
  • 网络Action advocacy;Propaganda of the deed
  1. 塔塔基础研究机构(TataInstituteofFundamentalResearch)驻孟买的科学家C.S.Unnikrishnan说,ISRO希望通过此次探月行动宣传其商业发射业务。

    C.S.Unnikrishnan , a scientist with the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research , in Mumbai , says that the lunar mission is driven by ISRO 's desire to promote its business arm .

  2. 国际行动宣传、协助和推广处

    Publicity , Assistance and Promotion of International Action Branch

  3. 节能减排全民行动等宣传活动收到了良好社会效果。

    Publicity activities to get the people to save energy and reduce pollution produced positive social effects .

  4. 广告作为一种特殊文本,其最终目的和功能是说服消费者采取行动购买宣传的产品或者服务。

    As a special text type , the purpose of advertising is to persuade the audience to get action to buy the products or services advertised .

  5. 随着人群聚集,他们的怒气继续上升。周二早晨电台谈话节目的主持人开始行动,宣传一种闻所未闻的论调。

    With the crowds still massing and anger rising , the talk-show hosts on Tuesday morning swung into action , propagating an unheard-of line of argument .

  6. 你必须赶快行动,积极宣传你的大腕作者、你的团队和让人阅读你的报纸的理由。

    You 've got to wheel out and aggressively promote your big guns , your organization and why you should be read .

  7. 奥巴马对他今年公布的一项行政行动进行了宣传。该行动要求,在2030年之前将美国发电厂的污染,从2005年的水平上减少30%。

    Mr. Obama promoted an executive action he announced this year that mandates cutting pollution from the nation 's power plants 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030 .

  8. 目前,德里市政府已经明令禁止使用这种锋利的风筝线,并且承诺会开展专项行动,向人们宣传此种线的安全隐患。

    The Delhi government has now banned the use of sharpened manja to fly kites and promised to run campaigns to educate people about the dangers of using such strings .