
  • 网络marketing ideas
  1. 我国民间商谚中的营销思想初探

    Search for the Marketing Ideas in Chinese Folk Trade Proverbs

  2. 随着网络时代的到来,企业要充分考虑新时期的各种具体因素,更新旧的思想认识,通过对旧理念的扩充和新概念的学习认识,树立起适合新时代需要的营销思想。

    With the approaching of the network age , enterprises are required to consider various specific factors in the new age , and to update and shape their new marketing ideas through expanding old concepts and learning new knowledge .

  3. 4Cs体现以顾客为导向的营销思想;

    4Cs is a customer oriented marketing approach ;

  4. 畅销书选题可以遵循STP的营销思想,在市场调研和品牌定位上下功夫。

    The title selection of a best-seller may follow the marketing idea of STP , putting a lot of work into the marketing investigation and brand orientation .

  5. 基于现代市场营销思想的服装卖场系统研究

    Research on the Fashion Store System on the Basis of Modern Marketing Concepts

  6. 营销思想与营销实践的互动

    Marketing Thought and the Interaction That Marketing Practice

  7. 是对大量企业的营销思想、营销理念、营销行为进行分析总结提出的一种新的营销理论。

    It was a new theory which was about marketing ideals and marketing acts etc.

  8. 在企业物流运作上,应渗透营销思想,按照营销战略加强物流管理。

    Enterprise logistics operation should permeate marketing thought , enhancing logistics management by marketing strategy .

  9. 网络时代的营销思想

    Marketing Idea in the Network Age

  10. 略论百年营销思想的演进与创新

    A Short Historical Review on the Evolution and Innovation of Marketing Thoughts in the Past Century

  11. 文章共分六章,前三章对商业银行服务营销思想及相关概念进行论述;

    In the first three chapters the author discusses the theory of services marketing and related concepts .

  12. 关于从战术到战略的逆向市场营销思想的探讨

    Strategies and tactics on marketing

  13. 基于内部营销思想的知识员工忠诚度培养研究

    Study on Improving the Ratio of Loyalty of Knowledgeable Employees Based on the Idea of Internal Marketing

  14. 对关系营销思想的认识

    Recognitions of Relationship Marketing Thought

  15. 特别是要引入精益营销思想,推动销售人员在促销方面进行精耕细作。

    Especially , it should to adoption lean idea and make salesmen promotion more effective and efficiency .

  16. 营销思想起源于企业管理领域,但营销并非是企业的专利。

    Marketing is originated in the field of enterprise management , but not confined in that field .

  17. 提出了顾客导向营销思想,对产生顾客导向营销思想的原因进行了说明;

    The authors put forward the customer oriented marketing idea , and illuminate the reason to realize it .

  18. 这两方面的力量使得城市迫切需要吸纳和采用营销思想、理论与方法。

    All of this make cities imperiously to adopt and apply the thinking , theory and methodology of Marketing .

  19. 近年来,市场营销思想不断得到丰富和创新,其应用领域也不断扩大,非营利性组织营销已成为市场营销的一个重要研究课题。

    In recent years , Marketing has been rich in thought and innovation , its application fields are expanding .

  20. 深圳电信必须推陈出新,抛弃原有固定网络为中心运营的营销思想,建立健全起以全业务网络为中心运营的营销理念。

    Shenzhen Telecom must abandon the traditional marketing concept operating as fixed network and to establish a full-service operation .

  21. 关系营销思想自产生以来,已经在世界上许多企业的经营过程中发挥了重要作用。

    Relationship marketing had played an important role in the operation of so many firms since it came into being .

  22. 加强品牌发展战略问题的系统研究,必将进一步丰富和发展现代市场营销思想和理论。

    To strengthen the systematic study on brand developing will definitely enrich and develop the thoughts and theories of modern marketing .

  23. 《星球大战》系列影片的营销思想则主要分析受众、媒介和市场三个方面。电影营销中受众作为商品、释码者和差异性个体的三重身份为电影营销提供了新的思路和方法。

    The audience in film marketing , as a commodity , decoder and different individual , the triple identity provides the new ideas and methods for films marketing .

  24. 为了在竞争中站稳脚跟并取得竞争优势,区域也需要运用营销思想和方法来进行规划和运营。

    In order to keep it 's feet and gain competitive advantages in competition , region also need to utilize the ideas and methodologies of marketing during the process of programming and operating .

  25. 先进的营销思想来自于对消费者的深刻理解,来自于对竞争者的准确判断,来自于对经济和市场变化趋势冷静的分析,来自于先进营销理念的确立。

    The advanced marketing thought comes from consumers ' deep understanding , accurate judgement to the competitor , calm analysis to the variation tendency of economy and market , establishment of the advanced marketing idea .

  26. 本文分析了高校所面对的技术转移困境,提出了高校目前应积极融入市场,建立营销思想,采取营销行为促进技术转移。

    The article analyzes the dilemma of the university and suggests that university should involve in the market actively , set up marketing thought and take marketing behavior in order to prompt the technology transfer .

  27. 从城市营销思想萌芽、城市营销方法、城市营销的内容及实证研究成果几个方面回顾城市营销在国外的研究状况,总结了现有研究取得的成果及存在的不足。

    This paper reviews relative foreign studies on city marketing in the field of city marketing enlightenment , city marketing approaches , city marketing contents and its empirical study achievement , and even summarizes the relative study shortages .

  28. 深度分销约在八十年代晚期引入中国,最初目的是由企业去帮助经销商全面了解,接受和实践企业自身的营销思想、营销策略和方法。

    Area Roller Sales in China since the late 1980s the introduction , the purpose is the first enterprise by the enterprise to help dealers fully understand , accept and practice the enterprise itself marketing concept and marketing strategies and methods .

  29. 以营销思想为基础构建顾客导向的城市营销理论体系并指导城市有效获取竞争优势,进而建立城市顾客价值实现基础上的城市价值提升机制,成为城市政府经营城市的重要基础。

    Urban marketing theory system based on the marketing concepts guide city to gain a competitive edge through building customer value then realizing upper city value lifting mechanism , and becomes the important basis of the city government management in practice .

  30. 顾客满意度研究起源于西方发达国家,是伴随着经济高速发展而逐步形成的管理和营销思想,各项研究表明顾客满意状况直接影响着企业的顾客回头率,利润与市场占有率。

    Customer Satisfaction originated in Western countries , is accompanied by rapid economic development and evolving management and marketing ideas , investigations indicate that customer satisfaction has a direct impact on customers ' repeated purchase , profit margin and market share .