
  • 网络ZENO;Zenon;Zeno of Elea
  1. 但怀疑者将自动驾驶技术比作芝诺(Zeno)的二分法悖论:每一步跳跃都是向着目的地走出剩余路程的二分之一,但永远不可能到达终点。

    But sceptics compare autonomous car technology with Zeno 's dichotomy paradox : every leap will take us halfway to our destination without ever reaching it .

  2. 以极限理论解答芝诺提出的悖论

    Using the Theory of the Limit as the Solution to Zeno ′ s Paradox

  3. 对芝诺飞矢不动的逻辑分析

    Logical Analysis of Zenon 's Flying Arrow is Not Moving

  4. 古希腊哲学家芝诺提出了这个悖论。

    The Greek philosopher Xeno liked the challenge and came up with this paradox .

  5. 芝诺说:可以证明它永远到不了马路的对面。

    Zeno of Elea : To prove it could never reach the other side .

  6. 斯多葛学派的哲学体系追随古希腊哲学家芝诺的教义。

    The philosophical system of the Stoics following the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher zeno .

  7. 名辩思潮与芝诺悖论的历史命运

    The Different Historical Destiny between The Logicians 's Argument on Name and Reality and Zeno 's Paradoxs

  8. 芝诺论证事物是“一”而不是“多”的二难推理,留给后人诸多谜团。

    A paradox of dialectical reasoning , by which Zeno negates that being is differentiated substances , has remained complex , intellectual puzzles to this day .

  9. 斯多葛学派是古希腊和古罗马时期的一支地位举足轻重的思想流派,其代表人物有芝诺、爱比克泰德、塞涅卡等人。

    The stoicism is a very important school of thought in ancient Greece and ancient Rome , it 's representative men include Zeno , Epictetus and Seneca etc.

  10. 数学基础理论中的千古悬案科学哲学芝诺悖论、贝克莱悖论和罗素悖论新解

    The Suspending Critical Defects in the Foundation of Mathematics the Philosophy of Science A New Exploration on Zeno 's Paradox , Berkeley 's Paradox and Russell 's Paradox

  11. 文章对其推理的全部过程进行了较为清晰的拆解,然后主要以物质存在的层次性和层次之间“关节点”的矛盾性观点对芝诺的思想进行了破斥。

    This article undertakes to reveal his reasoning of the whole process , and then employs a paradox of the level of being and key points between levels to refute Zeno 's arguments .