
  • 网络profit-taking;Profit Taking
  1. 尤其是希腊和西班牙的银行类股票继周一大涨后,昨日遭遇投资者获利回吐。

    Greek and Spanish banking stocks , in particular , ran into profit-taking following Monday 's gains .

  2. 俄罗斯股市的本轮下跌主要是获利回吐所致,今年1月1日至6月2日期间,rts指数飙升87%,是当时全球表现最好的重要市场。

    This time round , Russian equities have largely fallen on profit-taking as the RTS soared 87 per cent between January 1 and June 2 the best-performing important market in the world at that point .

  3. “这只是获利回吐,”长期看好苹果的利布集团主席SL称。

    " It 's just profit taking ," says Stephen Leeb , chairman of the Leeb Group and a longtime bull on Apple .

  4. 大和研究所(DaiwaInstituteofResearch)驻香港的分析师MarvinLo表示:重组方案出台前,这些股票的股价飞涨了许多。现在,投资者急于获利回吐。

    The stocks surged a lot before the announcement and investors are keen to take profit now , said Marvin Lo , an analyst at Daiwa Institute of Research in Hong Kong .

  5. 油价周二大跌,带领许多大宗商品走低。此前高盛(GoldmanSachs)建议投资者获利回吐,同时市场也在担心,能源价格上涨可能拖累全球经济复苏。

    Oil prices tumbled sharply , leading many commodities lower on Tuesday , after Goldman Sachs suggested investors should take profits and amid worries that higher energy costs could drag on the global recovery .

  6. 除了获利回吐,基本上不需要影响更广的催化剂。

    Besides profit taking , a wider catalyst is hardly needed .

  7. 新兴市场下跌,最简单的解释是获利回吐。

    The simplest explanation for the emerging markets sell-off is profit-taking .

  8. 既然如此,有人获利回吐是不足为奇的。

    No surprise , then , that some people are taking profits .

  9. 商品价格超逾基本面的状况很易遭遇进一步的获利回吐。

    Commodities have overshot fundamentals and are vulnerable to further profit taking .

  10. 投资者随后的获利回吐令布兰特原油价格降至每桶77.32美元。

    Profit-taking later pushed Brent crude back down to $ 77.32 a barrel .

  11. 分析师表示,新一轮获利回吐是上海股市暴跌最有可能的解释。

    The most likely explanation , analysts said , was a bout of profit-taking .

  12. 眼下我们看到的是,在美联储开会前,紧张气氛加重,投资者进行获利回吐。

    What we are seeing is increased nervousness and profit-taking ahead of the Fed meeting .

  13. 他们在尾盘时获利回吐,令多数周边市场收盘都脱离了盘中高点。

    They took late-session profits , causing most regional markets settle well below their high points .

  14. 由于出现获利回吐,价格后来有所回落。

    Prices later fell on profit-taking .

  15. 市场短期风险包括新股发行和近期反弹后的获利回吐。

    Short-term risks for the market include new equity supply and profit taking after the recent rally .

  16. 但更广泛的香港股市昨日有所回落,原因是继上周香港股市连创新高后,投资者获利回吐。

    But the broader Hong Kong market retreated as investors booked profits following last week 's record highs .

  17. 基金公司将这些资金的流出归因于获利回吐和许多中国股票投资者对短线投资的关注。

    Fund companies put these outflows down to profit-taking and the short-term focus that many Chinese equity investors have .

  18. 但东京股市表现黯淡,在前一交易日股市强劲上扬后,投资者纷纷获利回吐。

    But Tokyo put in a muted performance as investors locked in profits after the previous session 's strong rally .

  19. 因此,交易者应考虑在市场上攻时获利回吐,或至少为已持有股票设好止损。

    So , traders should consider taking profit in market rallies or at least buying downside protection for existing position .

  20. 与此同时,他们对一些低评级的优先股进行了获利回吐,增加了高质量证券的头寸。

    At the same time , they took profits on some lower-grade preferreds and enhanced their holdings in higher-quality issues .

  21. 预计二季度国际市场原油及油品供应仍将基本保持紧缩状态;前一段虚大的市场需求会获利回吐,导致需求出现一定程度的回落;

    It is estimated that crude and oil product supplies in the international market will remain tight in the second quarter .

  22. 然而,随着投资者获利回吐,股市如今距离本月早些时候的高点已有一些距离。

    However , stock markets are some way off the highs of earlier this month after investors booked profits from earlier gains .

  23. 以美元计价的上海b股市场下跌7.3%,在本月上涨26%之后,投资者开始获利回吐。

    The index of dollar - denominated B-shares tumbled 7.3 per cent as investors booked profits from a 26 per cent surge this month .

  24. 尽管超买并不一定意味着大跌在即,但却让指数有遭遇大面积获利回吐之虞。

    While overbought condition does not necessarily means that a sharp decline is imminent , it leaves the index vulnerable to an extensive profit taking .

  25. 不过,由于昨日收盘后政府计划拍卖一块土地,因此投资者颇为谨慎,纷纷获利回吐,导致该板块其它股票有所下挫。

    The rest of the sector fell on profit-taking , however , as investors turned wary before a government land auction due after the close .

  26. 有几条新闻吓坏了市场,但分析师们表示,获利回吐是主要因素,而回调将至的心态起到了助推作用。

    Several news items have spooked the market but analysts said profit-taking was the main factor , fuelled by a sense that a correction is due .

  27. 自今年初以来,黄金投资者的态度已发生巨大逆转。年初时,对全球经济的乐观预期导致许多人获利回吐。

    The mood of gold investors has reversed sharply since the start of this year , when upbeat expectations for the global economy induced many to take their profits .

  28. 近期的股价下跌,与其说是投资者真的认为中国股市下跌将启动一轮持久的下行趋势,不如说是投资者在找借口进行获利回吐。

    Recent falls in stocks have been about investors looking for an excuse to take profits rather than really thinking the fall in China will start a sustained downward trend .

  29. 虽然恒生指数在五月中旬达到历史新高,但是受到获利回吐的影响,以及对中国未来紧缩措施的担忧很快令市场走低。

    Although the Hang Seng Index managed to register an all-time high in mid-May , profit taking and concerns over further austerity measures in China quickly took the shine off the market .

  30. 在2月份的剩余时间内,市场可能会继续呈现弱势,西南证券驻北京的分析师张刚表示,机构投资者已经进行了获利回吐,并已经减少了他们在市场中的头寸。

    For the rest of February , the market is likely to remain weak , says Zhang Gang at Southwest Securities in Beijing . Institutional investors have taken profits and reduced their positions in the market .