
xínɡ wéi yí chuán xué
  • behavioral genetics
  1. 行为遗传学:从宏观到微观的生命研究

    Behavioral Genetics : Studies on Life from Macroscopic to Microcosmic Perspective

  2. 蒙古马主要性格性状及其候选基因的行为遗传学研究

    Study on Behavioral Genetics of Major Temperament Traits and the Candidate Gene in Mongolian Horse

  3. 从行为遗传学的发展再看人类心理发展

    The Resurvey of Human Development from the Development of Behaviour Genetics

  4. 笔者从行为遗传学的角度对心理发展进行了解释,并提供了目前行为遗传学方面的研究证据。

    Several research proofs of behaviour genetics are proveded to explain human development .

  5. 人类行为遗传学的伦理问题

    The Ethical Issues Raised by Behavioural Genetics in Humans

  6. 遗传学中的一个新领域&行为遗传学

    A New Area in Genetics & Behavior Genetics

  7. 行为遗传学研究之新进展

    The New Development of Behavior Genetics Studies

  8. 发展性阅读困难的行为遗传学研究

    The Behavior Genetic Studies on Developmental Dyslexia

  9. 行为遗传学是在多门学科发展的基础上形成的一门交叉学科。

    Behavioral genetics is an interdiscipline based on the development of several branches of science .

  10. 行为遗传学的发展前景将是定量遗传学和分子遗传学以行为基因组学为中心的整合。

    The future for behavior genetics is integration of quantitative genetics and molecular genetics centering on behavior genomics .

  11. 从19世纪末期到现在,行为遗传学已跨入第三个世纪。

    Dating from the end of 19th century , behavioral genetics has placed us in the third century .

  12. 行为遗传学是研究正常范围内的非病理变化,与人类疾病遗传学存在差异。

    Behavioural genetics deals with non-pathological variance within the Norman range , it is distinct from genetics of human disease .

  13. 行为遗传学的研究表明,在基因中可以找到人们的离婚倾向。

    In studies of behavioral genetics it has been shown that a person 's tendency to divorce is written in their genes .

  14. 在任何情况下,如果不涉及个体生存的环境,行为遗传学的课程都是无法理解的。

    In any situation , it does not involve the individual survival environment , the curriculum of behavior genetics is not understood .

  15. 行为遗传学是试图定位与行为特性有关的特殊基因或基因组及了解基因与环境之间复杂关系的一种研究。

    Behavioural genetics is an attempt to locate specific genes or groups of genes associated with behavioural traits and to understand the complex relationship between genes and the environment .

  16. 行为遗传学告诉我们即使在个人的范围上很多生活中的结果都似乎是路径依赖性的,或者仅仅是无法预测的,即使是同卵双生的人。

    Behavior genetics tells us that even on the scale of individuals a great deal of life outcomes seem path dependent , or simply unpredictable , even for identical twins .

  17. 个体差异的行为遗传学研究是早期进化论与还原论的新发展,是生物学模式在当代心理学研究中的另一表现形式。

    The research of behavioral genetics in individual differences is a new development of original evolutionism and reductionism , and is another manifestation of the biological pattern in modern psychology .

  18. 我们学习了认知神经学,引用面部识别的研究,作为重要的例子分析-,还学了人体差异,行为遗传学,先天与后天,性与食物。

    We learned about cognitive neuroscience using the study of face recognition as an important case study & human differences , behavioral genetics , nature and nurture , sex and food .

  19. 该类害虫在入侵时以及入侵后在种群生物学和行为遗传学上发生了一系列的变异,使其成为一种入侵成功的外来生物。

    The genetic changes during or subsequent to introduction have led to alterations in its population biology and behavioral genetics ; these , in turn , have promoted the invasive success of RIFA .

  20. 利用最近获得的行为遗传学证据,该书作者表示,企业家的主要特征自信、外向、精力充沛和愿意冒险全都受到遗传的深刻影响。

    Using recent evidence from behavioural genetics , they say the main traits of entrepreneurs self-confidence , extraversion , high levels of energy and a willingness to embrace risk are all highly influenced by heredity .

  21. 人格的行为遗传学研究,是以研究遗传和环境的差异来解释人格的个体差异的程度为目的,为探讨遗传和环境在个体发展中的作用提供了新的研究途径。

    Study of behavioral genetics in personality is for the purpose of explaining the level of individual variances of personality , depending on investigating genotype-environment variances , and provides a new approach for interpreting the effects of genetic and environment on individual development .

  22. 文章从择偶、婚姻质量、离婚等婚姻生活的不同方面着手,回顾和评价了进化心理学、社会与文化心理学和行为遗传学对婚姻中遗传和环境影响因素的研究。

    This article reviewed some research on evolutionary psychology , social and cultural psychology , and behavior genetics , explored the influences of heredity and environment on different aspects of marriage , including mate selection , marital quality , divorcing , and many more .

  23. 该文以天性和教养为突破口,紧紧围绕行为遗传学在人格研究领域的发展脉络:遗传力、环境、特定基因的研究,进一步探讨在个体人格发展过程中遗传和环境的交互作用的关系。

    This paper began with nature and nurture , closely surrounding the stages by which behavioral genetics had development in the field of personality : heredity , environment , and specific genes research , exploring their interaction further between genetic and environment in the process of individual personality development .

  24. 用双生子法对几项行为特性的遗传学研究

    Genetic studies on certain behavior traits of human beings with twin method

  25. 精神分裂症攻击行为的分子遗传学研究进展

    Advances in molecular genetics of aggresive behavious

  26. 介绍形态学、行为学、遗传学、生物化学及分子生物学等几种分类方法在昆虫分类中的应用。

    The taxonomic methods of insects are presented , including morphology , behavior biology , genetics , biochemistry and molecular biology .

  27. 为此目的,生理学、遗传学基础以及作为关键行为元素的群体遗传学是被研究的。

    To this end the physiological and genetical basis as well as the population genetics of key behavioural elements are investigated .

  28. 文章对生态学理论、人类行为学和行为生物学、行为遗传学等现代生物学理论和生态系统论、群体社会化理论等社会生态学理论进行了述评。

    This paper offers some commentaries on modern biological theory , such as ecological theory , human behaviorism and behavioral genetics , as well as on social ecological theory , such as ecological systems theory and colony socialization theory , etc.

  29. 国际行为和神经遗传学会致力于提升神经行为遗传学领域。

    The International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society works to promote the field of neurobehavioral genetics .