
  • 网络FMK;markka;FIM
  1. 在这种理论场景下,芬兰人是否会选择把手中的欧元兑换成芬兰马克,要取决于他们对芬兰马克走向的判断。

    Whether Finns would choose to convert their euros , in this theoretical scenario , would depend on where they think the markka is heading .

  2. 现在,多数投资者认为芬兰马克会大涨,因为毕竟过去一年芬兰被认为是避风港。

    Right now , most investors would expect it to jump . After all , during the past year Finland has been viewed as a haven .

  3. 在以芬兰马克计价的股票市场与债券市场上,流动性将会减少,风险溢价将会提高,价格的大规模波动将变得更加频繁。

      the liquidity of Finnish markka-denominated listed equity and bond markets will decrease , risk premiums will increase and high fluctuations in prices will become more frequent .

  4. 当初欧洲各国采用单一货币欧元时,一纸相对简单的国内法律按照规定汇率把以希腊德拉克马、西班牙比塞塔、芬兰马克和德国马克计价的合约转换为了以欧元计价的合约。

    When countries joined the single currency , a relatively simple piece of domestic legislation converted contracts in drachmas , pesetas , markkas and Deutschmarks into contracts in euros at a prescribed exchange rate .

  5. 如果这一观念不发生变化,也许“会导致投资者大举投资芬兰,这造成芬兰马克的汇率被人为推高,超出实体经济所能承受的范围”。

    If that continued , it might " lead to a mass movement of investors , which will strengthen the currency more than warranted by the situation of the real economy " .

  6. 过去十年之前,芬兰曾经历过财政动荡时期,因此如果以芬兰马克计价的市场规模太小,就有可能引发资本外逃。

    Before the past decade , Finland experienced periods of financial instability , and the tiny size of any new markka-denominated market might also prompt capital flight .