
  • Marketing Strategy;marketing policy
  1. X矿泉水公司基于服务的关系营销策略

    Relationship Marketing Strategy of X Mineral Water Inc. Based on Service

  2. G银行S支行个人理财业务营销策略的案例研究

    The Case Research about S Sub - branch of G Bank 's Personal Finance Product Marketing Strategy

  3. 圣诞节应该是兴奋和美妙的时刻,而不该是一种肆无忌惮的营销策略。

    Christmas should be a time of excitement and wonder , not a cynical marketing ploy .

  4. 例句她对我们营销策略的相关问题的评估真是一针见血。

    Her assessment1 of the issues related to our marketing2 strategy really hit the bullseye .

  5. 这种办法常被用作电影的营销策略,也有明星情侣用它来做宣传。

    It is often employed as a marketing5 ploy4 for films and major celebrity6 couples .

  6. 这就是为什么很多餐厅开始非常重视网络口碑的营销策略。

    This is why many restaurants have started to put a high value on online word-of-mouth marketing2 .

  7. 随着病毒营销策略成为主流,我们会看到更多的虚假宣传,因为这种策略能够制造话题然后成功地将消费者从一个媒体转移到另一个媒体平台,比如,从电视广告转移到某个网站。

    As viral marketing becomes mainsteam , we will see more and more shampaigns as this is a technique that creates talk and can successfully carries consumers from one media to another , for example a television commercial to a website . ( Source : Word Spy )

  8. 武汉ABC物资贸易有限责任公司营销策略研究

    Study for Sales Strategy of Wuhan ABC Material Trade Co. , Ltd

  9. 提出了基于CRM的营销策略设计。

    Market strategy is designed base on CRM .

  10. JNTelecom聚类市场全业务营销策略研究

    JN Telecom Clustering Market of Full Service Marketing Strategy

  11. 重庆AB公司通用液压机市场营销策略研究

    Marketing Strategy Study for General-utility Hydraulic Press Equipment Based on AB Company of Chongqing

  12. 吉林网通第三代移动通信(3G)营销策略分析

    The Analysis of Marketing Strategy of the Third Generation Mobile Communication ( 3G ) for JILIN CNC

  13. 我国加入WTO,中国石油市场将逐步对外开放,我国石油公司将面临巨大的压力与挑战,及时调整营销策略对我国石油企业具有重要的意义。

    China has already opened the oil market after the access to the WTO , Chinese oil companies have to face the intense competition .

  14. 最后,本文结合G银行实际,提出了G银行银行卡自助循环贷产品的营销策略组合。

    Finally , this paper put forward the actual G bank , G bank " bank card self-help circulation - " product marketing strategy combination .

  15. XX地区联通公司政企客户营销策略研究

    The Analysis of Government and Enterprices Customers Marketing Strategies in XX Unicom Company

  16. 第三章提出了四川联通融合业务的STP营销策略。

    The third chapter proposes Sichuan Unicom fusion business STP strategy .

  17. 本文以SCI集团核岛主设备中国市场的营销策略为研究对象。

    This paper has SCI Group as the research object for NI main equipments marketing strategy in China .

  18. 比较主要竞争对手营销策略,有针对性制定X公司市场营销战略行动纲领,给出了基于技术营销的营销战略。

    According to the comparation with its main competitor on marketing strategy , it makes action programme of marketing strategy that is based on technology marketing for company .

  19. 在4p营销策略中,价格是非常重要的竞争手段。

    In 4P marketing strategy , price competition is very important means .

  20. NL公司软启动器营销策略研究

    Marketing Mix Study of NL Soft-starter

  21. 文章最后提出了FG集团公司实施出口转内销营销策略和保障措施。

    In summary , the author , forwarded marketing strategies and supporting measures for FG Group Corporation to take on domestic sales of export-oriented commodities .

  22. 其中,外部营销策略包括4Ps、服务有形展示、服务过程以及营销整合;

    Among them , exterior marketing strategy includes 4Ps , service visible demonstration , service process as well as marketing conformity ;

  23. 本文希望通过对中小企业B2C网络营销策略的研究,能对我国中小企业开展网络营销起借鉴作用,帮助中小企业度过金融危机困境。

    This paper aims to through B2C network marketing strategy of research , can help domestic small and medium enterprises to carry on network marketing and through the financial crisis .

  24. 在营销策略方面,利用STP分析来协助寻找目标市场和决定市场定位,同时亦对永亨卡中心进行4P分析。

    In marketing strategy , find out the market segment and position the market by STP analyzing . In addition , analyzing 4P of BWH credit card center .

  25. 第五部分,营销策略实施后的进一步思考,这一部分主要是从加强实施绿色营销的策略思考和面对WTO后应采取的策略对策这两个方面来加以思考。

    Part ⅴ: This part is about the rethinking after marketing tactics are brought into effect , the writer mainly thinks about two things , first , how to enhance bringing green marketing tactics into effect , second , what to do when we are facing to WTO .

  26. 并以此为基础,为公司高端路由器新品制定了战术层面的4Ps营销策略,即产品、价格、促销、渠道策略。

    Moreover , on the basis above , the paper makes 4Ps marketing tactics ( product , price , promotion and place ) of MP high-level Router .

  27. 第五部分,主要是为了使为zM学院所设计的营销策略能够顺利实施,需要采取的保障措施。

    The fifth part , need to be taken in order to make the the ZM College marketing strategy can be implemented smoothly , safeguards .

  28. 在全面分析了当前腹腔镜手术耗材面临的竞争现状及未来发展趋势和Covidien公司LA产品现行策略的基础上,提出了基于4Ps的营销策略构想和建议,也为未来腹腔镜手术耗材生产企业提供参考。

    And based on the competition situation and current marketing strategy , the suggestion and future advices are also presented considering the 4Ps . It will be a good reference for the enterprises of the laparoscopic products manufactory .

  29. 故本文对B-to-B电子集市的特性及其营销策略的研究和探讨具有十分重要的现实意义。

    So this text has very important realistic meanings to the research and discussion of the characteristic and marketing tactics of B-to-B electronic exchange market .

  30. 接着,文章对华威油脂有限公司进行了简要地介绍,指出了现阶段公司在营销策略上存在的问题和不足,并运用SWOT分析方法对公司的内部优势和劣势,外部机遇和威胁进行了分析。

    The article make simple introduction of Huawei Company , point out the weakness and exiting problems of marketing strategy , and then apply the SWOT method to analyses the company 's internal weakness and strength , and external opportunity , threat which the company will meet .