
  • 网络Medicine pathogen
  1. 药邪与中草药肾病的防治

    Prevention and Treatment of Chinese Herb Nephropathy and Drug Toxicity

  2. 从中药的毒性、“中草药肾病”的概念和中草药的剂量三个方面,与《药邪与中草药肾病的防治》一文商榷。

    This article argues that the Chinese herbal nephrosis is not caused by Chinese medicine but by the artificial factors .

  3. 前言:“药邪”是指由药物本身产生或者运用不当而形成的致病因素。

    " ill-effect of drug " is the pathogenic factor that caused by Chinese herbal drugs itself or utilizing improperly .

  4. 近年来,水湿、瘀血等病理产物性病因以及中药药邪对肾脏的影响越来越被人们所关注;

    In recent years , the effects of causes from pathologic substances and drug pathogenic factor are getting more and more attention .

  5. 湿温病当更多运用温药,因为湿邪非辛不开、非苦不降、非温不化。

    Most damp and febrile diseases should be treated with warm drugs since only the drugs purgent , bitter and warm in nature can remove the pathogenic dampness .

  6. 目的研究清热养阴方药及其配伍对邪热亢盛证大鼠T细胞亚群的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of clearing away heat and nourishing Yin decoctions and the combination on T cell subsets of the rat model of excess heat syndrome .