
  • 网络denaturation;Denaturation of protein;Protein Denaturation
  1. 游离脂肪酸的增加和PH值的变化在一定程度上也影响蛋白质的变性。

    The formation of free fatty acids and the changes of PH may also affect protein denaturation .

  2. 蛋白质的变性、复性问题是与Hofmeister效应密切相关的生化基础课题。

    The denaturation and renaturation of proteins is one of those basic problems .

  3. 结果显示,DSC测定杏仁蛋白质的变性温度为70℃。

    It showed that the denaturalization temperature of almond protein is 70 ℃ using DSC .

  4. 大肠杆菌异源重组蛋白质的变性与复性

    Denaturation and renaturation of alien recombinant proteins in E.coli

  5. 鲻在冷冻过程中蛋白质的变性

    Protein denaturation of Mugil cephalus in refrigeration

  6. 确定钙结合的工艺,并研究了钙结合后蛋白质的变性温度、钙结合能力和流变学特性。

    Denaturation temperature , calcium-binding capability and rheological characteristic of the modified protein were also studied .

  7. 但是,鳙蛋白质的变性速度在不同冻藏温度下的差异是极其显著的(P<0.01)。

    The temperature of frozen storage can significantly influence the rate of denaturation of myofibrillar protein ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 究竟是受体蛋白质的变性还是膜脂质的相变造成高亲和力受体的消失,尚需进一步研究。

    Whether heat inactivation of the high affinity receptor is the result of denaturation of the receptor protein or that of the phase transition of membrane lipids remains a problem for further study .

  9. 同时脂质过氧化物的生成使细胞膜的脂质成分发生变化,并可导致细胞膜内酶与蛋白质的变性,从而破坏细胞结构与功能。

    At the same time , production of lipid peroxidation makes lipid component of cell membrane transform , resulting in degeneration of cell intramembrane enzyme and protein , and thus destructs cellular structure and function .

  10. 水对蛋白质的热变性具有一定的促进作用。

    Water was of promotion to the thermal denaturation .

  11. 鱼糜蛋白冷藏试验结果表明海藻糖的加入对在冷藏过程中草、鲤、鲢、鲫鱼糜蛋白质的冷冻变性有明显的抑制作用。

    Frozen surimi results show that the addition of trehalose in refrigeration during the grass carp , silver carp , crucian carp Mi freeze denaturation of proteins significantly inhibited .

  12. 鱼糜凝胶特性试验结果表明草、鲤、鲢、鲫鱼糜的凝胶特性与鱼糜蛋白质的冷冻变性关系密切。

    The experiment that gel properties of surimi show the gel properties of grass carp , silver carp , crucian carp minced surimi and freeze denaturation of proteins are closely related .

  13. 经过本设备烘干脱溶的棉籽蛋白,可最低程度地防止蛋白质的热变性,保证蛋白质的营养价值不受破坏。

    The cottonseed protein dried and precipitated by the equipment can prevent the heat denaturation of the protein at a lowest degree , and the nutrition value of the protein is not damaged ;

  14. 抗冻剂可以有效防止在冷冻条件下蛋白质的聚集和变性,从而使得鱼糜在冷冻保藏后仍然可以保持较好的凝胶强度和口感。

    Antifreeze could be effective in preventing aggregation and denaturation of protein under freezing storage conditions , allowed surimi to maintain a good gel strength and texture after frozen preservation .

  15. 当压强超过某值后,第III带强度发生了跃迁,蛋白质发生了明显的变性。

    Above the specified pressure , the intensity of band III has a transition which suggests the protein is denatured .

  16. 这涉及到蛋白质的天然形式和变性形式之间的平衡。

    This involves an equilibrium between the native and denatured forms of the protein .

  17. 运用圆二色谱和荧光技术分析预测蛋白质二级结构,研究蛋白质的稳定性与蛋白质的变性复性动力学机制。

    By the use of cirular dichroism and fluorescence techonologies to predict the secondary structure of protein , to determine the secondary structure of a protein , and to explore the unfold-refold mechanism of a protein .

  18. 在35℃和45℃下,脱脂奶粉荧光强度的增加都先于全脂奶粉,并且增加的幅度都很大,通过运用SDS-PAGE对蛋白质结构进行分析对照,荧光强度可以实时反映蛋白质的变性程度。

    The fluorescent intensity e of skimmed milk powder increased obviously prior to the whole milk powder at both 35 ℃ and 45 ℃ . The protein analysis with SDS-PAGE showed that the measurement of fluorescent intensity was in agreement with the whey protein denaturation .