
  • 网络rebecca;rebecca ferguson
  1. 蕾贝卡一定认为他是被迫写下的。

    Rebecca must be thinking he was forced to write it .

  2. 西恩:你在说什么?谁是蕾贝卡?

    Sean : What are you talking about ? Who is Rebecca ?

  3. 蕾贝卡承诺要介绍阿班给我认识。

    Rebecca promised to introduce Ben to me .

  4. 所以你的经历是什么呢,蕾贝卡?

    So what 's your story , rebecca ?

  5. 我现在不想你那样办,蕾贝卡,好吗?

    I don 't want you to do that right now , rebecca , okay ?

  6. 蕾贝卡,假如那是对的,你就会错过这些。

    Rebecca , if that 's true , you 're going to keep missing things .

  7. 伊森:等我见到蕾贝卡再说。她要飞回来度周末。

    Ethan : Not until I meet Rebecca . She 's flying home for the weekend .