
  • 网络Financing Efficiency
  1. 基于DEA的高速公路上市公司股权融资效率分析

    Analysis of Equity Financing Efficiency of DEA-Based Expressway Listed Companies

  2. DEA评价结果显示:总体上,青岛市中小企业融资效率普遍较低。

    The results of DEA evaluation show that : overall , the financing efficiency of SMEs in Qingdao is generally low .

  3. 不完全合约下BOT利益相关者的博弈与融资效率分析&以A水库BOT项目为例

    The game of BOT interest correlatives and the analysis of financial efficiency in incomplete treaty

  4. 在通过检验的VaR值基础上设定的质押率不仅能有效规避风险,而且可显著提高存货融资效率。

    Based on the test-passing VaR , the pledge rate can not only control risk effectively , but also improve the efficiency of inventory finance conspicuously .

  5. 本文的结论表明通过DEA效率评价方法对中小企业版上市公司的融资效率进行评价和测量是客观和有效的。

    This paper come to the conclusion that evaluating and measuring the financing efficiency of SME board companies through DEA method is objective and effective .

  6. 本文所要研究的是农业上市公司的投融资效率问题,运用理论研究和实证分析的方法,采用全新的EVA评价指标对农业上市公司的投融资效率做出评价。

    This paper confers the study of the agricultural listed companies ' finance and investment efficiency . By the theoretical and empirical analysis on the newly EVA .

  7. 论文主要在以下两个方面进行了创新性探讨:1、构建融资效率评价指标体系,运用数据包络分析模型(DEA)对中小企业融资效率进行实证分析评价。

    Construct evaluation index system of financing efficiency , and use Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) to make empirical analysis for the SMEs financing efficiency . 2 .

  8. 最后运用EVA指标对农业上市公司的投融资效率作了评价,得出结论:农业上市公司的整体投融资效率是低下的。

    At last we appraise the efficiency of the agricultural listed companies ' investment through the index of EVA . It is concluded that agricultural listed companies undertake investments in a low efficiency .

  9. 针对已有研究在企业融资效率评价方法的选取上,摒弃了传统的采用一些财务指标或对这些指标进行加权平均来评估的模式,采用了DEA研究方法。

    Existing research in corporate finance for the efficiency evaluation method selected , abandoned the traditional use of some of the financial indicators or a weighted average of these indicators to assess the model , using DEA research methods .

  10. 通过前面的阐述和分析,文章紧接着设计了湖南建工集团融资效率的评价体系,以集团内部12年的融资数据,选用DEA模型对其融资效率进行了评价。

    Through the front discussed and analyzed . The next , this article designed Hunan Construction Engineering Group the financing efficiency of evaluation system , choosing DEA model to evaluate the efficiency of its financing with the data within the group of 12 years .

  11. 本文还提出包含筹资、资金运用二个方面的DEA融资效率评价模型来对中小企业融资效率进行评价,并引入时序DEA的概念,动态地评价企业融资效率。

    This article also contains the proposed financing , capital financing of the use of two aspects of DEA efficiency evaluation model to evaluate the efficiency of SME financing , and introduce the concept of timing DEA and dynamic evaluation of the efficiency of corporate finance . 3 .

  12. 由于融资效率问题是一个多投入与多产出的复杂系统,DEA以数学上严密的定理形式,证明与经济学的Pareto有效性等价,运用此方法能更切合实际的反映企业资金的有效性。

    Because the problem of financing efficiency is a complex system of more input and more output , as a rigorous theorem in mathematics , DEA method proves the equivalence of the Pareto validity in economics . And this method can practically reflect the enterprises capital validity .

  13. 最后通过比较分析,提出了衡量企业融资效率的综合评价指标。

    At last , it provides the targets of comprehensive evaluation .

  14. 浅析我国国有企业资本结构与融资效率

    A Brief Talk on State-Owned Enterprises Capital Structure and Financing Efficiency

  15. 究其深层次的原因,还存在一个融资效率的问题。

    The deep-seated reason , there is a question of financing efficiency .

  16. 企业融资效率是指企业融资能力的大小。

    Enterprise financing efficiency means the ability of enterprise financing .

  17. 民营企业融资效率比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of the Financing Efficiency of Private Enterprise

  18. 电力工业企业融资效率研究

    The Research of Financing Efficiency for Electric Power Industrial Enterprises

  19. 法律保护影响中小企业融资效率的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Influence of Law Protection for the SME Financing Efficiency

  20. 上市公司融资效率预评价指标体系的构建

    Establishing Pre-evaluating Index System on Financing Efficiency of Listed Company

  21. 失真的价格信号降低了股票市场的融资效率;

    The efficiency of finance decreases with non-accurate price signal ;

  22. 上市公司融资效率问题研究。

    Research on the issues about financing efficiency of listed companies ii .

  23. 国有企业融资效率与银行危机相关问题研究

    Research on Financing Efficiency of SOEes and Issues Related to Banking Crises

  24. 公司治理、融资效率与经济增长

    Corporate Governance , Capital Raising Efficiency and Economic Growth

  25. 代理成本和融资效率之间呈反向变动,代理成本越大,融资效率越小,反之,融资效率越低。

    Agency cost moves in the opposite direction to that of Financing Efficiency .

  26. 我国中小板高新技术企业融资效率的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Financing Efficiency of Small-medium Size High-tech Enterprises in Our Country

  27. 第四章是从宏观的角度对关系型融资效率做出分析。

    The forth chapter analyses the efficiency of relationship financing from macro angle .

  28. 农业上市公司的投融资效率研究

    A Study on the Agricultural Listed Companies ' Efficiency of Finance and Investment

  29. 本文是对关系型融资效率问题的研究。

    This dissertation studies the efficiency of relationship financing .

  30. 中小企业融资效率模糊分析

    The Compound Ambiguous Evaluation of the Financing Efficiency of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises