various departments , with administrative documents as a tool to ensure its efficiency and transparency .

  25. 本论文选题基于三个原因:一是汉语行政公文是在重要会议召开、特殊事件发生、重大信息需要发布的背景制发的。

    First . Chinese official documents are issued on the conditions that some significant meetings are held , and that typical social affairs happen and that important information needs to be noticed .

  26. 本文从言语行为这一内部标准来分析国家行政公文,既是语用学理论的深化,也对指导公文写作具有积极的实践意义。

    This paper analyzes official documents from the inside standard of speech act , which deepens the pragmatics on one hand , and play an important part in guiding official documents writing .

  27. 行政公文发展研究是行政公文学重要的理论研究范围,其研究成果对行政公文的教学和实践都具有积极意义。

    Development Studies is the Chief Administrative documents important theoretical study of the public literature , the scope of its research results to the administrative documents of the teaching and practice of positive significance .

  28. 行政公文的是促使国家行政机关良性运转和优质科学管理的关键,堪称治理国家、管理政务的重要文字型工具。

    Administrative documents of the national executive is to promote healthy functioning and quality of scientific management is the key , called the ruling the country , an important text-based management tool for government .

  29. 分析了行政公文报告、请示、请批函几个文种经常错用的原因,并从行文目的、写作时间、主送单位、写作方法等方面区别其异同,提出了正确使用方法。

    The reason why administration documents are misused is analyzed and the correct way to use them is put forward by distinguishing among the purpose , the writing time , the sender , the writing method and so on .

  30. 然后着重叙述了鸦片战争后行政公文的变化及其形成的原因,从而论证了国家政体决定行政公文内容这一规律;

    Then I emphatically relate the changes of the document and the reasons after the Opium War . From them , I expound and prove the regularity that the political organization decide the content of the administrative official document ;