
  • 网络industry regulation
  1. 本文探讨了当前流行于欧洲国家电力行业监管中的DEA标尺竞争激励性管制方案。

    The paper discusses the DEA yardstick incentive scheme which is popular in the regulation of electricity distribution in European countries .

  2. 中国有成本优势,由于低工资和较少的行业监管,他们没有环境保护局(EPA)和职业安全与健康署(OSHA)与及职业健康保护费用。

    China has a cost advantage due to low wages but also because their industries have very little regulation due to no EPA or OSHA and low health care cost for workers .

  3. 我国CPA行业监管模式研究

    Research for CPA Industry Supervision Mold of our Country

  4. 本文在分析国际会计公司对我国经济发展乃至经济安全的影响之后,提出合理运用WTO的相关规则,从完善相关法律、行业监管模式、从业人员素质等各方面提出相关建议。

    The article analyses the impact from the international accounting firms and proposes how to apply the relevant rules under WTO to improve the domestic accounting firms .

  5. 然而,尽管有政府撑腰(李家祥现任行业监管机构民航总局(CAAC)局长),但该公司一直难以壮大。

    But despite having all the might of the state behind it ( Mr Li now heads the industry regulator , the CAAC ), the airline has struggled for traction .

  6. 随着行业监管政策的不断放宽,证券公司已可以不受限制的开设营业网点甚至开展网上证券活动,如何有效利用网络营销手段为企业打开更广阔的用户市场也成为JY证券急待解决的问题。

    With the continuous relaxation of the industry regulatory policy , Securities companies have opened business outlets can be unrestricted or carry out online securities activities .

  7. 尽管欧盟对食品药品行业监管严格,但却未能阻止大量食物中使用马肉冒充牛肉,比如烤宽面条、牛肉汉堡,以及宜家(Ikea)的肉丸。

    European horse meat scandal The European Union 's heavily regulated food and drug industries couldn 't keep horse meat , secretly substituted for beef , out of a number of foodstuffs , from lasagna to beef burgers to Ikea 's meatballs .

  8. 去年,行业监管部门中国新闻出版总署(GAPP)在半个多世纪以来首次承诺,将允许民营公司制作图书,弱化国有出版公司的垄断地位。

    Last year , the General Administration of Press and Publication , the regulator , promised to dilute the state publishing houses ' monopoly by allowing private companies to produce books for the first time in more than half a century .

  9. 通过最新食品安全法中规定建立的缺陷食品召回制度,它是缺陷奶制品行业监管制度的一个发展。

    Recall system was established defect dairy industries a regulatory system .

  10. 基于捕获理论的行业监管机制研究

    Study of Mechanism for Industry Regulation based on the Capture Theory

  11. 行业监管部门也已敦促各大运营商逐步取消费用。

    Industry regulators have also urged operators to gradually abolish fees .

  12. 从网络经济看铁路改革与行业监管

    Railway Reform and Sector Regulation Viewed from Economies of Network

  13. 中国注册会计师行业监管模式分析

    Analysis on the Supervisal Model of CPAs Industry in China

  14. 医疗器械生产行业监管存在问题及对策研究

    Study on the Problem and Countermeasures of Medical Device Manufacturing Industry Regulation

  15. 基于委托代理理论的电信行业监管的研究

    The Research on the Supervision in Telecommunications Industry-Based on the Principal-Agent Theory

  16. 完善中国注册会计师行业监管体系的探讨

    Discussion on the Perfection of Independence Management Framework of CPAs

  17. 中国煤炭行业监管体制中的利益冲突及其平衡机制

    Interest conflict and its balancing mechanism in China 's coal industry regulatory system

  18. 美国《2002年萨班尼斯&奥克斯利法案》对中国注册会计师行业监管的启示

    Some Revelations of 《 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 》 for Chinese CPA

  19. 从我国的电力行业监管看天然气行业监管

    Regulatory Comparability between Electric Power Sector and Gas Sector

  20. 建立合理规范的注册会计师行业监管体系。

    Establishing the intendance system about the CPA .

  21. 信息集中化还可以改善文件存档,从而进一步改善行业监管合规工作。

    Centralising information can also improve archiving , and so compliance with industry regulations .

  22. 第二,改进监管模式,健全行业监管。

    Second , improve the supervision mode , perfect the supervision of the industry .

  23. 关于注册会计师行业监管模式的探讨

    Monitoring Model of the Certified Public Accountants Industry

  24. 然后,本文开始重点研究2006年前后,我国注册会计师行业监管制度变迁绩效。

    Then , this dissertation focuses on the performance of CPA regulatory system around 2006 .

  25. 对我国征信行业监管的建议

    The Proposal On Supervising Credit Checking Industry

  26. 第五章提出加强注册会计师行业监管,从宏观层面上提升审计独立性。

    Chapter 5 suggests strengthening the trade supervising to enhance audit independence at macroscopic level .

  27. 近日,国内三家著名景区因质量下降被行业监管机构严重警告。

    Three famous Chinese tourist spots were warned strongly by the industry regulator for deteriorating quality .

  28. 自上世纪90年代末期开始,有多次通过立法来加强行业监管的努力。

    Since the late 1990s there have been repeated attempts to tighten up regulation through legislation .

  29. 白酒行业监管部门过多等。

    And excessive supervision authorities etc.

  30. 完善煤炭行业监管体制建设,强化生产禁止性条件执法监察。

    Perfect the coal industry regulation system construction , strengthen the law enforcement surveillance prohibitive production conditions .