
  • 网络Energy conservation policies
  1. 这表明,山东省为非能源依赖型经济,如果方式合适,节能政策对山东经济增长目标的达成影响不大。

    The findings show that Shandong 's economy is not one energy-dependent , and if chosen appropriately , energy conservation policies may be effective in reducing energy consumption without impeding the economic growth .

  2. CGE模型在节能政策领域的应用设想

    An Applied Research in the Field of Energy-Saving Policy

  3. 工业企业节能政策工具选择模型研究

    Study on the Selecting Model of Industry Enterprises Energy-Saving Policy Tools

  4. 在我国积极的节能政策的鼓励下,多种的节能技术都得到了很好的应用。

    Under active energy-saving policy in China , some energy-saving technology gains good application .

  5. 浅析建筑节能政策

    Discussion on building energy conservation policy

  6. 近几年,节能政策果真见效,或能耗被低报。

    In recent years , energy saving policy was really effective or energy consumption was underreported .

  7. 节能政策转型的探讨

    Discussion on the energy-saving policy transition

  8. 我国大型公共建筑节能政策效能比较研究及政策设计

    Comparison Study of Efficiency of Energy-saving Policies in Different Large-scale Public Buildings and Policy Design in China

  9. 随着城市节能政策、节能规范的颁布,节能任务势在必行。

    With publishing the urban energy-saving policy and the energy-saving standard , the energy-saving task is imperative .

  10. 以经济增长方式、能源利用效率、节能政策与节能设备等为主的能源利用角度;

    Energy use , including economic growth mode , energy use efficiency , energy saving facilities and energy efficiency policy ;

  11. 研究了建筑节能政策在不同地区实施绩效的影响因素。

    Impact factor of results that is caused by energy-conserving policy of the building in different areas is studied in this thesis .

  12. 论文着力于定量测算和定性分析的方法来评价节能政策实施的效果。

    The thesis puts forth effort on calculating the method with qualitative analysis quantitatively to appraise the result that is implemented of energy-conserving policy .

  13. 在近期节能政策的冲击下,能源生产和消费的响应有2~3年的滞后期,并呈现出正弦波的形态。

    Under the shock of recent energy saving policy , energy production and energy consumption present a growth trend like sine wave with the lag of2 ~ 3 years .

  14. 建立能耗审计制度,对能耗单位和个人进行监督和评价,为学校制定相应的节能政策提供可行建议。

    Establishment of energy audit system , power units and individuals on the monitoring and evaluation of energy conservation for schools to develop appropriate policies to provide practical advice .

  15. 本文中所讨论的大型公共建筑能耗监测系统,目的是建立大型公建的终端能耗信息统计平台;通过分析大型公建用能特点,为节能政策的制定与节能措施的实施提供强有力的科学依据。

    The energy consumption monitoring system for large public building described in this article , is designed to build a large statistics platform for terminal energy consumption in a building .

  16. 随着国家建筑节能政策法规的实施,在实现建筑节能过程中,建筑材料扮演着一个至关重要的角色。

    With the implement of the laws of the saving-energy on the national construction , the building materials play an extraordinary important role in the process of carrying out this plan .

  17. 介绍了日本最新的节能政策,热泵蓄能新技术的研究现状与发展趋势及对我国开展节能工作的借鉴作用。

    Presents the latest policy , the study status and trends of heat pump and energy storage technology in Japan , and the helpful references for China 's energy saving practices .

  18. 另一方面,如果政府从油价下跌中获了益,能把这些钱拿出来,投入到其他类型的节能政策上,那可能就是件好事了。

    On the other hand , if the government has benefited from lower oil prices and puts the surplus into other kinds of energy-efficient policies , that could be a good thing .

  19. 为降低能源消耗,建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会,政府出台一系列节能政策和法规,节约能源已成为我国的基本国策。

    To reduce energy consumption and to construct a energy-saving society , the government issued a serious of policies and laws of energy-saving , and now , the policy of energy-saving is the basic national policy of China .

  20. 该材料的发展,符合国家的建筑节能政策、土地保护政策和环境保护政策,其用途广泛,价格低廉,有着极强的市场竞争力。

    It has high economic benefit and is conformity with the development direction of national building energy saving standard , land preservation policy , and environment protection policy , therefore it offeres enormous competitive power in the market .

  21. 此外,对政府节能政策从动态多尺度的角度进行评价,克服了由于周围环境变化及评价者自身的影响而造成的失误,使评价更具科学性。

    In addition , the energy-saving policies of the government from the perspective of dynamic multi-scale evaluation overcome as a result of changes in the surrounding environment and the impact of their own evaluators caused by errors , more scientific evaluation .

  22. 同时由于我国地域辽阔,气候复杂,经济发展不平衡,建筑节能政策体系不完善,市场机制不健全,建筑节能各利益相关主体缺乏参与热情,这些原因更加重了建筑节能工作难度。

    At the same time , because of the vast territory , complicated climate , unbalanced economic development , imperfect system of building energy efficiency policies and lack enthusiasm of participation , the difficulty of building energy efficiency is even more serious .

  23. 政府节能政策是国家围绕能源开采、生产、供应、价格、消费、环境保护、经济发展等方面所制定和采取的以节约能源为目的的一系列方针和策略。

    The government energy-saving policies are a series of principles and strategies that centering on the energy exploration , production , supply , prices , consumption , environmental protection , economic development , and the aim of these policies is to saving energy .

  24. 基于双重差分的建筑节能政策绩效测算模型有效控制了其它共时性政策的影响和试点城市与非试点城市的事前差异,进而识别出建筑节能政策试点所带来的节能效果。

    On the basis of the model of difference-in-differences building energy-conserving policy performance , which controls the impact of other policies and prior differences that is about pilot cities and non-pilot cities effectively , thereby identifies the effect of the energy saving by building energy-conserving policy .

  25. 随着国家节能政策的贯彻及人们对室内热环境、舒适度要求的不断提高,外墙外保温系统在建筑节能中被广泛采用,做好墙体、地面等保温隔热在建筑工程中起着举足轻重的作用。

    With the national energy saving policy 's carrying out and people 's demands of thermal environment and comfort indoor , the external wall thermal insulation system is widely adopted in building energy conservation . So the thermal insulation of wall and ground play an important action in construction engineering .

  26. 基于绿色GDP核算体系的节能减排政策制定研究

    Research on Policy-Making for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction based on Green GDP Accounting System

  27. 但是随着国际资源紧缺、市场激烈竞争以及国家节能减排政策出台,V水泥企业面临着新的机遇和挑战。

    But as the international shortage of resources , market competition and the national energy-saving emission reduction policies , V cement enterprises in internal and external environment changes facing opportunity and adjustment .

  28. 同时国家节能减排政策的提出以及低碳环保观念的深入人心,使得超大规模集成电路(VLSI)低功耗设计变得越来越重要。

    The proposing energy saving and environmentally friendly national policy and low carbon concept deeply rooting among peoples , the VLSI low power design is becoming increasingly important .

  29. 在本论文以XX省电力公司及其所处的市场环境为主要研究对象,着重研究了XX省电力公司在国家节能减排政策背景下的战略定位与转型。

    Using XX Electric Power Corporation and its market environment as object of research , This paper has the primary study on strategic orientation and transformation of XX Electric Power Corporation in the background of energy saving an emission reduction policy .

  30. 建筑节能激励政策的非对称博弈分析

    Asymmetric Game Analysis of Incentive Policy to Buildings Energy Efficiency