
xínɡ zhènɡ huì yì
  • administrative conference
  1. 以OSHA的经验为基础,美国行政会议(ACUS)建议对技术性或同行审议型咨询委员会成员的选择。

    Based on OSHA 's experience , the Administrative Conference of the United States ( ACUS ) recommends that members of technical or peer review advisory committees should be selected .

  2. 美国行政会议建议当行政机构拒绝咨询专家组的科学判断时,“应当解释拒绝的基础”。

    The Administrative Conference recommends that when an agency rejects an advisory panel 's scientific judgment , it " should explain the basis for that rejection " .

  3. 在获得香港城市规划委员会的批准后,修建军用码头的计划接下来将被提交给香港行政会议(ExecutiveCouncil)进行投票表决。

    Following the city planning board 's decision , the plan will next be voted on by the city 's executive council .

  4. 为了坚决守住香港作为亚洲最重要商业中心的地位,香港政府对于该做什么心中没有半点犹豫:上月,香港行政会议(ExecutiveCouncil)批准兴建香港国际机场(HongKongInternationalAirport)第三条跑道。

    Dead set on holding on to its status as Asia 's premier business hub , Hong Kong 's governors had no doubt what to do : last month its executive council approved a third Hong Kong runway .

  5. 我获准列席一次行政会议。

    I was allowed to sit in on an executive meeting .

  6. 社务行政会议可进一步讨论什麽话题?

    What additional topics are discussed at the club assembly ?

  7. 他们并会全部获委任为行政会议成员。

    They would all be appointed to the Executive Council .

  8. 今早来开每周一次的行政会议时。

    Comes in this morning for the weekly executive meeting .

  9. 略谈高等学校行政会议工作的优化

    On the Prioritization of Meeting Arrangements in Higher Schools

  10. 年内,行政会议共举行41次会议。

    During the year , the Executive Council held a total of41 meetings .

  11. 在整个政制改革当中,行政会议成员亦大换班。

    In the overall administrative reform , Executive Council will also be changed .

  12. 行政会议向行政长官提供意见,由行政长官作出决定。

    The Council advises the chief executive , who then makes a decision .

  13. 陈设考究的行政会议室更为海内外商界领袖提供了高层私密会晤场所。

    The tastefully appointed Executive Conference Room provides an ideal place for high-level meetings .

  14. 流动服务世界无线电行政会议

    World Administrative Radio Conference for the Mobile Services

  15. 我们这个决定,得到了我的同事和行政会议的支持。

    This decision is supported by my colleagues as well as the Executive Council .

  16. 行政会议的两条重要规则-保密和集体负责制-依然保留。

    The two major game rules of Exco-confidentiality and collective responsibility-will still be in place .

  17. 空间电信世界无线电行政会议

    World Administrative Radio Conference for Space Telecommunications

  18. 所有纳入问责制的主要官员都会获委任为行政会议成员。

    All principal officials under the accountability system will be appointed to the executive council .

  19. 行政会议有成员13名(一九九九年七月一日前有14名)。

    The Executive Council has 13 members ( 14 members before July 1 , 1999 ) .

  20. 现时,行政会议有成员12名。

    The Executive Council has12 members .

  21. 世界电报电话行政会议

    World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference

  22. 海上流动电信世界无线电行政会议你们的行动要无愧于你们自己。

    World Administrative Radio Conference for Maritime Mobile Telecommunications On you depend the fortunes of America .

  23. 一位叔祖父是第一个为孟加拉行政会议长官做事的孟加拉人。

    A great-uncle was the first Bengali to serve in the governor of Bengal 's executive council .

  24. 该委员会的成员包括行政会议和临时立法会成员,以及其他社会贤达。

    It consists of members of the Executive and Provisional Legislative Councils , and other prominent citizens .

  25. 昨年在台湾的大会后,我们在二月于泰国的法身寺举行了行政会议。

    Last year after Taiwan 's conference we had our executive meeting in February in Thailand – Dharmakaya .

  26. 多种类型的会议室,配有进口全自动投影设备,可接待各种商务和行政会议。

    Various meeting rooms , which equipped with imported automatic equipment can meet any needs of holding commercial and executive conference .

  27. 或者是你突然看见自己的女上司,做着行政会议工作的她穿着围裙、在烤箱里做着晚饭向你打招呼。

    Or you suddenly see your girl boss , boardroom-running executive greet you in an apron with dinner in the oven .

  28. 但根据本月生效的新方案,高盛首席执行官布兰克费恩将会为独立董事的行政会议确定议程。

    But under the new plan not in place until this month Blankfein will get to shape the agenda for those sessions .

  29. 委任三个主要政党和政团的领导层进入行政会议,进一步扩阔政党参与政事的空间。

    The appointment of the leaders of three major political groups parties into the Executive Council was another measure to broaden party participation in politics .

  30. 根据《基本法》的规定,行政会议也包括其他社会人士和立法会议员。

    In accordance with the provisions of the basic law , the Executive Council may continue to include other community leaders and members of the legislative council .