
  • 网络pharmaceutical patents
  1. 首先分析我国药品专利权与公共健康权协调发展方面存在的问题。

    First analysis of the pharmaceutical patents and public health problems in the coordinated development .

  2. 在此分析的基础上,本章最后一节讨论了对药品专利权和公共健康之间冲突的协调机制。

    On the basis of the above analysis , the last section of this chapter explores the coordination system of resolving the conflict between pharmaceutical patents and public health .

  3. TRIPs框架下药品专利权和公共健康的平衡

    Striking a Balance between Patent Rights and Public Health : The TRIPS Attempt

  4. 《多哈宣言》明确了WTO成员充分利用TRIPS协议中的弹性条款的权利,但并未解决TRIPS下药品专利权与公共健康权的法权冲突。

    Doha Declaration determines WTO members ' right that is to make full of elastic clause in TRIPS agreement . However , it does not solve the conflict between patent right of drugs and public health right under TRIPS .

  5. 泰国军政府昨日宣布,将取消两家世界主要制药企业的药品专利权,转而使用更廉价的同类仿制药。

    Thailand 's military-installed government yesterday announced it would override patents on drugs made by two of the world 's leading pharmaceuticals companies and use cheaper generic equivalents .

  6. 介绍本选题的研究背景和意义、研究现状、研究思路以及研究方法。第二部分:药品专利权国际保护的发展和现状。

    Introduce the topics of the research background and significance , research status , research ideas and research methods . Part ⅱ: development of pharmaceutical patent rights and status of international protection .

  7. 对影响药品专利权和健康权之间冲突的两个重要国际知识产权文件&TRIPS协议和多哈宣言进行评析。

    Then the chapter introduces two important international documents which have influence on the conflict between the pharmaceutical patent right and the right to health . There are TRIPS and the declaration of Doha .

  8. 介绍世界卫生组织和世界贸易组织对于日趋严重的公共健康危机的关注和为解决药品专利权与健康权之间冲突所作出的努力。

    The World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization have paid attention to the serious public health crisis and made great effort to solve the conflict between the pharmaceutical patent right and the right to health .

  9. 在这样的矛盾之下,如何平衡药品专利权人的利益与公共利益,合理适度的限制药品专利权就成了亟待解决的问题,这也是本文的写作目的。

    Under such contradictions , the problems of how to balance the interests of pharmaceutical patent holders and the public , and how to restrict pharmaceutical patent reasonably and moderately became urgent . This is also the purposes of this article .

  10. 为了解决药品专利权与公共健康权的国际冲突问题,使得发展中国家在遭受公共健康威胁时不至于因为高标准的药品专利而无法获取治疗疾病所需的药品。

    In order to address public health and pharmaceutical patent rights in international conflicts , Allows developing countries to suffer the public health threat because they can not patent a high standard of medicines required for treatment of disease can not get drugs .

  11. 从保护药品专利权的意义、药品专利权保护的历史考察和现状分析等方面分析药品专利权的国际保护。第三部分:公共健康权发展对药品专利权国际保护的限制。

    Patent protection of drugs from the significance of the history of pharmaceutical patent protection and other aspects of investigation and analysis of current situation of the international protection of pharmaceutical patents . Part ⅲ: development of public health restrictions on international protection of pharmaceutical patents .

  12. 在理论上,笔者认为在一定程度上公共健康权相比要优先于药品专利权,而且均衡的协调有利于两种权利的相互促进保障。

    As to the theoretical level , the author believes that , comparatively , the rights of the public health takes precedence over the drug patents , to some extent ; and the co-ordination between them enables the mutual promotion and protection of the rights of these two kinds .

  13. 药品发明的专利权保护,由于其涉及到巨大的经济利益和社会利益,一直受到人们的广泛关注。

    Patent protection of pharmaceutical invention , with its involving of huge economic and social interests , has been being an extensive concern .

  14. 结果与结论:药品注册审批与专利权保护是相对独立的法律关系,分别适用药品管理法和专利法;

    RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS : The registration and approval of drugs and their patents right protection were legally independent of each other , to which the drug administration law and patent law respectively are appli-cable .

  15. 法理层面上,公共健康与药品专利保护产生冲突的原因实质上就是公共健康权与药品专利权孰轻孰重的较量。

    On legal level , the conflict between public health and pharmaceutical patent protection is essentially which of the rights of public health right and drug patents right is more important one .