
  1. 她单枪匹马继续英勇顽强地战斗。

    She gallantly battled on alone .

  2. 英勇顽强的苏联人民浴血奋战,付出巨大牺牲,打败了极其凶恶的法西斯侵略者,赢得了卫国战争的胜利。

    The heroic and indomitable Soviet people , fighting bloody battles and making tremendous sacrifices , defeated ferocious fascist invaders and won the victory of the war .

  3. 这些美丽动人的神话,不仅反映了远古先民对自然现象的认识和征服自然的愿望,也体现了中华民族祖先不怕困难、英勇顽强地与自然灾害作斗争的伟大精神。

    Such fascinating myths not only reflected ancient people 's understanding of nature and their wish to tame it , but also their dauntless spirit and tenacity in the struggle against natural disasters .

  4. 西班牙人喜欢红、黄色,分别代表着“碧血”和“黄沙”,而“碧血黄沙”就象征着“斗牛士”的英勇顽强、不畏强暴的精神风貌。

    Spanish like color of red , yellow which are represented the " Blood " and " Sand ", but " Blood and Sand " is the symbol of " Bullfighter " spirits of courageousness and indomitableness .