
nì zhuǎn
  • reverse;turn;deteriorate;set-back;take a turn for the worse;become worse
逆转 [nì zhuǎn]
  • [take a turn for the worse;reverse;deteriote] 形势或情况向相反的方向转化;向不利方面转化

  • 时局逆转

逆转[nì zhuǎn]
  1. 吗啡依赖大鼠海马cAMP含量下降,BDNF、TrkB水平呈现明显的下调,胍丁胺可逆转该变化。

    In morphine-dependent rats , the expression of cAMP 、 BDNF 、 TrkB is down-regulated and agmatine could deteriorate the change .

  2. 上星期,政府的命运发生逆转。

    The government suffered a total reversal of fortune last week .

  3. 2002年,经济增长发生了逆转。

    In 2002 economic growth went into reverse .

  4. 私有化趋势可能逆转吗?

    Is the trend towards privatization reversible ?

  5. 他在2比4落后的情况下实现逆转闯进1/4决赛。

    He recovered from a 4-2 deficit to reach the quarter-finals

  6. 这个决定性的得分逆转了场上的局势。

    The decisive goal arrived against the run of play

  7. 比分下降的趋势发生逆转,分数又开始逐渐上升了。

    The downward trend went into reverse and the scores started to creep up again .

  8. 10个月来失业率的首次上升逆转了比利时失业率持续下降的趋势。

    The rise , the first in 10 months , reversed the downward trend in Belgium 's jobless rate .

  9. 形势突然逆转而恶化。

    The situation suddenly took a turn for the worse .

  10. 作为一名医生,营养是你可以改变的最强大的东西之一,可以逆转长期疾病的影响。

    " As a physician , nutrition is one of the most powerful things you can change to reverse the effects of long-term disease . "

  11. 相比之下,最近的世界粮食价格上涨是由趋势造成的,除非趋势本身得以逆转,否则这种上涨是不可逆的。

    In contrast , the recent surge in world grain prices is trend-driven , making it unlikely to reverse without a reversal in the trends themselves .

  12. 尽管乌干达人和尼日尔人的身髙在20世纪初呈增长趋势,但近年来,这一趋势发生了逆转,18岁人群的身高呈下降趋势。

    While height increased in Uganda and Niger during the early 20th century , the trend has reversed in recent years , with height decreasing among 18-year-olds .

  13. 通过开出调整营养成分的处方或启动“和你的医生一起购物”之类的项目,他们正试图通过改变患者的饮食来预防、限制或者甚至逆转疾病。

    By prescribing nutritional changes or launching programs such as ‘ Shop with your Doc ' , they are trying to prevent , limit or even reverse disease by changing what patients eat .

  14. 研究结越来越多地显示出食物治疗或逆转疾病的力量,但这并不意味着仅仅依靠饮食就能永远解决问题,也不意味着每一种疾病都能从饮食改变中大受裨益。

    Research findings increasingly show the power of food to treat or reverse diseases , but that does not mean that diet alone is always the solution , or that every illness can benefit substantially from dietary changes .

  15. 那些厨师、裁缝及其他的小投资者非常容易受到股市逆转的影响。

    The cooks , seamstresses and other small investors are stunningly vulnerable to reversals .

  16. 局势发生了大逆转啊。

    How the tables have turned .

  17. 我见过有的队伍取得过比这个更大的逆转,所以我们不能松懈。

    I 've seen teams make bigger comebacks than this , so we can 't let up .

  18. 我们坚信,和平与发展的时代主题没有改变,世界多极化和经济全球化的时代潮流也不可能逆转。

    We remain convinced that the theme of our times , peace and development , has not changed , and that the trend toward multipolarity and economic globalization cannot be turned around .

  19. 现在,英国科学家首次将一种名为“胶质细胞源性神经营养因子”的蛋白质直接注入大脑,希望这样做可以让濒死的细胞再生,甚至逆转病情。

    Now British scientists have , for the first time , given a protein called GDNF directly into the brain in the hope that it could regenerate2 dying cells and even reverse the condition .

  20. 不同介质中分化逆转对细胞粘菌mRNA稳定性影响

    Effect of Dedifferentiation on mRNA Stability of Dictyostelium discoideum in Buffer and Culture Medium

  21. 马兜铃酸Ⅰ致肾小管上皮细胞DNA损伤的逆转性实验

    The reverse of DNA damage and cell cycle arrestment induced by aristolochic acid ⅰ in renal tubule epithelial cells

  22. GA3对乙烯利抑制黄瓜苗生长的逆转效应

    The Reversion Effect of GA_3 on Cucumber Seedlings Growth Inhibited by Ethylene Solution

  23. 低毒剂量的TanM逆转倍数为397。

    Low toxic dosage of Tan-M reversed MDR was 3.97 times .

  24. bcl-2小干扰RNA对HL-60/VCR细胞耐药性逆转的研究

    Reversion of Multidrug Resistance in HL-60 / VCR Cells by Down-regulation of bcl-2 with bcl-2 siRNA

  25. 点击ApplyDefaults按钮将会恢复默认值,并逆转自动应用的构造型。

    Clicking the Apply Defaults button will restore the default values and reverse the automatically applied stereotype .

  26. 由此可见,急性高血糖能造成血管内皮功能的损害,这种损害在原发性高血压患者中尤为明显,并能由高浓度的维生素C和维生素E逆转。

    Conclusions EDF impairment was induced by acute hyperglycemia in EH patients which can be reversed by high concentration of vitamin C and vitamin E.

  27. RNA干扰(RNAinterference,RNAi)技术是抑制和逆转基因表达的新型生物学研究工具。

    RNA interference ( RNAi ) is a new biologic investigating tool that inhibits and reverses gene expression .

  28. 构建fas基因真核表达载体逆转胃癌耐药细胞MDR表型

    Construction of eukaryotic expression vector pBK fas and MDR reversal test of drug

  29. 携多药耐药基因1反义RNA重组腺病毒逆转肝癌多药耐药细胞的实验研究

    Reversal of adriamycin resistance of hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting it with recombined adenovirus carrying antisense multidrug resistance gene 1 RNA

  30. 突变型Survivin逆转HeLa细胞恶性表型的研究

    Survivin Mutants Reverse the Malignancy of HeLa Cells