
  • 网络Behavioral geography;Behaviour Geography
  1. 行为地理与城市旅游线路设计&以苏州一日游线路设计为例

    Behavioral Geography and City Tour Route Design & A Case Study of One-Day Tour in Suzhou

  2. 目前国际上在复杂系统理论的背景下,利用地理元胞自动机(Geo-CA)模型模拟地理时空过程的复杂行为是地理建模的前沿地带。

    Under the background of the complex systems theory in the world at present , it is the frontier area of geographic modeling that using Geographic Cellular Automata model to simulate geographic space-time course .

  3. 旅游者空间行为在地理空间上的投影,即形成了不同的行为空间,即空间行为区位。

    The projection of spatial behavior of tourists in the geographical space of , that is , the formation of a different behavior space , that space acts location .

  4. 他们这种行为叫做“地理位置炫耀”,表现为不断更新状态提起自己的地理位置,以吸引别人的关注或嫉妒。总是这么做的人通常被称为“地理位置炫耀控”。

    Such behaviour is called " geobragging " , consisting of repeated status updates noting your location in an attempt to get attention or make other people jealous . People who do that all the time are usually called geobraggers .

  5. 为演示群体行为模型,地理信息系统(GIS)被用于模拟回收方案的实施。

    To demonstrate this aggregated model , GIS is used to simulate the recycling scenarios .

  6. 文章在分析了GIS的这种发展趋势的基础上提出了公众GIS的概念,即:直接面向公众,为公众提供信息服务和辅助公众进行行为决策的地理信息系统。

    Based on the analysis of the development of GIS , the authors put forward a new concept , i. e.

  7. 其次,根据人口因素、心理因素、购买行为因素、地理因素等对市场进行细分,从而确定其目标市场。

    Second , market is segmented according to the factor of demography , psychology , buyer behaviors and geography , and then the target market is chosen .

  8. 地理学意义下的基于自主体建模是物理粒子按行为规则在地理环境中进行行为活动的模拟,它反映了人与地理环境交互影响的过程,是人地关系思想的集中体现。

    From the view of geography , ABS can be considered as the simulation on physical particles which act according to their action rules , and is a typical reflection of the interactions between human and environment .

  9. 模型可以为森林火灾的扑救提供精确、实时、全局的火场发展预测图,并且不受火行为的复杂性和地理要素的复杂性的限制。

    Therefore , it can provide forest fire fighting with precise and overall predicted diagram of fire development in real time , not restricted by complexities of fire behaviors or geographical elements .

  10. 该部分首先从人文地理学行为学理论出发,对宝石村的地理空间选择行为、地理空间划分行为、地理空间组织行为以及地理空间联系行为进行了探讨;

    Firstly , the choice , division , organization and relation behavior of geographical space is proposed on the base of human geography and behavioral science ;