
xuè hán
  • blood cold
  1. 瘀血或由气虚、气滞、血寒、血热等原因所造成,或由内外伤或血热妄行等原因所引起。

    Blood stasis can be caused either by asthenia and stagnation of qi , blood-cold and blood-heat or by endogenous and exogenous injury and extravasation of blood due to blood-heat .

  2. 结论:火针刺血疗法对寒凝血瘀证疗效较好。

    Conclusion Bleeding-acupuncture with fire needle has better effect to treat the syndrome of cold statis .

  3. 临床常见血病证候有血虚、血瘀、血热和血寒等四种。

    Arthropod-borne hemorrhagic fever Clinically 4 types of blood disorders are commonly encountered , namely blood asthenia or deficiency , blood stasis , blood-heat and blood-cold .

  4. 血当泛指血分的不良状态,包含血热、血寒、血瘀、血虚;

    The bad state of the blood system syndrome includes blood-heat , blood-cold , blood-stasis and blood-deficiency .