
dàn bái zhì jiǎn jiē
  • protein splicing
  1. 蛋白质剪接及在蛋白质工程中的应用

    Protein Splicing and Its Application in Protein Engineering

  2. 蛋白质剪接是蛋白质内含肽介导的,一种在蛋白质水平上翻译后的加工过程,它由一系列分子内的剪切-连接反应组成。

    Protein splicing , which is an intein mediated posttranslational processing , involves a series of intramolecular cleavage - ligation reactions .

  3. 研究发现,尽管关键氨基酸残基的突变影响了蛋白质的剪接活性,但是氨基酸突变对蛋白质的结构影响不大,这一结果与晶体结构研究的结论相似。

    The protein structure solved NMR in this work shows that the mutation of key residues have no apparent effect on protein structures , although these mutations really influence the splicing activity . The solution structures solved in this work are similar to the crystal structure in literature .

  4. 异源宿主中蛋白质内含子剪接活性的定向进化

    Improved Protein Splicing by Directed Evolution of Inteins in Heterogenous Host

  5. 组蛋白标记经由一个染色质结合蛋白质,通过影响剪接调控子的招募而影响剪接结果。

    Histone marks affect splicing outcome by influencing the recruitment of splicing regulators via a chromatin-binding protein .

  6. 基于蛋白质内含子的剪接反应和突变后的断裂反应,蛋白质内含子在蛋白质工程中有着广泛的应用,例如在蛋白质纯化、分子开关、生物传感器、蛋白质标记等领域。

    Based on its splicing and cleaving functions , intein has many potential applications in protein engineering , such as for protein purification , as a molecular switch , in biosensors , or for protein labeling .

  7. 断裂蛋白质内含子介导的蛋白质反式剪接技术在蛋白质纯化、基因治疗、环状多肽制备以及大分子复杂蛋白质的生产方面已取得了一些成果。

    Protein trans-splicing mediated by split-intein has made some achievements in protein purification , gene therapy , cyclic peptides preparation and the production of macromolecular complex proteins .

  8. 蛋白质的这一成熟过程被称为蛋白质顺式剪接(proteincis-splicing)。

    This process is termed as protein cis-splicing .

  9. 介绍了蛋白质内含子的结构、功能和其介导的蛋白质剪接机理及应用研究进展。

    Some recent advance in the study of the structure and function of the intein as well as the mechanism of intein-mediated protein splicing and its application are described in this review .

  10. 在宿主蛋白质的成熟过程中,蛋白质内含子可以催化自身从蛋白质前体中剪切下来,同时将两侧的外显子以肽键连接,这种蛋白质翻译后的成熟过程称为蛋白质剪接(proteinsplicing)。

    Intein able to catalyze self-splicing from the precursor protein and the exteins were ligated with a peptide bond . This post-translation process was termed protein splicing .