
  • 网络Operation manager;OPERATIONAL MANAGER
  1. 美国人力资源管理学会(SocietyforHumanResourceManagement)人力资源知识中心的营运经理玛格丽特•菲斯特(MargaretFiester)说,如果你需要集中注意力,但有人却在叽里呱啦说个不停,这就会影响你的工作。

    If you need to concentrate and somebody is yapping , it can affect your work , says Margaret Fiester , operations manager for the human-resources knowledge center at the Society for Human Resource Management .

  2. 返回岸上后他在一家船运公司担任营运经理的工作。

    He came ashore and worked as an operations manager for a shipping company .

  3. 这一次,我们看到的是两兄弟,扎克和格雷来到侏罗纪世界拜访他们的阿姨&营运经理克莱尔·狄琳。

    This time we follow two brothers , Zach and Gray , who are visiting Jurassic World to see their aunt , Operations Manager Claire Dearing .

  4. 在加入金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店之前,捷斯伯曾任上海静安希尔顿酒店餐饮部经理,并在丹麦哥本哈根希尔顿机场酒店担任餐饮营运经理。

    Before joining Hilton Sanya resort spa , Jesper worked at Hilton Shanghai as food beverage manager , and as f b operations manager in Hilton Copenhagen airport .

  5. 这一次,我们看到的是两兄弟,扎克和格雷来到侏罗纪世界拜访他们的阿姨——营运经理克莱尔·狄琳。

    This time we follow two brothers , Zach and Gray , who are visiting Jurassic World to see their aunt , Operations Manager Claire Dearing . 3 .

  6. 在莫奈的画展上,K11的营运总经理陈健祥特别提到一幅吉维尼的桥的油画。

    Inside the Monet exhibition , Mr. Chan , K11 " s director of operations , pointed out a painting of the bridge in Giverny .

  7. K11的南中国区营运总经理陈健豪在购物中心里说,重点是创造一个“没有威压感的”观赏艺术的“环境”。

    Within the mall itself , Eric Chan , K11 " s director of operations in south China , said the focus was on creating a " nonthreatening setting " for viewing art .