
  • 网络LANCIA
  1. 数款克莱斯勒车型将被贴上菲亚特和蓝旗亚(lancia)的铭牌在北美意外地区销售。

    Several Chrysler models will be rebadged under the Fiat and Lancia nameplates for sale outside North America .

  2. 相比于只关注较少车型和品牌的其它公司,菲亚特-克莱斯勒看起来就像小企业的集合&克莱斯勒、道奇、菲亚特、蓝旗亚、阿尔法-罗密欧、马莎拉蒂和法拉利。

    Compared with the focus on fewer models and brands at other companies , it looked like a collection of small enterprises – Chrysler , Dodge , Fiat , Lancia , Alfa Romeo , Maserati and Ferrari .

  3. 如果让克莱斯勒向亚洲扩张,或者让蓝旗亚和菲亚特成为更广泛的欧洲品牌,与大众、雷诺(Renault)或欧宝(Opel)竞争,将是一项极其艰巨的任务。

    Expanding it into Asia , or making Lancia and Fiat into broader European brands to rival Volkswagen , Renault or Opel would be extremely hard .