
  • 网络The Sioux;siouan;Lakota
  1. 印第安部落拉克塔苏族(LakotaSioux)说,一个坐立不安的孩子是未发展完全的孩子。

    The Lakota Sioux say that a child who cannot sit still is a half-developed child .

  2. 这正是苏族印第安人和夏安印第安人居住。

    This is where the Sioux Indians and the Cheyenne Indians lived .

  3. 苏族被迫转移至黑山深处

    The Sioux are forced deep into the Black Hills .

  4. 苏族打赢了这场战斗,但输掉了整个战争

    The Sioux win the battle , but will lose the war .

  5. 美国兵报复性地将3000名苏族勇士,驱赶到了保留地

    In response , US soldiers force 3000 Sioux warriors on to reservations .

  6. 属于、关于苏族人、苏族语和苏族文化。

    Of or relating to the Sioux people or their language and culture .

  7. 短短几分钟内逾200苏族壮丁和妇孺丧命

    Within minutes over 200 Sioux warriors , women and children are dead .

  8. 这块冰河时期遗留下来的巨石静静的躺在南达科他州夏安河苏族部落公园的草原上。

    A glacial remnant boulder is surrounded by grassland in Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Park in South Dakota .

  9. 现年12岁的他将会成为苏族最后的凯旋勇士

    Now aged 12 , he 's about to be part of the Sioux nation 's last triumph .

  10. 在率领第七骑兵团的一次侦察途中,乔治·卡斯特中尉意外地发现了小大角河附近的苏族营地

    On a reconnaissance mission with the 7th cavalry , Lieutenant Colonel George Custer stumbles across the Sioux camp near the Little Bighorn river .

  11. 在接下来的14年中,大平原上的印第安人为求生做最后的挣扎直到伟大的苏族最终被打败

    Over the next 14 years , the Plains Indians struggle to survive , until the incident that finally defeats the Great Sioux Nation .

  12. 这个旅店不仅提供骑乘大象和登山健行的活动,也成为保存俚苏族文化遗产的重要一环。

    The lodge , which offers elephant rides and mountain trekking , has also become an important part of preserving the cultural heritage of the Lisu people .

  13. 谢丽·斯内夫是北美印第安人苏族的拉科他人,从小在南达科他州弗兰德鲁长大。

    Shirley Sneve heads the organization . She is a Lakota , a member of the Rosebud Sioux tribe , who grew up in Flandreau , South Dakota .

  14. 以前住在格林湾南部的威斯康星州的说苏族语的民族的人;梅诺米尼人的结盟者,福克斯族和索克族的敌人。

    A member of the Siouan-speaking people formerly living in E Wisconsin south of green bay ; ally of the Menomini and enemy of the fox and Sauk people .