- 名functional protein

The data suggest that P1 is an important chlorophyll synthesis related down stream functional protein .
SDS-PAGE found that the extracts restrained the expression of functional protein , the total protein contents dropped down to one seventh of original bacteria , some banks disappeared and the action became intensively with the time extended .
The cDNA Cloning of a Gene Encoding an Unknown Protein from Brassica napus
The bifunctional molecule was proved by ELISA to be able to bind both RBC and anti-HFRSV antibody .
The known gene products included metabolic enzymes , RNA transcription and translation factors , protein metabolic-associated molecules , autoantigens in autoimmune diseases and function unknown proteins .
The mature of molecular biotechnology made it possible for people to design gene instead of remaking function protein , and to use the recombinant DNA techniques for gene therapy and DNA immunization therapy .
DNA replication and RNA biogenesis happen in the cell nucleus , while protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm . Integration of these activities depends on function proteins ′ selective transport between the two sub-dimensions .
As one of the most studied transcriptional regulators , and the similar cAMP-and DNA-binding motif found in other important function protein , CRP has become an important paradigm for allostery .
Recent studies have indicated that Par-3 is a multifunctional protein .
Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases ( TIMPs ) are multifunctional proteins that can modify cellular activities and modulate matrix turnover .
The ras superfamily is an important kind of functional proteins . They play essential roles in a variety of cellular responses including cell growth , differentiation , survival and proliferation .
The activity of secretion is the basis for transmitters release from neurons , hormones secretion from endocrine cells and setting or endocytosis of functional membrane proteins , which are absolutely necessary in maintaining normal physiological function of organisms .
Based on library screening , the yeast two hybrid system was employed to further confirm the interaction of viral protein and host protein .
Purification and characterization of protein MF-1 with fibrinolytic and anticoagulant activities from myxobacteria
There have many no hits found and predicted proteins in the results compared with GenBank , and whether these ESTs were expressed by induction or not still need further verification .
Multifunctional sperm protein 22 ( SP22 ) is expressed ubiquitously and related to quite a few diseases .
Objective : HCV infection is a major risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma development . Core protein is a HCV-encoded multifunctional protein , which is the major components of the nucleocapsid , Core protein participates in HCV replication and virus particle assemble and release .
Conclusion : The human Lrg protein may be a new functional ( protein ) and it can be discovered in most normal human fetal tissues .
Three reasons were speculated : ( 1 ) EF-Tu was multifunction protein , and it distributed in cytoplasm to assist linking and sustaining .
It plays a major role in various fundamental biological processes such as tissue organization , cell adhesion and migration , cell differentiation , maintenance of normal cell morphology , cytoskeletal organization , embryogenesis , hemostasis and thrombosis , and wound - healing .
As a multifunctional protein , p-catenin constructs the cell membrane with E-cadherin on one hand , translocates into the nuclei where its association with TCF-4 causes transcriptional activation of target genes on the other hand .
This study was to search for the genes and functional proteins correlated to growth and development of colorectal LST ( CLST ), and to reveal the molecular mechanisms of CLST growth pattern and malignant transformation .
The 26S proteasome is an eukaryotic ATP dependent protease complex that is responsible for selective degradation of abnomal proteins and naturally short lived proteins relate to metabolic regulation and cell cycle progression by ubiquitin pathway so as to regulate a variety of cellular activities .
The 49 TDFs were composed of 20 function-known genes , 8 genes of function-unknown genes and 21 novel genes that showed homology only to un-annotated genomic sequences or no match in the nucleotide database .
Chlamydia infection has been associated with chronic diseases in human being . The major outer membrane protein ( MOMP ) of chlamydia is greatly correlated with its outer member structure stability , metabolic regulation and virulence .
The significant increasing expression of cardiac-specific genes , cardiac structure and function proteins and the appearance of cardiomyocyte-like cells in morphological changes after MSCs induced by 5-azaC indicate that 5-azaC can induce MSCs to differentiate into cardiomyocyte-like cells . 2 .
Twenty-seven TDFs were cloned , sequenced , BLAST analyzed and classified by functional analysis as seven categories , including energy metabolism , transcription regulation , protein binding , environmental interaction and other functional genes . 3 .
Therefore researchers have payed a lot attention to the tag fusion system because it provides a sound platform for high-through expression and screening of the functional proteins . Now tag fusion system is becoming a vital bridge joining the genome research and proteome research .
Effects of Gonadotroph on Expression of Versican in the Mice Ovary
Recent approach of functional proteins in plant PM under drought stress