
  1. 电石法VCM生产过程中节能减排措施

    Measures of saving energy and reducing emission for the production of VCM by calcium carbide method

  2. 液化天然气(LNG)是一种优质、高效和经济的清洁能源,开发LNG汽车成为人们普遍认可的有效的节能减排措施,同时推动了配套的LNG加气站的发展和推广应用。

    Liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) is considered as superior , efficient , economical and clean energy . And LNG vehicle is considered as the better treatment measure , which promotes the development and application of the matched LNG fueling station .

  3. 推拉式酸洗循环系统介绍及其节能减排措施

    Introduction of Acid Circulation System and Energy Saving Measures in the Push-pull Pickling Line

  4. 福建传统民居对南方地区城乡建设中节能减排措施的启发

    Inspiration of Energy-saving and Emission-mitigating Measures in Urban and Rural Construction from Fujian Traditional Vernacular Architecture

  5. 省域层级作为低碳经济工作的主要执行者,使得实施节能减排措施更具有有效性。

    Provincial governments is the main actors of low-carbon economy , their works make energy saving and emission reducing more effective .

  6. 国家节能减排措施政策的实施促使了各种有机外墙保温材料在外墙的大范围应用。

    The " energy-saving and emission-reduction policy " from the government has greatly prompted the application of a variety of organic external insulation materials in buildings .

  7. 增加评价指标环境因素,如服务安全保障和节能减排措施。

    Increasing the evaluation index " environmental factors ", such as service security and energy savings measures , which contacts with the current hot spots , making the applicability of the article stronger .

  8. 我国政府采取了一系列节能减排措施,加大对环境问题的治理,大力发展循环经济,以实现经济的良性发展。

    The government has taken a series of energy saving and emission reducing measures to increase the management of environmental problems and vigorously develop circular economy in order to achieve the sound development of economy .

  9. 他把快速增长归因于北京方面去年夏季采取的小型刺激措施,以及去年第四季度节能减排措施放宽之后,各地工业产出的增长。

    He attributed the growth spurt to the mini-stimulus measures enacted by Beijing in the summer of last year , as well as growth in industrial production in the fourth quarter as energy efficiency measures were eased .

  10. 最后对测得的数据值进行数据分析,选择合适的预测方法并做出合理的预测,为实施节能减排措施提供科学依据。

    At last , it measures data values for data analysis , and selects the appropriate forecasting method and make a reasonable forecast . , in order to provide the basis for the implementation of energy saving measures .

  11. 油田全面节能减排的措施制定及实施

    Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Measures and Practice for Oilfields

  12. 道路运输行业节能减排战略措施研究

    The Study of Strategies and Measures for Energy Saving and Discharge Cutting in Highway Transportation

  13. 联合循环电站透平发电机节能减排新措施

    A new Saving Energy and Reducing Emissions Measures of Turbo-generators for Combined Cycle Power Plants

  14. 技术支持包括:加大技术创新投入,建立多种技术渠道,采取节能减排具体措施。

    Technical support includes : increasing input to technological innovations , the establishment of various technology channels and the specific energy conservation measures .

  15. 车速的研究,对公路隧道的安全、节能减排管理措施的研究指明方向。

    The safety speed is raised , will give the direction of study on the tunnel safety and energy saving & emission reduction management measures .

  16. 江苏浙江节能减排的主要措施与借鉴

    The Main Measures and Reference of Energy Saving and Emission Reducing from Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces

  17. 大气中的污染物会对人类产生不良的影响,治理大气污染已成为节能减排的主要措施之一。

    The atmosphere would have an adverse effect on human beings , and to control air pollution has become a major energy-saving emission reduction measures .

  18. 由于能源危机问题和矿井事故不断凸显,矿用负载储能系统研制已成为可有效解决我国煤炭行业节能减排的重要措施之一。

    With the intensification of energy crisis and mining accidents , one of important measures that could effectively solve energy saving is energy storage system for mine loading .

  19. 钢铁企业采用先进的燃气轮机技术进行发电,是提高副产煤气利用水平和节能减排的有效措施。

    The use of advanced gas turbine technology for power generation is an effective measure to increase the using level of gas by-product and save energy by reducing emission in iron and steel enterprise .

  20. 电力需求侧管理是实现节能减排目标的有效措施之一。

    Power demand side management is one of effective measures to economize on energy and reduce discharge .

  21. 节能减排已成为关键途径之一,各个行业都有义务和责任在节能减排方面采取措施,在保障和提高产品质量的同时,减少能源消耗和对环境的污染及破坏。

    Energy conservation and emission reduction are the key . Each industry has the responsibility and obligation in the aspects of energy saving and emission reduction . And measures should be taken in improving the quality of products and reducing the damage to the environment .